Here's what I find funny... and by funny, I mean pathetic. Te'o can be a scam victim, yet the joke is on him and due to the very shoddy wink/nod initial reporting of the story (by Deadspin), people have this tainted view. If this was a rape story, everyone would have been sued.. but I digress.. Te'o was the victim. That's a fact. His scammer admitted this. It can't be denied. Te'o=bad However, when invoices can be produced showing illegal benefits.. text messages from phones that were being used by those people sending/receiving said benefits and all that is combined with countless other irrefutable means of documenting improper conduct (including admissions) then the program is the victim and society is to blame. That's the same logic that has some Florida folks loving Urban Meyer while he was there, but now thinking he's a rat bastard who bends the rules because he's at Ohio State... It's beyond rose colored glasses. Be it, own it. I just wish people would deal with the reality of it all.
Speaking of ridiculous... honestly things look far worse for Miss State and UT than they do you. There's that.
Amazing, a couple of you Notre Dame guys take shots at the Florida, Alabama and the SEC. But when something comes back at you then you take the copouts taken in the last couple of posts. For the record the article was much more than about Teo but hey grab on that and the comparison to Penn State and you get this reaction. Seems that cheap shots at the Gators every time MCG says anything is ok, but by everything holy don't take any shots at Notre Dame. Because of the respect I have for Terry and Sid I am removing the article.
Oh and Bill Rudy was never a scholarship football player for ND. He's only a lightning rod for ND haters. If the shoe fits.....
Hey Bill While you ranting about Teo's girlfriend and Rudy's investments here's an article about a Gator. Then again having been the victim of a hoax is just like shooting someone.
By the way concerning the ACC being 2-0 against the SEC, the last time I knew Va Tech was in the ACC and lost to Alabama.
So what the scum does in his post Florida years makes him that same criminal while at Florida even before the crimes were committed? Damn... I guess you know the law better than I Gipper... :roll:
Just to be fair its really 2-2 with South Carolina's win against North Carolina...The ACC is far from equal with the SEC but is showing signs of a pulse compared to previous seasons...
Bill and Ralph, you are correct. It's 2-2. By the way, Bill, you didn't need to get your panties in a wad. If you had taken the time to read all the posts, you would have understood the context of my comment. I was not denigrating the SEC. Lord help me, I wasn't. I simply was responding to Corey's assertion that the ACC is a dumpster fire by reminding him that the ACC has performed quite well in the first two weeks of the season vs. the nation's best conference. Do you think it would have been news if the ACC teams were 2-0 or 2-2 vs. the Sunbelt Conference? I have a brain. I understand that the SEC is the standard in college football. :roll:
Gipper, I put the article up there for one reason only, and you and Corey show showed it. In your and Corey's mind SEC = Bad but on the other hand saying something about Notre Dame = a rant from you guys. And Gipper from your comments it's pretty obvious you never even understood the article or you wouldn't be making the comments you have. Who cares whether Rudy was on scholarship or not, I think the article even said that. But of course you could find it yourself if you really want to read it. Sid, I sure don't have my panties in a wad about anything about you and thought your comment was pretty funny. And if you read above you are one reason I took down the article. You and Terry are two of the most fair minded people I have ever dealt with. But I will check my panties to see if they are wadded. But I do have to say your number should have been 2-2 but my number is still 7-0.
For the record, SEC does not = bad. The overzealous fan base with a misplaced sense of priority is bad.. but the SEC is what it is. It's a conference acting in their own interest, just like all the others. They're just doing a better job of it.