I am sure reading each year for 7 years that he was on death's door because of incurable disease that morphed into an even deadlier new disease each and every year took a heavy toll on him. BTW, was the "source" regarding the Harbaugh incident the same guy who had top secret access to Lloyd's medical chart? :wink:
I know I was in the minority on this one (again) but after we played Purdue, i thought they were a pretty good team. I thought they were pretty good after the Oregon game as well. I'm not sure what they are missing, but it is something. Hope seems to have a good plan of attack for most of his opponents (that I have seen anyway). They just seem to be this close to turning a corner. Maybe that day was Saturday?
I don't think Tressel has figured out what he wants to do with his offense this year. Many folks are calling for a change in offensive coaching. I don't know if Pryor will figure it out...he is very young and seems quite confused at times...but it seems really premature to give up on him. Backup is Soph Joe Bauserman...even the radio announcers were recommending giving Pryor some time off and putting him in Sat. I don't think you can read too much into blog posts. I can't read either political or sports blogs...too many idiots.
The inmates are on the loose and trying to reclaim the asylum......the remainder of the adult supervision we are trying to talk off the ledge. We don't do this kind of thing well.....in Columbus, if you're not perfect, you suck. It has been six years - 2004 - since we've been beaten by a non-BCS bowl team, so it was a helluva run by any measure. I don't know of any other program that can get by year one or two..... That said, TP is in a very bad place......zero confidence, reverting back to old, bad mechanics when rushed and relying purely on what worked for him in high school....get to the edge and out athlete everyone. Teams are keeping contain, bringing pressure and forcing him out of his comfort zone.......it's ugly right now and the staff is trying to cobble something together that can work for him. It would also be helpful if some of his big buddies up front decided to put a hat on somebody.....we have much work to do on offense. Perhaps it was TOK, but whoever proposed swapping out the Irish defense for another and supplying the Irish offense in a joint venture, I think we can make a deal.....imagine your offense and our defense! Let's play!
I know every hot shot HS player dreams, yeah often demands to start as a freshman. But sometimes it's a case of careful what you wish for. You have to wonder if Pryor would have been well served to have sat his freshman year and worked on his mechanics, learning the offense, etc and then competed for the job as a RS Freshman. Of course he didn't have that luxury as the guy in front of him didn't do so well last year and there wasn't another option I assume.
I remain the optimist patiently waiting for the light to go on......the game slows down, good decision making becomes second nature and the incredible athletic ability gets pointed in the proper direction and applied in an effective manner......it's no surprise with young wideouts, a young QB and OL that things can be ugly from time to time.......however, by mid-season, we should be seeing more consistency and better production.....5 turnovers on the road isn't going to beat anybody.
Sorry. I forgot to respond to this. Coach Stoops has received more time than he might have at other schools because: 1. Our AD Livengood was the one that let Tomey go and then both hired and fired Mackovic before hiring Stoops 2. The martinet Mackovic left a very bare cupboard, particularly on the lines 3. It's Mike Stoops' first job as a head coach 4. The AD's uncertainty over Coach Olson and the knowledge he'd have to pony up some serious cash to bring in an acceptable replacement