The United States of Chicago

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by JO'Co, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Well....Jim Crow is dead isn't he??? :)
  2. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Holder Admits Obama Campaign And White House Are Helping Craft Justice Department’s Public Relations Strategy For Fast And Furious…


    So the Attorney General is allowing a campaign to mingle in its affairs and he sees nothing wrong with this? — Really?

    Via Daily Caller:

    Attorney General Eric Holder admitted on Thursday that President Barack Obama’s chief campaign strategist David Axelrod and the White House are helping the Department of Justice craft its messaging about Operation Fast and Furious.

    “We [Holder, Axelrod and the White House] have certainly talked about ways in which we could deal with the interaction between the Justice Department and Congress — about ways in which we would,” Holder said in questioning before the House Judiciary Committee.

    Virginia Republican Rep. Randy Forbes pressed Holder further by asking him if Axelrod, Obama’s re-election campaign and the White House were involved in crafting the DOJ’s policy for dealing with press. He said they were. “In terms of trying to get any message out that was consistent with facts and make sure it was done in an appropriate way, I’ve had conversations like that with people in the White House.”
  3. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama Mega-Donor And “Patriotic Millionaire” Makes Huge Profit By Shorting Obama-Funded Solar Company…


    Via WFB:

    Ultra-wealthy Obama supporter Whitney Tilson had a rough month. His T2 Partners hedge fund, which manages more than $260 million, posted a 13.6 percent loss in May, underperforming the major indexes.

    “Our fund fell 13.6% in May vs. -6.0% for the S&P 500, -5.9% for the Dow and -7.1% for the Nasdaq,” Tilson wrote a letter to investors. “It was an ugly month — our second-worst ever.”

    One of the few “winners” in Tilson’s portfolio was his short position in First Solar, a company on the brink of collapse despite receiving more than $3 billion in federal loan guarantees from the Obama administration.
  4. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Lanny Davis: ‘You Have Vicious People Who Are Working For The President’

    Former Clinton aide takes Obama officials to task for saying Cory Booker is “dead to us.” “It may be meltdown unless they come to their senses. Why would they want to create enemies, or depict people as enemies: who are their friends?”

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  5. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Holder Appoints Obama Donor To Investigate White House National Security Leaks…
    Via CNN:

    Attorney General Eric Holder said on Friday he had assigned two U.S. attorneys to lead investigations into the possible leaking of state secrets.

    “The unauthorized disclosure of classified information can compromise the security of this country and all Americans, and it will not be tolerated,” he said in a statement.

    Holder assigned U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Ronald C. Machen Jr., a Democratic appointee, and U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein, a holdover GOP appointee, to lead the investigations.

    Via this 2009 WaPo story on Obama nominating Ronald Machen to be D.C.’s top prosecutor

    . . .Machen, a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Law School, is a partner at the law firm WilmerHale, where he has specialized in internal investigations for corporations. He was an assistant U.S. attorney in the District from 1997 to 2001, handling crimes ranging from theft to mail fraud.

    Machen, who lives in Silver Spring, is expected to move to the District while he holds down the job.

    Over the years, he has donated $4,350 to Obama’s campaigns. He gave $250 to Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign in 2003, a year before Obama, then an Illinois state senator, emerged on the nation’s political radar, according to campaign finance records.
  6. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama Administration Announces New Round of “Green Energy” Loans…

    It’s anyone’s guess as to how many of these new “investments” are going to Dem-connected firms.

    Via DOE website:

    As part of the Obama Administration’s blueprint for an American economy built to last, the Energy Department today announced new investments that support American leadership and global competiveness in manufacturing. The Energy Department awarded more than $54 million — leveraging approximately an additional $17 million in cost share from the private sector — for 13 projects across the country to advance transformational technologies and materials that can help American manufacturers dramatically increase the energy efficiency of their operations and reduce costs. These projects will develop cutting-edge manufacturing tools, techniques, and processes that will be able to save companies money by reducing the energy needed to power their facilities. These projects are a part of the Administration’s strategy for investing in emerging technologies that create high-quality domestic manufacturing jobs and enhance the competitiveness of U.S. companies in today’s global markets.

    “By investing in breakthrough technologies that can drastically reduce the amount of energy consumed during manufacturing, the Energy Department is supporting President Obama’s blueprint for an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, and skills for American workers,” said U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “When it comes to clean energy, our motto should be: ‘Invented in America, made in America, and sold around the world.’ The projects announced today will improve the competitive position of U.S. industry and help manufacturers produce more while saving energy, saving money and protecting our air and water.”
  7. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Report: More Troubles At Another Obama-Funded Green Energy Company…

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  8. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Thug Tactics: Obama Campaign Demands GOP Group Disclose Its Donors…
    Intimidation 101.

    (Reuters) – Democratic President Barack Obama’s top campaign lawyer filed a complaint with the federal election regulator on Tuesday, demanding that the well-heeded and high-spending Republican advocacy group Crossroads GPS disclose its donors.

    This is the latest Democratic effort to slow down Crossroads GPS, run by former aide to President George W. Bush Karl Rove, which plans to spend some $300 million alongside its sister “super” political action committee to help Republican candidates ahead of the November 6 election, largely through advertising.

    Republican non-profit and “Super PAC” groups have been far outpaced their Democratic rivals in fundraising and spending, which expected to help presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney bridge the fundraising gap between his and Obama’s election campaigns.

    Crossroads GPS is organized under a specific U.S. tax law section that identifies it as a nonprofit social welfare organization, meant to educate the public and allowed to keep its donors private. The group also has a sister Super PAC American Crossroads, which discloses its donors monthly.

    The Federal Election Commission, the elections oversight agency, is currently split along party lines and has repeatedly deadlocked on whether social welfare groups must disclose their donors if they engage in political activity.
  9. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Prisons Make Solar Panels For Obama Cronies

    Home - by Cardigan - June 22, 2012 - 07:45 America/New_York - 7 Comments

    Sweetness & Light

    From the Washington Free Beacon:

    Green Energy Gulag: Federal inmates build solar panels for company with ties to Obama administration

    Andrew Stiles
    June 20, 2012

    The Obama administration is using prison labor to advance its green energy agenda, enriching foreign companies and some of the president’s largest campaign donors in the process.

    Federal Prison Industries, most commonly known by the trade name UNICOR, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the U.S. Department of Justice. Established by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1934, UNICOR was intended as a voluntary work-training program for federal inmates. It has recently gone into business supplying federal agencies with green energy technology such as solar panels.

    Hundreds of federal inmates earn between $0.23 and $1.15 per hour manufacturing solar panels at UNICOR facilities in New York and Oregon. The panels are then sold to a variety of government agencies, which are obligated by law to purchase them…

    Who says that Obama isn’t creating jobs? However, these aren’t union jobs. They don’t even pay anywhere near minimum wage. So where is the outrage?

    One of the alleged rationales for the program is to allow federal agencies to purchase domestically produced solar panels at an affordable price.

    Thomas Friedman from the New York Times should be happy. We are becoming more and more like China every day.

    UNICOR typically partners with private companies to install the panels and help the agencies put in place other energy-saving measures. Major beneficiaries of this system include Constellation Energy, which was recently acquired by the Exelon Corporation, a Chicago-based utility provider with deep ties to the Obama administration.
  10. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    To defeat Obama in 2012 tell the story of Chicago's decline

    By Wayne Allyn Root

    Published June 25, 2012

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  11. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama Admin Gives “Green” Energy Company That Created Three Jobs In Three Years Another $80 Million Loan…

    Via Washington Examiner:

    Department of Energy officials gave a New Hampshire-based biofuel company access to $80 million for a Michigan project that has already fallen short of job creation expectations, despite receiving another $40 million in state and DOE subsidies.

    “In September 2008, Mascoma [Corp.] pledged 70 jobs at the plant by the end of 2012. On Feb. 29 of this year, Mascoma reported to the MEDC that only three jobs had been created by the grant,” the Capitol Confidential (Mich.) reports today. “The company has been given the full $20 million from the state.”

    Mascoma, a renewable energy company that specializes in cellulosic ethanol, received another $20 million for research and development from the Energy Department in 2008.
  12. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Overworked President Taking Three-Day Weekend at Camp David
    (The Oval) — President Obama is taking some time out from the White House, spending the first part of July 4th week at Camp David.

    Leaving early Saturday afternoon, Obama does not plan to return to Washington until Tuesday, according to his schedule.

    Congress is on holiday recess, having wrapped up two items that had been a source of dispute with Obama: A highway bill, and an extension of a college student loan program. . . .

    It’s a good time to be out of Washington, which is sweltering in 100 degree-plus heat.

    “Stay cool!” Obama told reporters Friday night after returning from a trip to Colorado to inspect wildfire damage. “Drink a lot of water.”
  13. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    House Investigating Now Bankrupt Solar Company Backed By Obama Campaign Bundler And $400 Million DOE Loan…
    Giddy up!

    Via Washington Examiner:

    House investigators have asked executives and former executives at Abound Solar, a now-bankrupt solar company that received a $400 million loan guarantee from the Department of Energy, to testify before Congress about the DOE subsidy.

    The House Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Stimulus Oversight and Government Spending invited the Abound Solar CEO and former CEO to testify, along with some Energy Department officials after the company announced it is filing for bankruptcy, despite drawing about $70 million of the $400 million available from the DOE loan guarantee. [...]

    Bohemian Companies, founded by Democratic mega-donor Pat Stryker, invested in Abound Solar in 2008. A year after the investment, but a year before Abound received a loan guarantee, Stryker apparently visited the White House. “The White House did not confirm that the visitor was the Pat Stryker in question and did not provide details about the meeting,” the Sunlight Foundation reported.

    Stryker gave $50,000 for Obama’s inauguration and bundled another 87,000 for the event. She also donated $35,800 to the Obama Victory Fund, Sunlight observed.
  14. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Holder’s DOJ Hires Far-Left Group To Help Block Texas Voter ID Law…
    Two peas in a pod.

    (Politico) — Texas Rep. Ted Poe blasted the Justice Department on Friday for hiring what the congressman called a “partisan” and “liberal group” as a part of the DOJ’s effort to block the implementation of the state’s voter ID law, saying the firm in question has “no credibility.”

    “The Department of Justice is, with all their battery of lawyers and investigators — they can’t find any evidence to support their lawsuit against Texas allegedly discriminating so they go to an outside group,” the Republican congressman said on “Fox and Friends.” “It is a partisan group, it is a liberal group, that promotes progressive ideas and they’re trying to get information, evidence if we can use that phrase, in this case to use against Texas in the lawsuit.”

    He added, “They’re not objective and so they’ve already have their minds made up. We’re not sure if the facts or evidence they’re presenting have any credibility at all.”

    Poe echoed the complaints of fellow Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Lamar Smith, who came out this week criticizing Attorney General Eric Holder and the DOJ for hiring the firm Catalist to conduct analysis on the Texas voter ID law. Smith argued that the DOJ’s decision to block the implementation of the law was partly based on research conducted by Catalist, which he slammed as being “an explicitly partisan Democratic data company.”
  15. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama Admits Buffet Rule Is Bogus, Says Secretaries Pay A Lower Tax Rate Than Their Millionaire Bosses…
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    Freudian slip?

    “We need to have a tax code where secretaries aren’t paying a lower tax rate than their bosses.”

    Via YouTube:

    The AP reported last year that, contrary to President Obama’s disingenuous claims, secretaries do not pay a higher tax rate than their bosses.

    “The data tell a different story [than Obama’s],” the AP noted. “This year, households making more than $1 million will pay an average of 29.1 percent of their income in federal taxes. Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 will pay 15 percent of their income in federal taxes. Lower-income households will pay less [5.7%, 12.5%, 15%].
  16. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Report: Jesse Jackson Jr Did Not Attempt Suicide — He’s Really Exhausted


    If the FBI arrested one of your chief fundraisers while the House was investigating you for ethics violations, you’d be exhausted too.

    (CHICAGO) — Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. will likely not return to Congress until after Labor Day, a senior aide close to the congressman told ABC News.

    The source also denied a rumor reported on the Chicago WLS talk radio show Roe & Roeper that the Democratic congressman’s mysterious absence was due to a suicide attempt. That source claimed to have spoken to Jackson as recently as “the last few days,” and said that although he continues treatment at an inpatient facility, the congressman is not facing any life-threatening ailments.
  17. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Nonprofit targeting Democratic-leaning voting blocs sends dogs, dead people voter forms

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  18. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Romney Lays Into Obama Over “Reckless” And “Absurd” Comments That He Might Be A Felon, Demands Apology…
    Obama still a lot further down to go before he even considers apologizing for something, he’s a Chicago-style political thug and this is just the beginning.

    WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney demanded an apology from President Obama on Friday for making what he called “reckless” and “absurd” allegations in an escalating battle over whether Mr. Romney’s business record included outsourcing American jobs.

    After days in which the Obama campaign persistently goaded Mr. Romney and even raised questions about whether he might have broken the law by lying on a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, Mr. Romney finally hit back hard, giving five television interviews in which he said the attacks on him were “beneath the dignity of the presidency.”

    “What kind of a president would have a campaign that says something like that about the nominee of another party?” Mr. Romney said to CBS News. In an interview with ABC News, he added: “He sure as heck ought to say that he’s sorry for the kinds of attacks that are coming from his team.”
  19. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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  20. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Venture Capitalists Who Backed Obama Talk About Reaping Rewards Of His Presidency’s $134 Billion “Green” Energy Investments: “About To Get Treated Like a Hooker Dropped Into a Prison Exercise Yard”…

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    Via BuzzFeed:

    The Republican National Committee is continuing its counterattack on President Barack Obama, releasing emails and videos to bolster Romney’s recent claims that the White House’s efforts to invest in “green energy” amounted to a form of “crony capitalism.”

    In one email, Steve Westly, an Obama fundraiser whose company received close to a half billion dollars in green energy funds in 2009, cites his ties to senior Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett, campaign manager Jim Messina, and secretary of energy Steven Chu.

    “Please forgive the delay on this, but the Administration has asked me to co-host events for Valeria[sic] Jarrett (last Thursday) and Jim Messina and Steven Chu (both of which are tomorrow) so things have been a bit busy on this end,” he wrote to an Obama energy official in an email on March 8, 2010.

    Westly sent the email during his vetting process to sit on the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, a position he still holds, according to his online bio at the Westly Group.

    The appointment was announced about one year after Westly’s companies received the energy funds. [...]

    Another video, unearthed by the RNC — which is seeking to blunt a searing Democratic attack on Republican Mitt Romney’s time at the help of Bain Capital — offers a sense of how venture capitalists who supported Obama viewed the green money.

    In a video appearance from 2009, venture capitalist Paul Holland — who had given the maximum legal contribution to Obama, and whose companies received over 6 million in government dollars — described his feelings when heard about the billions up for grabs.

    “He came in to do his talk and opened his talk with, ‘I’m Matt Rogers I am the Special Assistant to the Secretary of Energy and I have $134 billion that I have to disperse between now and the end of December,’” Holland told the audience. “So upon hearing that I sent an email to my partners that said Matt Rogers is about to get treated like a hooker dropped into a prison exercise yard.”