I guess that was my point. There aren't yokels at the gun shows selling dozens of firearms without background checks. You are allowed to sell 6 per year...presumably so that you can sell them to friends and family without going through a dealer, background checks, etc. I can live with universal background checks...it's just that it doesn't solve much of anything. And I resent the way that it is being sold to the public as some massive loophole...hell, even I thought that it was.
Exactly my thoughts. The Gov't and media are touting this, and banning "assault style" rifles as a cure-all for mass slayings. They know these new rules will NOT stop it. And I begin to suspect that's what they want. Then when the next killer emerges they can remove more items they deem dangerous and further erode the 2nd amendment. :x
Exactly my thoughts. The liberal left wants gun confiscation and does not mind taking baby steps to get there! I will not be a part of that!
This was actually said by an ATF agent of a plastic airsoft gun!!! Does this moron really have a badge??? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Y2sWiZ8BizI" frameborder="0"></iframe>
So they have "documentation" that a toy that "fires" through use of an electric motor (I know, I have one) can be converted into a true powder-fired weapon? Here's how that process would look: Buy airsoft gun and throw it in trash. Buy actual gun. Terrorize neighborhood. :roll:
Wow, and if have you have water in a jar maybe a bearded man may walk in and turn water it into wine....And I believe this story... :shock: Really.... I would like to learn this technique so I can become wealthy turning toy guns into assault rifles.... :?
NRA Vindicated: Armed Guard Stops School Shooter After He Opens Fire On Classmates… No gun-grabbing bill in the world would have done this. Atlanta, Georgia (AP) — A student opened fire at his middle school Thursday afternoon, wounding a 14-year-old in the neck before an armed officer working at the school was able to get the gun away, police said. Multiple shots were fired in the courtyard of Price Middle School just south of downtown around 1:50 p.m. and the one boy was hit, Atlanta Police Chief George Turner said. In the aftermath, a teacher received minor cuts, he said. The wounded boy was taken “alert, conscious and breathing” to Grady Memorial Hospital, said police spokesman Carlos Campos. He was expected to be released Thursday night. Police swarmed the school of about 400 students after reports of the shooting while a crowd of anxious parents gathered in the streets, awaiting word on their children. Students were kept at the locked-down school for more than two hours before being dismissed. Investigators believe the shooting was not random and that something occurred between the two students that may have led to it. Schools Superintendent Erroll Davis said the school does have metal detectors. “The obvious question is how did this get past a metal detector?” Davis asked about the gun. “That’s something we do not know yet.” The armed resource officer who took the gun away was off-duty and at the school, but police didn’t release details on him or whether he is regularly at Price. Since 20 children and six adults were shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in December, calls for armed officers in every school have resonated across the country. Update: Biden last week… Putting armed guards in schools would be a “terrible mistake.” Vice President Joe Biden figuratively slapped the National Rifle Association in the face on Thursday during a Google+ Hangout by indirectly slamming its suggestion to put armed guards in every school in the nation. “We are not calling for armed guards in schools…we think that would be a terrible mistake,” the VP said during a PBS “Fireside Hangout.” “The last thing we need to do is be arming school teachers and administrators,” he added. The Vice President did talk about allowing schools to hire more mental health professionals and ‘resource officers.’ Biden said the current proposal — some $40 million for schools to hire these individuals — will not fully cover the cost of implementing these strategies nationwide, but it is a “way to begin the process.”
Must have been one of those plastic airsoft guns converted to a machine gun! :roll: Or better yet, it'a a metal detector like the ones at Austin airport that 7 out of 10 times will not detect the 2 pounds of titanium in each of my knees.
Shear Madness Home - by Cardigan - February 2, 2013 - 01:30 America/New_York - 4 Comments HOPE N’ CHANGE Following the tragic massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the government is doing everything in its power to make citizens safer by taking guns out of the hands of sane people. But that doesn’t mean that they intend to leave us totally defenseless when facing down a well-armed psychopath. That’s why the Department of Homeland Security has produced a video which explains that in an “active shooter” situation, you can take out the bad guy using an ordinary pair of scissors - assuming that the shooter isn’t wearing body armor, that he doesn’t see you coming, that you don’t slip in the blood of other victims, and that the shooter doesn’t turn you into swiss cheese when he gets tired of receiving annoying little jabs. The video, produced at taxpayer expense and having all of the cinematic panache of a 1950′s“Duck & Cover” public service film, gives additional helpful tips that people might not think of when confronted with a death-dealing maniac: run away if you can, or hide and be quiet while waiting your turn to die. No mention is made of “shooting back,” because the only people who should be carrying guns are police, lunatics, and the Mexican drug cartels. Additionally, the video doesn’t clarify whether it would be permissible to use scissors against a radical Muslim like Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan, considering there’s a chance you might accidentally cut off part of his holy beard.
Good for you Mayor. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/TxHnCei4wzg" frameborder="0"></iframe>
It seems that lawmakers are working their way towards some semblance of compromise on gun control legislation revolving around universal background checks and strengthening the data base. Gone it seems are any weapons and large capacity mag bans. Seems common sense progress that an overwhelming majority of citizens favor.. Surely will not make the problem disappear, but a positive step in any event, imho....... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...ecks-represent-ground-for-compromise-/?page=1
:roll: Common sense doesn't apply to the People's Republic of California. Since Obama has already established that the government can force citizens to buy insurance, the Lib/Dem plan here is to force all gun owners to buy insurance for every gun they own. The idea being to make gun ownership so expensive that only Cartel drug dealers will be able to afford them...
I think there is more to it than that, Jim... They also are planning on insurance companies to do what they have been unable to do...regulate gun ownership. It will start with lowering premiums for safe gun storage, gun safety courses, etc. (and I'm not saying that isn't a bad notion)...then it will go to requiring these things. Then it will go to perhaps limiting the number of weapons...or charging a premium for owning an "arsenal". Or they will monitor how much ammunition you buy and how much you shoot and base premiums on that. And maybe if these folks get their way, it will proceed on to just what type of weapons they will insure you for...and what type of shooting activities you may participate in.
Funny enough... of all the evils in our society, I think insurance companies are truly the nastiest weapon of all.
The burden on society is enormous....economic costs alone measure in the tens of $billions$ and stretch already overwhelmed public healthcare system to the breaking point for no benefit. Social and emotional costs on top are staggering....we need fewer absent(ee) fathers not more...... I understand that there are multiple agendas at play here and I don't agree with many of them, but I also understand the costs are real and staggering, taxpayers don't need nor want a greater burden and the pressure to find a solution to help offset them is immense and putting armed guards in schools ain't gonna do it.....let's find solutions
DOJ Lawyer: “I Can’t Say I Know What Causes Gun Violence” In Places Like Chicago That Have Strict Gun Laws… Really? — He has no idea? Via Washington Examiner: . . . “I can’t say that I know what causes gun violence,” Heaphy told the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights as he called for lawmakers to find the “sweet spot” between Second Amendment rights and the need for public safety. “It’s very difficult to isolate one cause and tie it very specifically to our crime rate,” he said. Heaphy was responding to Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, who asked him if there are any studies about whether violence goes down when there a looser gun laws. Hirono also mentioned that Chicago and Washington, D.C., have strict gun laws but high crime, whereas Hawaii has strict gun laws and low crime.
Seattle Senate Bill Includes “Home Inspection” As Part Of Gun Control Measure Isn’t this why one of the reasons we had the first American Revolution? Via Seattle Times: Forget police drones flying over your house. How about police coming inside, once a year, to have a look around? As Orwellian as that sounds, it isn’t hypothetical. The notion of police home inspections was introduced in a bill last week in Olympia. That it’s part of one of the major gun-control efforts pains me. It seemed in recent weeks lawmakers might be headed toward some common-sense regulation of gun sales. But then last week they went too far. By mistake, they claim. But still too far. “They always say, we’ll never go house to house to take your guns away. But then you see this, and you have to wonder.” That’s no gun-rights absolutist talking, but Lance Palmer, a Seattle trial lawyer and self-described liberal who brought the troubling Senate Bill 5737 to my attention. It’s the long-awaited assault-weapons ban, introduced last week by three Seattle Democrats. Responding to the Newtown school massacre, the bill would ban the sale of semi-automatic weapons that use detachable ammunition magazines. Clips that contain more than 10 rounds would be illegal. But then, with respect to the thousands of weapons like that already owned by Washington residents, the bill says this: “In order to continue to possess an assault weapon that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing shall … safely and securely store the assault weapon. The sheriff of the county may, no more than once per year, conduct an inspection to ensure compliance with this subsection.” In other words, come into homes without a warrant to poke around. Failure to comply could get you up to a year in jail.