AJ, Please tell me you are not coaching him! :lol: On the serious side He is to be congratulated. Good luck in the state competition.
Can't caddy for him Diane....they have to carry their own bag!! Here's a link to the NSAA golf page.....you can also click on any players name and get their scorecard results...1st round starts Tuesday! http://www.ghintpp.com/nga/TPPOnlineScoring/ResultsStroke.aspx?type=players&id=340
Ok, day one out of the way....winds were horrible...20+ gusts....and the DB monster reared it's head again....nice eagle on 14....check the yardage out on that.....10 feet from the pin and drained the eagle!
HEY!! Kid made the news with that drive and Putt!! http://www.klkntv.com/category/190066/klkn-channel-8-video?clipId=8905857&topVideoCatNo=148324&autoStart=true
T35 after Day 2. He might be disappointed, but after watching that video clip, I believe he should be proud of his game. There are tens of thousands of golfers who would like to play as well as Taylor, myself included.
Yeah good experience for him. FWIW apparently Catholic schools are masquerading as golf academy's in Neb. Creighton Prep had 3 of top 4 and 4 of the top 5 the other kid went to Pius X.
Well....obviously you two are are able to put things in perspective...unlike myself.... :lol: FOR SALE...USED 3 MONTHS....LIKE NEW....
This summer should be huge for him. He should play in as many tournaments as he can and he should be up every morning headed for practice at the course.
For those of you who need/want a total custom solution for your irons/wedges/putters...Nick Faldo endorses Edel Golf. A set of irons 3 thru Gap will only set you back 3K!! Nick Faldo Endorses Edel Golf