Geeeeez, it's hard to compete with those New York Post headlines! I have a feeling that this story is heading to a climax.
You had to mention that word didn't you Sid. That word is the cause of this... THIS... is your fault. The media is causing Weiner to suffer premature emasculation!
Correct Tom! Guys like Jim and I maybe more "out front" but Sid is the brains of the outfit. Tu salud, Sid.
Bawney Fwankenstein comments... -Washington Times Citing his own brush with sexual scandal, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said Tuesday that he’s in no position to judge the lurid actions of colleague Anthony Weiner. “Given these circumstances, where I was myself engaged in activity I shouldn’t have been … I just don’t think it’s appropriate for me to set myself up as the judge of others,” Frank told reporters in the Capitol Tuesday. In the mid-1980s, Frank become entangled in a lurid scandal of his own when he solicited sex from a male prostitute, Stephen Gobie, and later hired him as a live-in aide and driver. It later came to light that Gobie was offering prostitution services out of Frank’s Capitol Hill apartment – a story Gobie took to the Washington Times.
This is too good not to pass along. Warren Kenney hasn't posted here in years, but he's a regular in my email box. Today he sent this to me: I believe that Anthony Weiner will run for President, choosing Eric Holder for VIce-President. That will result in a Weiner Holder ticket!