I'm not an alumnus but I was so motivated that I volunteered for a year of Gipper's salary as well! Go Irish!
George You're certainly not the only one. My son had to call me after the presser. He's pretty fired up. If nothing else, he think Kelly will be successful on the golf outing circuit this summer.
George, you must be really rich. I could handle a year of Charlie's buyout, but Gipper's salary makes Charlie's look like it's below the poverty line. :lol:
Kelly reminds me of Lou. He's a fiery guy on the sidelines. He doesn't hesitate to get into a players face. I really like that in a coach. PJ in Jersey
Spent... <t>An hour catching all the tape of the Kelly activity yesterday evening. Impressive guy to say the least and a huge factor in this is the fact he is working for ND NOW. As he said" he has a plan in place" and it has already started versus preparing Cincy for a bowl game. This is huge to get the staff in place and firm up the recruiting class.<br/> I went back and watched the tape I did last weekend of their Pitt game and do they ever run the spread, wow.<br/> I agree with Herbstreet though in that for ND to get back it will have to be about fixing a defense that is AWOL. As driven as BK is while it will take time IMO he gets it done.</t>
ND <t>Larry,<br/> <br/> It looks like ND is going to have to win some shootouts the first couple of seasons until they catch up defensively. Obviously there is plenty of offensive talent on board and more on the way to do that. By the way, in case I haven't mentioned it before, I'm a big believer in Dayne Crist. I think he is going to be a fine QB at ND for the next 2 years. He has a stronger arm than JC and has some mobility which should work well in the spread offense. <br/> <br/> Out of selfishness, I'm hoping the Rees kid decides to come early though and gets in a lot of snaps during spring ball. I hate for anyone to miss the last part of their Sr. HS year but....<br/> <br/> I really like the profile on Chuck Martin and if he(Kelly) can get him, I believe this would be a great catch for DC for the Irish.<br/> <br/> Just a side note: This is the best I have felt on a Sat morning in some time. I've had my ND flag flying outside ever since BK was named as HC. It just feels great waking up knowing the program is now in the hands of an honest to goodness quality Div 1 HC! Go Irish! Go Brian Kelly!</t>
I do get the feeling that Kelly is the type of guy that will win the games Notre Dame is supposed/expected to win right away. It's beating the better teams that might take awhile. PJ in Jersey
kELLY <r>Nice article by Stewart Mandel on the Kelly hire:<br/> <br/> <URL url="http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writers/stewart_mandel/12/10/kelly.irish/index.html?eref=sihp"><LINK_TEXT text="http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/w ... ?eref=sihp">http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writers/stewart_mandel/12/10/kelly.irish/index.html?eref=sihp</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
Tim That is a nice article. And you just can't help but think that Swarbrick did a great job. We don't know who he targeted from the beginning. We don't know who might have said "no thanks." All we know is that we hired a coach that is happy to be coming and who most ND fans are happy about his hiring. Since Lou we haven't had a coach who can emotionally engineer a team for a game. We do now. I think we need improvement in strength and conditioning. We have a HC who knows what he wants from his staff and I'm pretty sure that if he doesn't get it, he'll make changes quickly. I don't think you have to be a great recruiter at ND. Hell, the place recruits itself. But you have to recruit a complete team. You can't go without DLs or a punter. Kelly doesn't have to learn that he knows. We'll know a lot about him by the first week in Feb.
Wow! This a significant moment in the history of the Skybox. Unless I've miscounted, it looks like all ND Skyboxers are on the same page with the new coach. I think........I think I'm going to cry.
Tim... <t>As the sucker I am for the Irish I bought two new style ND tees to add to me rather large collection Saturday.<br/> Agree on year one and I know you saw this but it was actually brought up Friday by a ND web site guy on Rivals radio as I was on my way to work. The pass to Goodman in the Washington St. game was the prettiest thrown ball of this year. It showed the arm of Crist and also showed me Goodman can run. <br/> If one looks at the performance of the Cincy QBS how could you not get excited at what they can do at ND once all parties have the time to work together?<br/> This week should be interesting as I expect some announcements on staff and a bit of recruiting info. BK must firm up waht we have committed and try and nail a couple more out there.</t>
Not that anyone asked, but I hated that article by Mandel. It represents (to me) everything that is wrong with the 'we know what is better for you than you do' part of the sports media that has been trying to get Notre Dame to accept the following: -In order the be a success again, you need to join a conference. -The best you can hope for, really, is 7 to 8 wins a year...with perhaps a shot at 9 to 11 every few years.. and maybe, one day, years down the road.. you could hope to win an NC. Ladies and Gentleman (and others of ill repute such as myself here), I'd posit that if those are your goals... then we just fired the guy who would give us just that. In 5 years, Charlie Weis met that standard and took the Irish to 2 BCS games in and met the 7 win minimum 3 of 5 seasons..Had the Irish gone bowling this year, he could well have met that standard in 4 of 5 sesaons. Is that what we aspire to? I read his piece as nothing more than a 'nanny nanny hoo hoo, I told ya so'... He touches on some really interesting points, but I am not sure he draws the right parallels about how/why those issues are important. I know it is the 'in' thing right now for everyone to get all aboard the USS Confidence and go full steam ahead.. If it's all the same to you guys, I'm gunna ride the bow for a bit and keep an eye out for icebergs... Or sure, I'm the negative one.. or perhaps I see this as yet another piece written by a horseshit Northwestern grad who wants to see the Irish eventually wind up at the same level (exactly) with their Wildcats.