Trump targets Michigan

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Motorcity Gator, Nov 19, 2020.

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  1. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Can someone here makes some sense of these numbers I am about to give of actual elections results. I must be clearly missing something.

    In 2016 here was the vote tally in Michigan in the presidential race:

    Wayne County
    519,000 votes for Clinton 228,000 votes for Trump 291,000 vote differential
    State of Michigan
    Trump won by 10,700

    2020 results Wayne County:
    597,000 votes for Biden 264,000 votes for Trump 333,000 vote differential
    State of Michigan Biden wins by 155,000 votes

    So obviously many more voters went to the polls in 2020 but they were not all Biden voters...... Trump picked up 36,000 additional votes and Biden won more county votes by a total of 41,000 votes which still leaves Biden with a lead of 114,000 votes over Trump in the state.

    What in the hell is out of whack or fraudulent looking about these vote tallys? Obviously as has always been the case and as it was in 2016 the county is heavily democratic and remains so.

    But nothing about those totals seems extraordinary and Michigan as a state flipped back to voting democratic as it has done many times in the past.

    Ok someone explain to me with facts and reason how Trump and Guiliani can hold a 90 minute press conference and lie out their ass about the election being stolen from his majesty the king??????
  2. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I don't think in the end it's going to result in the election being won by Trump. But he, like anybody running for office, has the right to question the election, to ask for recounts, to make sure that election rules/laws in place at the time of the election were followed.

    I don't know why Democrats are so intent on denying him the right to question the election in Michigan or Georgia or any state that he lost. Do you think he should be denied the right to question or ask for recounts? It seems like a daily exercise for you to be outraged that Trump hasn't conceded and is using every legal method at his disposal to salvage the election.

    Why don't you just sit back and relax and wait for Biden to be sworn in Jan 20th rather than troll us here on the Skybox.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Interesting how you can do a halfway decent job of presenting your case but when you end by asking a question you revert to your more normal nasty self and have to insult
  4. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Trump has no problem insulting me and my intelligence by these lies.

    So Terry you really believe that what is happening with this delay and lack of transition is a "right" that Trump has? Do you even listen to the lies and assertions by Trump and his minions that the election was rigged and stolen? Don't you think he could just say that while he trusts our democratic system he wants to be sure just in case.... so why not let's spend a lot of time recounting this thing. Isn't that a lot less inflammatory and damaging to our democracy? And now the precedent is set that in no future election should the loser go quietly or have trusting and kind words to say about the elections that are held but rather any loser in the future now has the "right" as you say to openly question and accuse the people who run our elections to be dishonest and intent on stealing the election from the said loser and that our democracy is a sham and a farce. How about just once you listen to what Trump is saying.

    "I don't know why Democrats are so intent on denying him the right to question the election in Michigan or Georgia or any state that he lost. Do you think he should be denied the right to question or ask for recounts? It seems like a daily exercise for you to be outraged that Trump hasn't conceded and is using every legal method at his disposal to salvage the election.

    Why don't you just sit back and relax and wait for Biden to be sworn in Jan 20th rather than troll us here on the Skybox."
  5. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Other presidential election results in Wayne County Michigan:
    2012 Dem 420,000 GOP 144,00
    2008 Dem 660,000 GOP 219,000
    2004 Dem 600,000 GOP 257,000
    2000 Dem 539,000 GOP 223,000

    This year again:
    2020 Dem 597,00 Biden Trump 264,000

    So yeah.... doesn't this year look like fraud? Like someone is stealing the election in Wayne County? That the results shouldn't be certified? With such similarities over 6 presidential elections why don't we spend millions to recount Wayne County and get to the bottom of 2020 results!

    Give me and the nation a break...... I'm ashamed of America right now.
  6. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Big deal.

    I am locking this topic, maybe you can get Terry to unlock it who knows.

    And a caution, you need to quit trolling and try getting along with the other members. This is a small group and we don't need to put up with someone intent on being disruptive. Take caution or it is possible to go on an extended time out.
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