To the Gators who complained about Tebows shoulder injury.

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by Tailback, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. Tailback

    Tailback Guest

    I'm not buying it.

    49-16 with 11 min left and he's still in.

    Um huh.
  2. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    I would say that if you watched the Fla-Ga game and thought Tebow was unaffected by his right shoulder injury then you haven't seen Tebow all year. It's that simple.
  3. Tailback

    Tailback Guest

    He hasn't looked hurt to me. Hurt means not playing. If he's so hurt, then why was he in the game with a blow out yesterday? Sounds like an excuse from Gator fans to me. As for the UGA game, I never once noticed him favor the shoulder.
  4. GaterzFan

    GaterzFan New Member

    Dec 15, 1998
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    Well, first you refer to Tebow's shoulder injury ... then you say he's not hurt because he's playing. Which is it ..... are you saying he's not hurt or he's not injured? And if he has a shoulder injury but he's playing through the pain of the injury .... in your mind ... does he still have a shoulder injury, or has it been miraculously cured and his shoulder is no longer hurt?

    AFA Tebow's playing in the 4th quarter, I would guess Meyer wishes he'd pulled him one series earlier but, Tebow is in the race for the Heisman and Meyer probably wanted Tebow to add to his stats. Realize, all that Meyer did was well within the rules of college football and didn't substantially increase the possibility of a brawl between UF and Vandy ........ very different than the recent ill-conceived actions of a morally-deficient, (nole-cane) cretin k/a Mark Richt. 8)
  5. kp

    kp Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Shula took a lot of heat for playing Prothro early in the 3rd quarter with a thirty point lead and then suffering what is probably a career ending injury. I argued at the time that this was not unusual. The only difference here is Tebow didn't get hurt. Think about it Gators, if Tebow was knocked out for the rest of the season, y'all would have been pissed.
  6. GaterzFan

    GaterzFan New Member

    Dec 15, 1998
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    Actually, thinking back to thje beginning of the 4th quarter, the reason Tebow went in on that final possesion (final for Tebow) was UF had just scored and on the 1st offensive play by Vandy, UF intercepted a deep pass and returned it to midfield. At that point, Newton, who himself has been suffering from a back injury and ankle sprain, wasn't ready to go in. I suspect as soon as the TO occurred, Tebow had helmet on and was running onto the field.

    I suspect Meyer wishes he'd gotten Newton in that series but, probably didn't react to the quickt turn over. Again, I don't think this was a premeditated, intentional violation of college football rules ... like we saw from Mark Richt. :wink: