Sid/Corey..... never rubbed in last Jan. on you guys.... not about to start now even though it does cross my mind
Well **** Dave, you can't go walking into the batting cages without a helmet and then go sticking your head over home plate. I mean, you can, but you can't well blame the machine for lighting you up.
I haven't read the SI article. Are those 3 teams in the SI article different than the 3 SEC teams mentioned in today's Yahoo report?
Dave, SEC 'realism' is hanging your hat on one rotating team in a title game annually and ignoring everything else that happens for the rest of the year. If for no other reason, I look forward to the playoffs for this. The BCS was created by the SEC Commissioner. Since the inception of the BCS, the SEC has enjoyed more success than the ever have in their entire history..and they jammed it all into a relatively small time frame. Of course, that could be a coincidence. It could also be a coincidence that many of these SEC champions wind up being investigated and/or busted or either cheating...or looking the other way while cheating was going on. You have your realism and I have mine. I recognize what happens in the BCS title game..and all the other games played as well. You, do not.
Tough to decide who my favorite BCS champion is. It's between the Fla. Aaron Hernandez team and the Cam Newton Auburn team.
So we're clear, most of the SI article centers around activity that took place under Les Miles..who is now at LSU, right? The Yahoo article is different, is it not?
This topic scrolled, and I didn't want anyone to miss Gip's effort here simply because I wouldn't shut up. Well done, Mike.
So, there will most surely be an investigation into Alabama, Miss St and Tennessee. This really sucks for UT because while one current player is effected, the coaching staffs are all gone. Speaking of that, the 'dirtiest' program this week is Okie State which appears to have been really dirty under current LSU head coach Les Miles... The only people 'cleared' are Urban Meyer's fairly sketchy Gator teams and the sCam Newton Auburn Tigers?!?! Jesus...
Bill, I just finished the SI piece. That's pretty rough. It's about Okie State, but the vast majority of things that cause me to think 'where is the staff?!' are items that took place under Les Miles. Of course, I'm sure moving to Louisiana caused him to reform his ways....
Well seem digging the dirt is the theme of the day especially if you can take a shot at Florida or the SEC. Personally this article kind of fits in with your theme, just not about the Gators or the SEC. Article removed in respect to Terry and Sid.
Sure post a 8 month ago article comparing the Paterno/Penn St. scandal with Teo's imaginary girlfriend. It would be hard to believe that any intelligent individual could buy that but then again....
I think the important thing is owning who you really are: I'll admit the Irish have over-inflated Rockne stories. They ignored internal questions about Te'o's girlfriend, although it should be noted that Te'o was the victim who is still being attacked to this day..even right YOU.. In this society, that's supposed to be a no-no. I can live with those things. I'm not even going to bother listing all of the things, especially Urban Meyer related. Experience has taught me one thing, especially when it comes to Southerners. You guys are going to believe what you want to, even if the evidence is still hanging from your face.. But if you're good living with those things, that's your call.
You've got to be kidding. ND is supposed to be having internal questions about Teo's girlfriend while a gang banger killer is playing for Fla.? What a joke!