With all due respect to our friend Bobda, I agree 100%....that is was a material competitive advantage is beyond question and the data in support is compelling in that regard in my view. That JH or the coordinators were not aware is laughable, but also irrelevant - either illegal behavior or lack of institutional control, choose your poison. They engaged or recruited, funded and provided support for agents that engaged in behaviors that are expressly prohibited and got caught. The guy is already the target of an active NCAA investigation and yet the program remains unrepentant and defiant even whilst not denying the allegations that are no longer allegations for which they were provided evidence. Boo f'n hoo.....show cause for he and his coordinators, a post-season ban and schollie reductions seems to be quite reasonable under the circumstances.
Not sure you’re referring to me but I don’t think I ever complained about our penalties, harsh as they were. I also said I thought the cheeseburger thing with JH was baloney.
No, no, no, Stu. A poor attempt at sarcastic humor. I was thinking of the MAGA reaction to Trump's indictments. I should have kept my fingers off the keyboard (techno for "mouth shut").
I guess I'm just trying to find something of value in the totally perverted, mercenary world of college sports. They send Harbaugh to the bench for the remainder of the season and an assistant takes over, takes the team into Happy Valley and exposes Penn State once again as second bananas in front of the Sea of White. To me that's a cool story. Much cooler than 18 year old QBs driving Mercedes and making millions for doing nothing. That's just me.
Right now I'm not really seeing much speculation on who the Aggies might be after. I watched their AD's press conference on the SEC Network. Wasted 30 minutes.
Feel free to express yourself BT. It is obvious that M brazenly violated the in person scouting rule and think that the proper university response would be full cooperation with the NCAA to determine who if any in the coaching staff was aware of Stalion’s elaborate scheme and bear the consequences. But, I suspect 95% of M’s fan base think my position to be incredibly naive and Pollyannish.
Bad news for the Longhorns, Jonathon Brooks their top RB and already a 1,000 yd rusher is done. That injury he suffered was an ACL. His backup was a highly rated RB, CJ Baxter, and started the season as #1, but he had some minor injuries that sidelined him and Brooks stepped up and took the job.
You're a good man my friend, I salute you for we should all aspire to your example of civility and grace under such difficult circumstances.
You're very smart and perceptive, like so many of my Skybox friends. That's why I enjoy my participation here. Quite a few years back, I came to the realization that my political differences with so many here were what a dear, departed friend called "baby s--t". From that point on, I objectively have marveled at the level of intelligent thought on the part of our members, both in sports and other areas. Whether or not I agree is beside the point and meaningless in the overall picture. With that attitude, I've been able to find enjoyment in my daily visits. All I ask is forgiveness for my occasionally impulsive futile attempts at humor.
Many media outlets are making a big deal about Jimbo's buyout being the largest in history. I wanted to point out that neither the state nor school will pay a dime of it. All the salaries are paid with donor money ... I'm out next year, so it wont be any of mine!
AD explained it in his press conf. 12th Man Foundation is going to come up with the 19.2 million due in something like 90 - 120 days, then the Ath Dept will pay 7.2 till 2031. He explained that with the new TV deal coming they expect they will have no problem and no programs will be cut or have budgets trimmed.