Obama Makes 10th Las Vegas Trip Since Telling Bankers Not To Visit The City “On The Taxpayers Dime”… Which is exactly what he’s doing. (CNSNews.com) – Less than three weeks into his presidency Barack Obama warned executives of banks that had received federal bailout money that they better not take business trips to Las Vegas. Since then, Obama himself has made 9 trips Vegas—and is making a tenth today. “You can’t get corporate jets,” Obama said at a Feb. 9, 2009 townhall meeting in Elkhart, Ind. “You can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas, or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime.” By May 27, 2009, Obama was in Las Vegas to tour a “solar photovoltaic array” at Nellis Air Force Base with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Report: Obama Campaign Impersonating Election Officials In Florida… By any means necessary. Via Tampa Bay Times: Pasco County Supervisor of Elections Brian Corley is warning voters about potentially misleading early voting information after his office received hundreds of inquiries from voters Tuesday wanting to cast early ballots.Early voting in Florida doesn’t begin until Oct. 27 and lasts through Nov. 3. Corley traced one of the complaints to a robocall from Organizing for America, an arm of the Democratic Party. OFA spokesman Eric Jotkoff said the call refers to a program where voters can request an absentee ballot at the elections office and fill it out on the spot. Corley said that program is known as a “carry-out absentee ballot,” which is available now. But he said some voters specifically mentioned early voting. “It is causing, I would say, massive confusion,” Corley said. “The problem is the message going out is severely misleading.” Jotkoff provided the Times with a copy of the robocall script, which does not use the term “early voting.” This issue arose a day after Corley took a complaint from a voter about an OFA volunteer who initially said he worked for the elections office. The man told the voter there was a problem with her voter registration status, though officials confirmed her registration is fine.
Obama Campaign Staffer Threatens NAACP Official: “We’ve Been Watching You, And Since You Don’t Support Obama, We’ll Deal With You”… Chicago-style. CHICAGO (CBS) — The President of the South Suburban Branch of the NAACP alleges a director of the re-election campaign of Barack Obama has threatened and intimidated him because he doesn’t support the president. David Lowery says he believes he was threatened during a phoneconversation with Louis Raymond, the Obama for America Illinois regional director. Lowery says he doesn’t personally support the president because he’s not addressing issues important to the black community. He said he was explaining that to Raymond when the Obama campaign official told him, “You know what? I know everything about you.” Lowery says Raymond added, “We’ve been watching you, and since you don’t support Obama, we’ll deal with you,” before hanging up. Lowery filed a report with the Oak Forest police report, he says, “in case something happens.” He says it was suggested the NAACP should automatically back the president. Lowery notes a non-profit cannot support a particular candidate. He says it’s a clear signal the Obama campaign is concerned about the black vote.
Plant that got $150M in taxpayer money to make Volt batteries furloughs workers Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/08/lg-plant-that-got-150m-to-make-volt-batteries-in-michigan-puts-workers-on/#ixzz28m3AlX7u :roll:
Obama Administration Sent Attorney To “Follow” Republican Congressman During Investigative Trip To Libya… The Chicago goon squad. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/H4RkK-AxNZ0?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0"></iframe>
The History and Costs of the Obamaphone <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UCqU8yarNpc?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Romney campaign files federal suit to ensure all military ballots count in Wisconsin Home - by Cardigan - October 16, 2012 - 15:00 America/New_York - 9 Comments Daily Caller Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s campaign has filed a federal lawsuit in Wisconsin to extend the amount of time military and overseas absentee ballots can be returned. The federal suit came on the heels a campaign request to the state’s Government Accountability Board to extend the deadline after at least 30 Wisconsin municipalities failed to send overseas ballots 45 days before the election, which is required under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voter Act (UOCAVA). The campaign proceeded with the suit against GAB after their initial request was denied. “Because members of the military are often stationed in remote, dangerous, frontline locations, there is a substantial likelihood that the defendants’ violations of law will prevent military voters from receiving, completing, and returning their ballots in time to have them counted,” the lawsuit filed Friday reads. “The defendants’ unlawful conduct therefore may effectively disenfranchise the very men and women who make daily sacrifices to protect our system of democratic government.”
U.N. Election Monitors Will Be At Polling Stations In U.S. To Look For Voter Suppression By Conservative Groups… The pathetic joke known as the U.N. rolls on unabated. Via The Hill: United Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a United Nations partner on democratization and human rights projects, will deploy 44 observers around the county on Election Day to monitor an array of activities, including potential disputes at polling places. Liberal-leaning civil rights groups met with representatives from the OSCE this week to raise their fears about what they say are systematic efforts to suppress minority voters likely to vote for President Obama. The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the NAACP and the ACLU, among other groups, warned this month in a letter to Daan Everts, a senior official with OSCE, of “a coordinated political effort to disenfranchise millions of Americans — particularly traditionally disenfranchised groups like minorities.”
8) This is Chicago thinking at it's finest. Since when does the party that runs the government need "protection" from the party that's out of power?
Awesome: Alabama House Leader Moves To Block UN Poll Watchers From Operating In His State… Love it! Montgomery – In response to news that poll watchers affiliated with the United Nations will be sent across the country to monitor balloting in various states and search for evidence of “voter suppression” during the upcoming November 6 presidential election, Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard said he will support legislation in the next session requiring all poll watchers in Alabama to hold U.S. citizenship. “The United States is the worldwide beacon of free elections and the Republican form of government, so having an international squad from the United Nations playing referee in our elections is insulting and absurd,” Hubbard said. “We’ve been holding elections in the U.S. for the past 223 years without the United Nations playing a role or enforcing the rules, and we certainly don’t want or need them now.” At the request of several liberal-leaning groups including the American Civil Liberties Union, the NAACP and the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a United Nations affiliate, announced it will deploy a team of poll watchers to polling sites across the country in order to monitor and document potential disputes. The poll watchers will come from Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany and France, and other countries.
Early voting started at 07:00 yesterday here in Central Texas. I could be hit by a bus today so I cast my vote yesterday. Get out and VOTE!
We vote absentee. About an hour after our ballots arrived they were filled out and back in the mail. After your vote is cast, it makes those incessant phone calls and political commercials unbearable.
I drove to the elections office in the county seat (Noblesville) to turn in our absentee ballot requests and saw that an early voting station was open, so I voted. My wife already has filled out her absentee ballot and sent it back. I agree, Gip, having voted, the normally annoying political ads become even more so. The next two weeks are going to seem like two months. :roll:
I'm voting right now... <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Qpue0AAPAtY?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Al Sharpton: We’re Setting Up Poll-Watching “Brigades”… Taking over for the New Black Panthers? <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/alR5njuOUyE?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Philly Polling Stations Where GOP Inspectors Were Kicked Out Had 90% Voter Turnout, 99% Voted For Obama… To say this smells fishy would be the understatement of the decade. Via Pundit Press: Across Philadelphia, GOP poll inspectors were forcibly (and illegally) removed from polling locations. Coincidentally (or not), Mr. Obama received “astronomical” numbers in those very same regions, including locations where he received “over 99%” of the vote. Ward 4, which also had a poll watcher dressed in Obama attire, went massively for Obama. Mr. Obama received 99.5% of the vote, defeating Mr. Romney 9,955 to 55. . . .Another problem: “Voter turnout in Philadelphia was around 60 percent, according to state election figures.” In these precincts it was well over 90%.