Easy one Gipper.... because slightly less than half of all voters/Americans are so limited in their views and rigid in their paranoia of mainstream news that Fox News has smartly preyed upon that paranoia and parlayed it into ratings.... hence they will never veer too far from their conservative agenda. http://sourcesofinsight.com/tunnel-vision/ "We tend to perceive only what is right in front of us–what we like to see, or are encouraged or incentivized to see–and miss anything on the periphery. Tunnel vision creates an illusionary view that screens out any early-warning signals unfavorable to the desired future.”
Heres how I read that...there's alot of Americans that voted for Hillary that are pissed off that they have to start pulling at least some of their weight now...and there's alot of illegals that are starting to worry about their felonies and drug smuggling business.
Dave considers himself more enlightened than us poor slobs who have different view of America. How condescending for a serial whiner and crybaby. Its almost unbearable to listen to his ********.
Hey George.... why don't you you enlighten us as to why Fox News has higher ratings ( haven't fact checked it but I would agree they probably do because they have a fixated, paranoid audience )
But you'd think that there was plenty of room for other networks to join Fox. Instead all the stupid liberals work on the other side of the spectrum. They just can't help themselves because they're sooooo biased.
A softer way for me to put that AJ is that the main Fox News viewership has been galvanized into believing every other news source on TV is false.... lying to the people....even hurting the people according to Trump. Geez.... if you believe all of that tripe I wouldn't blame ya for blocking everything but Fox News on your telly and having complete unsettling distrust of anything but Fox News.
There is no enlightening you, Dave. You are into whimpering, sniveling, bitching and moaning. The rest of us just cannot relate. You are victim and you love it.
I'm not following you George on the personal attacks... Here was my last post: "A softer way for me to put that AJ is that the main Fox News viewership has been galvanized into believing every other news source on TV is false.... lying to the people....even hurting the people according to Trump. Geez.... if you believe all of that tripe I wouldn't blame ya for blocking everything but Fox News on your telly and having complete unsettling distrust of anything but Fox News." So it disagrees entirely with your logic? Where's the whining et. al. that you refer to in that post? You're twisting things around like your idol.
They're not fully truthful IMHO, which then makes them false. I watch 3 different networks a night for about 2 hours believe it or not. I like how Fox dissects and gets to the need behind the need when it comes to what was said, meant, and what the truth was/is/should be. I'm not a Fox robot....haven't even liked politics until the last couple of years...but it's painfully obvious that certain networks have an agenda. What really pisses me off is anyone that blasts a plan/idea without having a better one to offer. If you don't, then help it if the intentions are to make things better. And you know exactly what I'm talking about.
I like the fact you do watch three newtorks AJ and are not a "Fox Robot" as you say. I suspect that you are in a small minority though of conservatives and Trump supporters who are not a part of the Fox ratings builders who are indeed Fox robots.
Most of us if not all have kids or kids who have kids, yep we're old...As this topic has morphed into who watches what news channel I have to say if you are 25 and under cable news on any network is not on the radar. It's the internet or nothing... Hey Dave, Julian Assange mentioned the other day if a person is on a mission to get 100% factual news with absolutely no bias it would have to be Wikileaks's...Of course he is hiding in a Ecuadorian embassy from the the oligarchs. There is also James O'Keefe who offers the actual video of what is happening and being said...Of course if its your party he's secretly videotaping he may be a scoundrel. I'll be up front and say it's my belief that ALL THE NETWORKS HAVE AGENDAS which makes them untrustworthy and suspicious. Are there still good reporters absolutely but they answer to one of the 6 corporations that own all the networks.
Personal attacks? Every post you make insinuates that we are somehow less knowledgeable or enlightened thanyou. I take that very personally. The fact is that you don't know me at all. I couldn't pick you out of a lineup unless youw ere dressed up like a vagina or had "He's not my president" stenciled on your forehead. So stop with the nonsense. You know exactly what you are doing.
George I direct my comments to Trump supporters in general. Definitely not directed to anyone specifically on this board unless it's in response to what is said about me personally. But it is a political forum and if I have differing political views about Trump and/or his supporters in general I think it's ok if I bring those views forth. If you guys want to make this a Trump/conservative supporters board only and spend hours patting each other and Fox News on the back then let me know.... I'll refrain from posting a differing opinion.
AJ that looks like what would happen if the Russians had an open election and Siberia was the deciding factor in his winning. LOL Lot's of states in the red like Florida, Michigan, Ohio and Pa. where the margin for Red is pretty slim with several miilion voters each at stake. In any event when I said you were in the minority I was talking about your ability to cast aside prejudices and paranoia and watch another network or two besides Fox for your news. Hell.... even Trump cannot do that. LOL
https://archive.fo/PvpC7 This op-ed is from a left of center author, no it's probably much left of center to be very honest I can't tell how much as he keeps his neutrality obscure which is refreshing...I would recommend reading the article though...
"Hours earlier, at the Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington, President Trump mocked and disparaged the news media. He said that much of the press represents "the enemy of the people." "They are the enemy of the people because they have no sources," Trump said. "They just make them up when there are none." I smell an impeachment coming down the road.
Impeachment? Well I guess that the media can influence enough feeble minded individuals to press for it. But in reality we're seeing the end of their propaganda machine. When only the left believes them (because they want to) it means that they are doing no more than participating in a circle jerk with the delusional.