Obama stands out from the other presidents in 2 significant ways. 1. He's the only president in office 8 yrs. who never had GDP growth of at least 3% 2. He's the only president who was at war all 8 years of his presidency. (And of course the left in the Noble committee gave him the Nobel Peace Prize) You should watch FOX News once in a while and find out what's really going on in the world Dave. You might hear about something other than collusion with the Russians.
I made the following comment.... very topical to what happened in Vegas and what will certainly be discussed at length on the Hill and around the country: "if this country can see it's way to elect a president like Donald Trump I feel gun control is a lost cause anyway." What happens going forward is either nothing.... because many anti-gun factions may feel the way I do.... or perhaps there will be serious discussions and thoughtful exchanges. Much like on here..... gun control seems to be a lost cause in America. The 40% who support gun rights do so with such fervor and defend gun rights so vigorously they really don't care too much about the consequences and what the other 60% think.... and some will even support a guy they don't really like as a person for President because he is on the conservative right side of the aisle on issues like gun control. Trump will always... always go where his bread is buttered no matter what.
This topic was never about human tragedy, it was from the beginning about gun control. Last time I looked that was a political issue.