Sure. Make healthcare insurance totally private and allow it to be purchased anywhere in the USA. Competition will regulate.
OK George.... I have heard this before but it doesn't seem to be up on the platform loud and clear for either party. What gives? Is somebody deep in the pockets of both sides of the aisle?? So deep that neither faction can offer what seems like a reasonable solution to our healthcare crisis?? I think the first step to the solution is for those assholes that do not personally experience the hardship of provididng healthcare for their families.... assholes like members of Congress for instance..... the first step is to finally admit that there is indeed a severe healthcare crisis in America. The deeper somebody has gone in to their pockets the more they seem unwilling to admit there is a problem.
Personally, I am no longer affiliated with either party. I have been a registered Republican since 1972 and actually cast my first presidential vote for Jimmy Carter. I am currently what is referred to here in NJ as an "unafilliated" voter or an Indepnedent. I find the Democrats big, central government income re-distribution platform completely repulsive. I find the Republicans weakness equally revolting. I would point to the likes of john McCain and Lindsay Graham as prime examples of weakness. I think a significant number elected officials across the board are "bought off" one way or another. There should be two term limits on all and they should should absolutely play by exactly the same rules as the rest of us. I reject the notion that you stregthen the weak by diminishing the strong. All you end up with is average. And average don't cut it.
And just how many of these people are young healthy people who have chosen to not pay for health insurance? These are the targets of Obamacare. They're being forced to buy insurance against their will to subsidize the others in society.
California Senate Passes Bill Mandating Background Checks And Permits For Ammunition Purchases… Which of course will do nothing to stop gun violence. Update to this story. LOS ANGELES ( — A controversial gun measure proposed by a Southern California lawmaker that would require background checks for all ammunition purchases statewide is moving forward in Sacramento. Senator Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) first introduced Senate Bill 53 last December, which would require anyone wishing to purchase ammunition in California to first obtain a Ammunition Purchase Permit issued by the Department of Justice, valid for one year from the date of issuance. To obtain such a permit, the holder would have to pass a traditional background check as well as a mental health check, according to De León. The legislation would also ban online and mail order sales of ammunition to Californians. In addition, SB 53 would require all ammunition sales to take place at a limited list of State-approved “ammunition vendors”, who would also be required to submit sales records to the CA Department of Justice.
This is not a realistic, necessary infringement of our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Just ask the Kool-aid drinkers.
Hey you guys may need to explain this in greater detail but this "act" is something I as a gun owner have been dreading or expecting for the last couple years. We as Americans are given the right to bear arms, and as far as I understand it never specifically mentions the "right" to purchase ammunition without jumping through hoops the government has decided is necessary from one moment to the next. Kes, It sure seems that "We The People" are held to constitutional laws and all that it entails but "They" the government is above any such nonsense and can call it what ever they want to as they act upon the citizens of our country. Call it terrorism control, hate crimes, transgender abuse etc...We live in the false reality of freedom and each of us can at any time be labeled an aggressor of the United States....
Pelosi Pushes To Make California A Sanctuary State For Illegal Immigrants… The final death blow for California? SACRAMENTO — Twenty-eight of California’s congressional representatives are throwing their weight behind state legislation that would make it harder to deport immigrants who are in the country illegally. The representatives — all Democrats, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco — sent a letter to Gov. Jerry Brown urging him to sign the bill if it reaches his desk. The bill, known as the Trust Act, “establishes a bright line standard between local law enforcement and federal immigration enforcement” and would “continue California’s proud tradition of being a leader on smart and sensible policies,” the letter says. The representatives said unnecessary deportations have “reduced the willingness of immigrant and non-immigrant crime victims and witnesses to cooperate with local law enforcement, and consequently has diminished public safety.” Among the letter’s signatories are Reps. Zoe Lofgren and Mike Honda both of San Jose, and recently departed members of the state Legislature now in Washington such as Reps. Alan Lowenthal of Long Beach and Jared Huffman of San Rafael.,0,3629753.story
Remember that tastless cartoon in the Sacramento Bee following that terrible explosion in Texas. Well look at what's going on in California with that raging forest fire. I'm sure that Texas papers could have a field day with that tragedy if they were as tasteless at the Bee. :evil:
:roll: In today's news, the great State of California is going after both the Boy Scouts and Little League baseball to remove their tax exempt status......because they don't follow current state guidelines on homosexuals and other important matters...
This is an well written, easy to understand description of how the Liberals are destroying the middle class in California
How could this be? I thought making the rich "pay their fair share" would improve the situation? I thought Bush caused all the economic woe? How could a state so enlightened by over-powering left-wing zealotry have such huge economic liabilities??? Now, as frightening as it is to think that the economic engine that used to drive this country has fallen into such disrepair, think for a moment that this state's liberal agenda is the one held up as the shining example for which the entire country should strive. The great experiment that is permanent liberalism is failing before our eyes, and about half of this country is orgasmically in favor of expanding it! What a travesty. I'm still waiting for the resolution that will force the "more profitable, responsible states" to bail these indebted, irresponsible states out of their fiscal malfeasance. Ugh.
I've said this a thousand times.. When I moved from California, it was something like the world's 5th or 6th biggest economy. Less than 10 years later (honestly, it was more like 5) the whole thing came crashing down.