Trump smells a waste of time. Even CNN said those things are page 6 news anymore. Im glad MY commander in chief has chosen to work during that 3 hour pajama party. Viva la Trump!
Impeachment will happen when Trump has done enough damage to our democracy... or at least keeps doing his best to undermine it's principles that the GOP members of congress who deep down have thought he was a clown to start with get enough support from the right side of the aisle to make it happen.
Well, he has done nothing to harm our democracy so far, so you have a way to go. Do you think you will ever grow up or is this good as we can expect from you?
George, You guys that don't see or believe a word you hear from sources other than conservative commentary about Trump think I make all this stuff up to just entertain myself. :lol: Here is Trump himself sounding quite ridiculous:
What could damage our Democracy more than enforcing our immigration laws, doing away with a health care program and regulations that are strangling our economy, cutting the bloat that is our bureaucratic government, bringing law and order to besieged cities and cutting our deficit. Yeah, I can see why the left hates how he's determined to reverse the complete abortion that they've created.
Wouldn't ya know.... Trump found something that not even he knows more about than anyone else: "now, I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject," he added. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated." Well I guess if he didn't know it was so complicated then no one knew it.... Lol
Former President George W. Bush insisted Monday that “we all need answers” about possible connections between Russian officials and President Trump's associates. "I think we all need answers. ... I'm not sure the right avenue to take. I am sure, though, that that question needs to be answered,” Bush said. U.S. intelligence agencies believe Russian hackers attempted to sway the election for Trump, while multiple news reports say that Trump campaign officials had "constant" contact with Russian intelligence during the election. Bush said he trusted Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to select a special prosecutor to investigate the possible ties between Russian officials and Trump’s team. Bush contrasted with Trump's frequent attacks on the press, calling a free press “indispensable to democracy.” “We need an independent media to hold people like me to account. Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive,” Bush says.
Bush set the table for Obama with his nation building in Irag and afghanistan which continue today without result and his reckless spending which Obama was more than willingness to double down on. Then Trump obliterated his brother in the primsry. Finished him politically. So it is not hard to imagine GWB taking pot shots at Trump. What Russian connection? You lost because you had no message. Priod. Now you are behaving like spolied kids. Tough **** to you. Whiner.
I know... it's tough for me to be aligned with Bush on any issue but I agree with him 110% that a free press with equal access to it's government leaders is essential to a democracy. Trump has made enough enemies along his awkward narcissistic bullying way on both sides of the aisle that I do think he will be impeached at some point in his presidency.
Laughable. Press has gotten away for years with distorting facts...the Republicans for the most part dissented relatively politely. Now Trump is calling them out...rudely and effectively....and they are falling right into his trap. They are so insulted and angry that now they have lost all pretense of impartiality. Instead of covering Trumps hosting black university presidents with a plan to give their schools the help that Obama never did...the loony press is focused on Kellyanne Conway sitting with her shoes on a couch (horrors) as she tries to get in a good position to take a picture. Oh, the lack of respect! Yeah...a free press is important...they can say what they want. What they and the left forget is that the rest of us are supposed to have free speech also. What is Trump doing?...just calling them out. What are they doing?....shutting down conservative speech wherever and whenever they can.
CNN rated Trump statements from his speech as mostly true but misleading. There were a couple of trues and a couple of falses. All in all better than I thought he could do but still he leaves the reality of things out and methodology of actually getting these things done unmentioned. Probably getting it done will turn out like his views on healthcare.... "nobody knew it would be so complicated".
Anyone ever remember CNN ever saying after an Obama speech that some of what he said was not true? Me neither but if you like your biased news organization you can keep it.
The dentists chewed it over...while the orthodontists thought it could be straightened out. Meanwhile the ENT's wouldn't hear of it.
The orthopedists had a bone to pick with it but the hematologists thought it was a bloody good plan. :wink: