The Second Amendment

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by JO'Co, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    Enjoy your break Stu, Buckeyes played much better last night and the Boilers fought to pull it out till the end. Any win in Mackey is a quality win....

    I'm pretty much done with the topic as well, though I suspect there will be some commentary on the thread as the legislation works its way through the process
  2. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Paging Bob Costas: NBC Sponsors One Of Biggest Gun Shows In US


    Ah, hypocrisy.

    Via Fox Nation:

    The NBC Sports Network, a subsidiary of the communications giant Comcast, is helping to sponsor the largest gun trade show in the country despite anti-gun rhetoric on the NBC family of television networks, including a controversial monologue by one of its sports announcers.

    NBC Sports is listed as one of the primary sponsors of the 2013 SHOT Show, which takes place Jan. 15 to18 in Las Vegas and bills itself “the world’s premier exposition of combined firearms.”

    NBC commentator Bob Costas made national headlines when he launched into a pro-gun control speech during halftime at a December football game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Dallas Cowboys. The speech came in the wake of a tragic murder-suicide by Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher.
  3. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    DOJ Report: Youths 6 Times More Likely To Be Victimized By A Knife Than A Gun


    Only one way to stop this, ban ALL sharp objects!

    ( – A new Justice Department study looking at violent crimes committed against “youth”—defined as Americans from 12 to 17 years of age—discovered that the rate of “serious violent crime” committed against youth by a perpetrator using a firearm dropped 95 percent from 1994 to 2010.

    The study—“Violent Crime Against Youth, 1994-2010”–also discovered that American youth who were victims of a serious violent crime in 2010 were six times more likely to have been attacked by a perpetrator wielding a knife than one wielding a gun.

    Serious violent crimes against youth perpetrated at schools dropped 62 percent from 1994 to 2010, said the study, and students were less likely to become victims of a serious violent crime at school than they were away from school. In 2010, 6.6 out of every 1,000 youth became victims of a serious violent crime at school while 7.4 of every 1,000 became victims of a serious violent crime away from school.
  4. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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  5. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    With all due respect to the Sheriff, I applaud his passion and commitment to duty but I'm quite certain that we don't want some backwoods Oregon sheriff pretending to be a Supreme Court Justice and interpreting the Constitution for us....can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if every county sheriff in every corner of the nation had their own personal interpretation of the Constitution?

    I think we'd all be better served if he did his job and enforced the law and let the Supreme Court interpret the Constitution....

    From what I gather just from the news reports, the initiatives that Obama will roll out today include several items that, if I recall correctly, you have said that you would support.....universal background checks for one.
  6. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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  7. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    ... and that is the road that obama and his gun hating mob is paving for us Mike.
  8. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    Tom, I am not part of ANY "gun hating mob" any more than you and any staunch NRA supporter is part of a murder loving mob. You yourself suggested (I think?) that you would support universal background checks which he has proposed. Several of the executive actions taken today are designed to enhance the effectiveness of that database...seems pretty common sense stuff.

    All that said, I have not yet studied in full all executive actions taken so can't speak to them all.....
  9. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    My reference was to obama and his mob of democrats in office paving a road to exactly what has happened in Australia depicted in Mike's posting of the video..

    It has been obvious over my lifetime that the objective of the liberal portion of our government has been and always will be the elimination of guns from the hands of all subjects to the king.

    I will back initiatives to make certain that guns purchased are being purchased by law abiding citizens. I will not support legislation to register which in all other lands has been the first step to gun confiscation. I will not support any legislation to ban certain firearms. Banning ALL FIREARMS from the criminal element or the mentally ill is something that I WOULD support. But, oh my... we already have those laws on the books... and the criminals don't care!
  10. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    Without the means to monitor and track compliance such laws are's the equivalent of the honor system. Nobody in their right mind is gonna trust those types of individuals with anything of value to the honor system.

    We cannot be serious about reducing the number of weapons in their hands until we have an effective means to monitor and track compliance. That to me is just a no brainer......not a cure all for sure, but an easy beginning

    If the NRA would support that, it would be done in a heartbeat. What are the chances they would support it?
  11. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Didn't the kid in Conn. steal the guns from his mother? Didn't she have the guns legally? What proposed legislation would have prevented that?
  12. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    Good point......that clinches it, lets do nothing. :roll:

    In all seriousness, the vast majority of the problems, as I see them, have very little to do with assault rifles or schools. Too many weapons in the hands of those unworthy and/or with the intent to harm. The universal background checks and other initiatives to make the database more robust can have a material impact on the problem.
  13. RECcane

    RECcane Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 1999
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    Wow, do I stand with the NRA who yesterday blamed gun violence on video games and later in the day released its own video shooting game for iPad or do I stand with the Democrats and work toward gun control in increments until we are Europe...?

    In all honesty what the president spoke about today was not far reaching but common sense when it comes to guns. The effort to reenact the 1994 gun regulations are not the end of the world because it gravitates toward assault rifles, improved background checks and for some reason high round ammunition clips (So you have ten 7 round clips instead of two 30 round clips, it really doesn't make much difference).

    Yes I live in an area where gun ownership is like owning a toothbrush, everyone has one, uses it and honestly gives it no thought until the media has a story they intend to raise their ratings with. Every person I have spoken with agrees that they understand if there is a ban on assault type weapons. The honest truth is outside of the sheer enjoyment of shooting this type of gun for fun it really has no objective but to have the capacity to kill with a massive amount of bullets. Hey, I have one with several high round clips and actually purchased it because it was a great price and planned on using it for shooting wild hogs. The reality is I waste too much ammo, shoot better with a single shot rifle and it gets expensive purchasing the ammo.

    This being said I have great fear of our government intruding into our lives and fear how military leaders and Homeland security were the first ones to say that we need to control and ban weapons like this. Of all agencies why did they feel the need to step up and announce this...?

    What I see coming down the road is an announcement that if all gun owners register every gun they own they will be grandfathered in without fear of government asking for their guns. Then once that is completed if they ever sell one of their guns the buyer will need to go through the enhanced background check and register it with state and federal agencies. If gun owners do not voluntary register their guns they will be held to stiff new laws that will prevent them from ever owning a gun and be prosecuted according to the new penalties. I see no other way for the government to control and understand the amount of guns in public use.

    This actually sounds very smart and a bit intrusive but not the end of the world as we know it. But registrations like this become public knowledge and eventually everyone who opposes your right to gun ownership has you on a list provided by the federal government. It probably puts you on a list of potential anarchist on some federal agency list. For all the gusto I share with my dislike for our government you can believe there are agencies that feel the same way about me and feel they must monitor people like myself and especially gun toting nuts.

    So where does this leave us. Where does this end honestly once it starts, do we become like Australia...?

    Just my opinion...
  14. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    It IS a good point.

    The media and prez are blowing their horns and want to enact strict new rules BECAUSE of what happened in Conn.
    It only makes sense that the rules they would create would address that situation and prevent it from happening again.
    But what they propose would NOT have made a difference.
    So what's their true goal??

    I'm all for full background checks, and MUCH harsher penalties for gun crime as well as more attention to the mentally ill.
    Addressing those issues could do some good.

    Restricting military "FEATURES" (Damn that's ludicrous!) and mag size is NOT going to stop that school shooting from happening again.
    I personally do not have/want a mag bigger than 10 rounds in my rifle (it's going to get interesting in they include pistols) but like Ralph said... two 30 rounders, or six 10 rounders ain't gonna make a diff.
  15. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    It appears that we have some that are gearing up for a War Against Guns. This of course will be just as successful as the War Against Poverty and the War Against Drugs.
    They never learn. It seems that the passage of futile laws gives some such a rush that the fact that the laws do absolutely nothing about the problem that they were drafted for makes no difference. You would think that the lessons of Prohibition would be remembered.
    Here we go again.
  16. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Image via AmmoLand

    Thanks to the quick reflexes of a Michigan City man, and his close proximity to a firearm, a recent home invasion that could have ended very badly for him, instead ended very badly for his assailants.

    ABC 57 News MICHIGAN CITY, Ind, Jan 15:

    According to police, a man was inside his home on Pontiac Drive Friday night when two people broke in.

    He pulled out a gun, shot both of them, and kept one of them at gunpoint until police got there.

    The other man ran away, but police found him just blocks away inside a house on Hobart Street.

    Police surrounded that house, and went inside. They found the man hiding in the closet and bleeding.

    Video at link.

    Both of the miscreants are expected to survive their injuries.

    Another harrowing story from the 13th: East Ridge home intruder stopped by armed residents:

    EAST RIDGE, TN (WRCB) — An East Ridge family catches an intruder in the act and held him for police. They tell Channel 3 why their guns may have saved their lives.

    A 22-year-old Hixson man is behind bars after police say he repeatedly tried to force his way into an East Ridge home early Sunday morning. It happened on South Seminole Drive.

    Around 1:45 a.m. Sunday the Davenport family awoke to a banging at the front door. They asked the man what he wanted and he made it clear– he wanted inside. From there, they called police and jumped into action to protect themselves.

    “My husband said police are on the way, I have a weapon and the guy said ‘F that I’m coming in this house’ and he was breaking the glass and he had his arm inside the house trying to unlock the door,” homeowner Melissa Davenport said.

    As her husband fought the stranger, now identified as 22-year-old Chas Scruggs at the door, Melissa Davenport frantically called 911. “I was just telling her I’m so scared I’m so scared,” Davenport said.

    Keep reading – the guy was impervious to fear and pain and determined to get in – probably high on meth. That family’s guns definitely saved their lives that night.
  17. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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  18. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama's new executive orders to control plain English.
  19. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    BTW- at this morning's meeting, our teacher's union was outraged that the school district is going to spend money on training and guns for our campus police. The union wants the money to go to us instead...

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  20. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    I don't accept that take is that they want to enact because we have a massive problem with gun violence in our country, it requires action and it is the right thing to do. I am cynical about our politicians, but no so that I don't think they can ever do anything right. I believe they have made progress here....

    The vast majority of gun violence does not happen in our schools but on our city streets.....there is no doubt that universal background checks against a more robust database will have a positive impact and therefore is the right thing to do ...... no matter the event that initiated the action.

    No doubt the nation's conscience was savaged at the horror of what took place in Newtown. It represented in my view a seminal moment in our nation as it relates to gun violence and control and precipitated a flood of letters, emails, tweets, etc to the White House, Senators and Congressman in unprecedented numbers from their constituents with calls to act. Of course from a political perspective, and our laws are created by politicians, the rallying cry from the masses as a result of Newtown makes it easier to garner support for action.

    In my case, a gun owner and enthusiast, as a father of two young children myself - I had just dropped them off at school - I wept as I watched the coverage of the tragedy at Newtown. I was devastated and angry and ashamed at my country. Those kinds of things don't seem to happen in other countries. How and why does if happen in ours? It compelled me to become better informed about the facts on gun violence in our nation. I didn't realize just how poorly we perform when compared against other developed countries....I never before realized that we as a society have a record of slaughtering our own - primarily our young - at a rate 2X-3X the rate of the rest of the developed world and in the process incur $billions$ in unnecessary economic costs and an untold emotional burden. THAT is unacceptable to me and in my view, any compassionate society is compelled to address the problem.

    Both Biden and Obama clearly spoke to the larger issue in their comments's about much more than Newtown. Newtown simply provided the timing and the energy.....will these proposed measures prevent another Newtown? Arguably perhaps not....Will they help address the broader problem? Without question they are a step forward.

    You support universal background checks. Tom has stated his support for universal background checks. The primary impact of the proposal is universal background checks against a more robust database.....I don't get the criticism???