The Second Amendment

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by JO'Co, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    The most common sense approach to convince people of the downfall of "hi-cap" mags ban:

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  2. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I know there has been heated debate on this topic and maybe some feelings hurt. Just ask yourself... what would you be able to do in the scenario in the video just posted. Would you want a 1911 with a 7 round mag or would you want a Springfield XDm 45 ACP that holds 14 rounds of 45 ACP knock down power?

    The father in that video is the typical homeowner. He froze when the gun went "click" instead of "bang". He was not prepared to drop and load mags. He and his family paid the price. He was prepared for one intruder... not two with that little 7 round mag.

    You break in my house in a scenario like that one, my XDm is going to be there with 2 extra mags. That's 40 rounds of "Get the f..k out of my house if you can" scumbag stoppers! My only question would be: Will Cindy get her shots off first!?!? We do not live in fear... we live prepared.
  3. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Here is your liberal congress in action. Read this with an open mind. This reasonable background checks morphed into many ways to take your guns and label you a criminal.

    Yesterday in meeting with Congressman Tom Reed, he mentioned that the one big reason the gun bill was defeated was that there was "Much in it, not reported by the main stream media, that many congressmen and senators did not like." This forwarded memo below might explain at least part of the problems---Once again the main stream media selectively reports what serves their agenda. Because they use the terms common sense and reasonable doesn’t make it so.

    The "most popular" part of the defeated-but-sure-to-come back Senate gun control bill (background checks) sounds like a good idea at first but is more restrictive than anyone anticipated and will have significant unintended consequences.
    There is a huge push to get it through Congress before the public has a chance to consider its contents.
    Common activities that we take for granted will become federal crimes. These are not irresponsible exaggerations. Please take a moment to review the requirements of the bill.
    Here are a few examples of the restrictions in the bill:
    EXAMPLE #1
    Loaning your buddy a shotgun for a duck hunting trip will be considered a transfer. If the following requirements are not met, YOU HAVE BOTH COMMITTED A FEDERAL CRIME.
    1. He must have already purchased his hunting license
    2. Season is already open (and will not close before he returns it)
    3. He cannot travel with the firearm through a county where season is not yet open or any area where hunting is prohibited and certainly not across a state line.
    He CANNOT stop by your house on the day before season opens, pick up the shot gun, go to the sporting goods store to buy a license and shells then drive out to the hunting lease. In this scenario, YOU BOTH WOULD HAVE COMMITTED MULTIPLE FEDERAL CRIMES, YOUR WEAPONS WILL BE FORFEITED AND YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR RIGHT TO BUY OR OWN A FIREARM.
    EXAMPLE #2
    It appears that only you may relocate your weapons. If your weapon leaves your home without you, the new legislation considers it a transfer of possession. ALL transfers require going through a firearms dealer, paying the transfer fee and a background check for the transferee.
    Putting the weapon, even temporarily in someone else's possession, requires a transfer through a dealer. There is no exception for putting them in a friend's truck while moving to your new house or packing them unloaded, locked in a gun safe into a moving truck.
    Any scenario in which your weapon leaves your home without you is considered a transfer. Failure to properly transfer the weapon is a federal crime which can result in a prison term AND WILL RESULT IN THE FORFEITURE OF YOUR WEAPON.
    In the scenario above, your buddy's truck was used to commit a federal crime and WILL BE CONFISCATED just like with current Fish and Game violations.
    EXAMPLE #3
    Infractions as above which involve 2 guns of any type are considered weapons trafficking. You will be prosecuted under the same federal laws as a terrorist arms dealer.
    EXAMPLE #4
    Any of the infractions above (or hundreds of other routine scenarios) may result in federal charges, confiscation of ALL your weapons and being prohibited, like all felons, from ever owning a weapon again.
    Please read the text of the bill yourself. Most of it is boring legalese but the sections on transfers and trafficking are critical.
    Take a minute to think about all the routine activities like those above that will make you a federal criminal and result in prison time plus the confiscation of your weapons and other property.
    A link to the bill is included below on the official Senate website. See Section 122 "Firearms Transfers".
    Read it and call your congressman's office. Talk to their staff. Tell them how you feel about this.
    Keep in mind, none of the above would have stopped the tragedy's in Columbine or Newtown . The proposed law makes you a criminal and opens the door for confiscation of your weapons and property for otherwise routine activities.
    Think and act. Congress is hoping that you will do neither.
    If you found the patience to read the entire text, you also learned that exactly $100 million per year of your tax money is set aside to enforce these restrictions.
    Finally, please forward this to your friends who may be affected.

    Failure to hit the bulls-eye is not the fault of the target.
  4. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Oregon: Iraq-Afghan War Veteran Arrested For Firing Warning Shot At Wanted Felon Trying To Break Into His Home…

    He actually fired it into the ground, and he was still arrested for illegally discharging a weapon.

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  5. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Journalism Professor Calls For Firing Squad, Missile Attacks On The NRA….

    More from academia’s finest.

    Via Charleston Gazette:

    . . . Here it is. The NRA advocates armed rebellion against the duly elected government of the United States of America. That’s treason, and it’s worthy of the firing squad. The B.S. needs a serious gut check. We are not a tin pot banana republic where machine gun toting rebel groups storm the palace and depose the dictator.

    We put the president in the White House. To support the new NRA president’s agenda of arming the populace for confrontation with the government is bloody treason. And many invite it gladly as if the African-American president we voted for is somehow infringing on their Constitutional rights.

    Normally, I am a peaceable man, but in this case, I am willing to answer the call to defend the country. From them.

    To turn the song lyric they so love to quote back on them, “We’ll put a boot in your —, it’s the American way.”

    Except it won’t be a boot. It’ll be an M1A Abrams tank, supported by an F22 Raptor squadron with Hellfire missiles. Try treason on for size. See how that suits. And their assault arsenal and RPGs won’t do them any good.
  6. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Kerry says US will sign UN treaty on arms regulation despite lawmaker opposition

    Read more:
  7. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Gun-Outlawed Chicago: 67 People Shot, 11 Killed Over July 4th Long Weekend…
    Somehow this is still the NRA’s fault.

    Via Chicago Tribune:

    Eight people were shot — one fatally — in a drive-by shooting in which two men fired on a group of people at a home in the Lawndale neighborhood Saturday evening, authorities said.

    At least one of the shooters used a rifle and casings were recovered at the scene, police said.

    At least 67 people have been shot across the city since Wednesday afternoon during this long holiday weekend, 11 fatally.

    In Saturday evening’s shooting, four people in serious-to-critical condition and one person in fair-to-serious condition were taken to John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County, while one person in serious-to-critical and one person in fair-to-serious condition were taken to Mt. Sinai Hospital, according to the Chicago Fire Department’s media office.

    One victim, a 49-year-old man, was pronounced dead, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office. He was identified as Terry Patterson; his home address was not available. He had been taken to Mount Sinai Hospital with a gunshot wound the groin, Chicago Police Department News Affairs Officer Joshua Purkiss said.

    At Stroger were: a woman, 72, with a wound to an ankle; a woman, 41, with a wound to her right thigh; a man, 43, with gunshot wounds to the leg and back; a man, 45, shot in the penis and right thigh; and a man, 48, shot in the leg and buttocks. At Mount Sinai were: a man, 31, shot in the wrist, and a woman, 20, shot in the right leg. Police described all the victims as having had their conditions stabilized.,0,34361.story
  8. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Apple Valley, CA
  9. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    OK here's the choice you face in NYC. Allow yourself to be killed by an abusive spouse or spend 5 years in jail. Notice that the woman sent to prison didn't own the gun, her retired cop husband did.