This reminds me of a soap opera! Wonder what new revelations or charges will surface? RR needs a publicity manager. Don
Have you no heart, Domers? Richrod has not had a great start to the workweek. Day 1: Front page headlines in the Detroit Free Press that he is violating NCAA regs; Day 2: Served with a federal suit stating,"You owe me 4 million dollars." Reminds me of a friend who received a call from the car repair shop on Monday morning that they totaled her car after taking it out for a test drive. Later that afternoon, she was laid off from her job. Salt in the wound was added later when she received a bill from the car repair shop charging her for storage for the car they totaled....
Let me guess... They did give her a 10% discount on the repairs they did before the crash??? On a serious note, sorry to hear anyone get that lay off notification in this economy.
That is a pretty sad story with regards to your friend, talk about a double whammy. Hope she eventually got a fair shake from the Auto repair shop and a new job.
I didn't even see that before cracking the 10% joke. I would be looking for a good atty and would have to pay myself after owning that joint.
Pssssssst Bobda.....Have I got a deal for you. I'm willing to let you in on the ground floor of this condo I mean investment I've got going. My friend the returns will be almost Madoff like.....interested? :wink:
R. Rod <r>The real truth about R. Rod and michigan<br/> <br/> <URL url=""></URL></r>
That one clip has had so many different themes. I think every school fan base has used it after some loss. You know that this one had to be done by a ND fan since the last line was get me Brian Kelly. Who if you aren't an ND fan, and follow the various online forums, you wouldn't know that there was a big brouha over whether or not Brian Kelly would be "worthy" of being the next ND coach.
I actually take no joy in this. I enjoy beating Michigan when they are without distraction or excuses. It's not that they won't make them later, but then it's fun. This is just a train wreck and if we lose to those arseholes, we look like an even bigger train wreck.
I recall 93 after all the distractions of the "Under the Tarnished Dome" publication. The local Detroit News columnist Wojo wrote that that year's ND-Michigan game wasn't the usual clash of titans since ND was not that good that year. Of course the Irish and McDougal ran them out of the Big House. Wojo's last column that season was why ND should be ranked no. 2 and not no. 1. Moral of the story, beware of teams thought to be "distracted." Often they use the us-against-everyone motivation and rip your face off.
Gip, Speaking of "Under the Tarnished Dome", Commish might be glad to know that because of my 12 yr. old grandson's school magazine drive, I've decided to end my almost 20 year boycott of SI. Not only do I want to support my grandson, I figured that because Commish is getting married, he needs my subscription to help him support his new family. :lol:
Whobedis, Thanks for the investment offer but right now I am involved in an investment with some nice guy from Nigeria with whom I have been communicating through e-mail. It seems that his grandfather ...or maybe it was his aunt... passed away and left millions of dollars for him in a Nigerian restricted bank account. The only problem is that he needs a few thousand to gain access to the account and offers to split the inheritence with me if I send him the money. I am not sure how he got my e-mail address. He claims it was through alumni services. But, how can I look away from such a good deal that prmoises such a high rate of return? Signed Charter Member of Coach Rodriguez Investment Trust.
Bobda: :lol: Hey an idea just struck me....when I get all my money from the emeralds that myself and the late king of Nigeria's grandson and I got when the market was down perhaps we should purchase luxury boxes and invite the boys from skybox up. You know "take care of the little people".
Sid I'll tell Commish. He'll be in tomorrow night. He's taking his fiance to the game Sat. Mary and I are also going. I assume that you'll be there. Will you be tailgating near the Gug?
Bobda, I'd help you out, but apparently my bank has lost all of my information except my email address. I should be up and running soon because I just emailed them back my account numbers, passwords, and ss#...