George said what I'm thinking. For a state that suffers through, mudslides, fires and occasionaly earthquakes they sure have their heads up their asses.
:roll: re: Golden state The latest new law moving it's way through the legislature will allow illegal aliens to serve on kidding. BTW- San Diego now refers to them as "unauthorized citizens." We-the-People have lost control of our own state. The labor thugs are now in control in cooperation with the San Francisco Machine...
CA Considering “Homeless Rights” Bill Read to the last paragraph of story. Utopia is on the way… Via Frontpage: The official alternative name for Assembly Bill 5 is the “Homeless Bill of Rights”, but a real alternative name for it might be the “Make California Towns and Cities into Public Toilets” bill. Assembly Bill 5 sets out to support the right of crazy people to engage in such vital activities as public urination. And no, that isn’t a joke. It may actually be the first law ever that turns public urination into a right. (f) The right to engage in life sustaining activities that must be carried out in public spaces because of homelessness, including, but not limited to, eating, congregating, possessing and storing personal property, urinating, or collecting and possessing goods for recycling Just think, we went from Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion to the right to urinate in public in under 250 years. Has any civilization collapsed this fast? And one more thing to remember, Texas is an illegal alien amnesty or two away from turning into California.
Commie California Senate Passes Dem Bill Mandating Background Checks For Purchase Of Ammunition… Again, how many criminals buy their guns/ammo legally? ( – The California Senate this week approved a collection of bills, including one (SB 53) that would require background checks, permits, and fees for the purchase of ammunition. All ammunition sales would have to be face-to-face, happening only in the presence of a store clerk; and vendors selling the bullets would have to submit sales records to the California Department of Justice. Those vendors also would need a permit to sell ammunition. SB 53 is one of seven “gun violence” bills approved on Wednesday. Together, the seven Democrat-sponsored bills are known as the “Lifesaving Intelligent Firearms Enforcement Act,” dubbed the LIFE Act. California Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, a Democrat, said the LIFE act is designed to close “loopholes” in existing regulations, keep firearms and ammunition out of the hands of dangerous persons, and strengthen education on gun ownership.
:roll: Rich state/poor state The Wall Street Journal!9A7A9E5A-3637-4BD6-A79F-2D015934E2C6
Bottom 5 states......What a surprise. :roll: I don't know about Vermont, but the other 4 are laden with huge debt. Sound familiar?
Our debt is unpayable, but it doesn't matter. Public employees, like me, will retire to other states anyway. They recently discovered that Gov. Moonbeam had a surplus last year of over $3 billion and they're already arguing about how to spend it. Meanwhile, the state long-term debt is over $175 billion...
Celebrate Diversity! Commie California To Mandate Schools Have Bathrooms And Locker Rooms For Transgender Students… It’s stories like this that make libs feel all warm and fuzzy. Via Red Alert: Schools in the state of California will soon be required to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their preference. A bill being discussed in the state senate would mandate that schools have bathrooms and locker rooms that are fully equipped for transgender students, as well as requiring the schools to allow transgender students to take part in sports and other activities of the gender of their choosing. Assembly Bill 1266 is aimed at prohibiting “discrimination against transgender students” in the state’s school districts, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), the bill’s sponsor, told The Christian Post. The bill, which the state assembly passed last month, is expected to pass in the Democratic state senate and be signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown.
How F'ed up is this country going to get before God just whistles loudly and says "Everyone... out of the pool... Game over."
:roll: Keep in mind..."transgendered students" are almost non-existent in California schools. A person has to be at least 18 years of age to give consent for surgery, while the process of psychological counseling that precedes the surgery takes several years. In other words: there are no "transgendered students" in California schools. To put new restrooms in every public school, in a state with 40 million people, would cost $billions to serve a handful of students at most. Can't they think of any better uses for the tax money than that? I teach in a desert trailer with tinfoil on the windows to keep it cool. They can start with my classroom...
Decorated Wounded Marine Treated “Shamefully” By TSA Obviously, his medals made him a high security risk. Via Military Times: Wearing the uniform of the Few and Proud doesn’t rate preferential treatment from the Transportation Security Administration or California capitol security officers, retired Marine Cpl. Nathan Kemnitz recently found. Kemnitz, severely injured in 2004 in a roadside bomb attack in Fallujah, has limited use of his right arm and cannot lift it above his head. So when security guards at the state capitol building in Sacramento, Calif., asked him to remove his dress blue blouse “because he was wearing too much metal,” and TSA asked him to raise his arms above his head for the full-body scanner at Sacramento International Airport, he could not comply. “My right arm doesn’t work. It’s a lot of hassle for me to do that,” Kemntiz said. At the state capitol, the Marine’s refusal to remove his uniform top grew into a heated exchange between Kemnitz, a friend who was accompanying him and security officers. At the airport, bystanders stared as the TSA security screener looked under Kemnitz’s medals, ran his hands under the Marine’s waistband and swabbed his shoes for explosives. “What does a uniform and heroism represent if our own citizens — in this case employees of the TSA and security personnel — have no regard for them?” wrote Kemnitz’s escort, Patricia Martin, to Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki following the incidents. Martin took photos and disseminated them to family, friends and members of the media.
California Insurance Commissioner: “Obamacare A Real Disaster” Via Weekly Standard: The California inusrance commissioner, a Democrat, is warning that Obamacare could be disastorous. “We can have a real disaster on our hands,” David Jones, the commissioner, tells the Associated Press. “His department regulates more than 300,000 insurance agents and brokers statewide,” reports the AP. “Starting Oct. 1, the state is embarking on an ambitious effort to enroll an estimated 5.3 million Californians who lack health insurance, about half of whom will be eligible for tax credit subsidies.” The real concern is fraud:
CA Ordered To Release 10,000 Criminals Onto The Streets Perfectly safe, nothing to see here… Via Breitbart: On August 2 the U.S. Supreme Court refused California Governor Jerry Brown’s (D) emergency request to halt the release of inmates from that state’s prison system. This means the June order for Brown to release approximately 10,000 prisoners stands and Brown is expected to comply. According to the AP, Brown and his attorneys fought this order believing compliance with it will include the release of “violent criminals and overwhelm the abilities of law enforcement and social services to monitor” the newly released prisoners. Attorneys for the state of California pointed out that no state has ever released such a large number of prisoners at once, and that “no data suggests that a sudden release of inmates with [violent] characteristics can be done safely.” Justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas dissented from the court’s decision. All three said they would have “granted the state’s request” to halt the release of prisoners.
I was apoplectic when I heard this news story on the way home from work Friday. In an interview, the guy that was defending this decision used an example, that a wacko had committed suicide since he hadn't received the proper psychiatric care. He also provided examples of inmates attacking each other for medical supplies. And he was using this as an example of individuals that SHOULD BE ON THE STREET INSTEAD?!?!? OMFG, what has happened to this country? And then to top it off, California is on MY SIDE on this???? Jesus.
California Dem Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Transgender Students To Play For Opposite Sex’s Sports Team… Insanity. Via Fox News: California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a controversial bill into law Monday afternoon allowing the state’s transgender public school students to choose which bathrooms they use and whether they participate in boy or girl sports. The law would cover the state’s 6.2 million elementary and high school kids in public schools. Supporters say the law will help cut down on bullying against transgender students, The families of transgender students have been waging local battles with school districts around the country over what restrooms and locker rooms their children can use. “Now, every transgender student in California will be able to get up in the morning knowing that when they go to school as their authentic self they will have the same fair chance at success as their classmates,” Masen Davis, Executive Director of Transgender Law Center said. While California is the first state to pass a law of this magnitude, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Washington and Colorado have all adopted policies designed to protect transgendered pupils.
Textbook example of how we got to this point in our demise. Throwing our values away while catering to the whims of the lowest common denominator.
5.3 million citizens in one state alone do not have health insurance. Anybody have any sane... reasonable ideas how to solve this nationwide problem.... ( other than to simply say Obamacare isn't the answer ). ???