1. That Atheist is a dickhole.. not because he's an Atheist but rather because he's guilty of doing the very thing he claims to be subjected to.. persecuting others and pushing off his beliefs onto others against their will. He really does give other Atheists a bad name. 2. California... something JOCO and I have been discussing since the mid1990s is that all of my friends who owned their own business as very young men, left the state of California in the mid 90s. Nearly all of my friends who had a family business that they stood to inherit or take over when their time came, left California in the 1990s... there were a few left overs that bailed in the early 00s, but were just prolonging the death that was already upon them. They stayed too long. When I look at my friends back home now, they all work for: -The City, State or Federal Government -A massive corporation that is based in another state, but holds major offices in the state of California because they operate a basic corporate function that is now outsourced (such as ADP) -They are a writer/actor/musician/software design. There is one exception to this. While the above are a steady mix of doing okay for themselves and struggling like most of America, there is one group that is flourishing as a whole. Those are the ones who chose organized crime. Not that street level nonsense either. There's about 2 dozen of them originally, only 2 are dead (that I'm aware of). Despite multiple easy offers to go that route, I went the other way so I don't stay that close at all to them. I wanted to be a community guy and got into coaching. I choose to stay a brokedick struggling divorced, and proud father in Alabama where our problems are... well, they're just different than what's going on in California. I did speak to one quite recently because a former friend and Damien guy, my Dad may remember, Cliff Viernes, passed away. He's the brother in law of a classmate and good friend of mine. Alex's wife was in my class at our sister school St Lucy's. Anyway, while catching up on what happened to Cliff with his illness and subsequent passing I changed the subject to something less depressing by jokingly asking 'how's business?'. He just laughed and said 'Did you see the elections here? Business is booming.' What's the old axiom about the Chinese word for crisis and opportunity being the same? Whatever it is, life has taught me that there's few things as true as that and fewer things that are more sad.
The photo of the BHPD patrol "car" above is now circulating among the the New Jersey State Police....... 8)
:roll: Police upset that jewelry store owner stops robbery (California) Home - by Cardigan - November 27, 2012 - 17:45 America/New_York - 17 Comments Easy Bake Gun Club Only in California. Seriously. Let’s start with the quote that blew my mind. This is from San Jose Police spokesperson Albert Morales: “We don’t recommend it. We would have preferred that they just go ahead and comply with the request or demands of the robbers.” What don’t they recommend? Defending yourself and your property. The incident that triggered that quote happened when two armed robbers stormed into a jewelry store in San Jose, California. The men pointed their weapons at the store owner, who was working behind the counter, pounded on the counter and demanded jewelry. Instead, the woman drew her handgun and fired at least one shot at the robbers. While the woman did not hit anyone, the criminals ran out of the store and into a waiting SUV. The entire incident was caught on the store video surveillance tapes. The tapes have been turned over to the police who are looking for suspects. So yes, the San Jose Police Department would rather you be a good victim than protect yourself. One more reason I can’t imagine living there.
And now...a word from my union...... California Teachers Union Video Features “Rich” Urinating On The “Poor”… <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cwg4DB-EeEA?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0"></iframe> More socialist propaganda. SACRAMENTO – A new video produced by the California Federation of Teachers – which could be playing in your child’s classroom as we speak – drums up the typical class warfare images we’ve come to expect from Big Labor. “Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairy Tale,” written by CFT staffer Fred Glass (2011 compensation: $139,800) and narrated by proud leftist actor (and 1 percenter) Ed Asner, advocates for higher taxes on the “rich” as the cure for government’s insatiable thirst for spending. The video claims the rich got rich through tax cuts and tax loopholes and even tax evasion. But when the 99 percent fought back, the “rich” apparently urinated on the “poor,” at least according to the video. What a classy way to frame your argument for children, Big Labor. The video also claims that when the housing market crashed, the government printed money for “rich people” but they didn’t give any to “ordinary people whose houses and jobs were broken by the crash.”
Then there's the teacher's union in Chicago... Chicago Teachers Union VP Caught At Marxist Revolutionary Conference… Shocker! Via Rebel Pundit: While a guest on a local Chicago radio show, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) VP Jesse Sharkey was questioned over his recent participation in the Midwest Marxism Conference and refused to answer why he was there and what relationship the Chicago Teachers Union has with the conference and sponsoring organization, the International Socialists Organization. Sharkey, who was documented by Breitbart News attending the Marxist conference at Northwestern University last month, appeared caught off-guard and struggled to respond to the question. WLS radio’s Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft had Sharkey on their show to discuss the ongoing school closing battle between the CTU and the Chicago Public Schools. Sharkey had been discussing the Chicago Teachers Union’s network of coalitions that supported the recent teachers strike, when Proft asked him to address the union’s relationship with “revolutionary movements.”
Berkeley Students Seek Ban On Salvation Army Bell Ringers Because It’s A Christian Organization… Insufferable lib twits. Via Campus Reform: The student government at the University of California-Berkeley (CAL) passed a resolution last month that would ban Salvation Army bell ringers and their iconic red kettles from campus this Christmas because of the Christian organization’s alleged bias against homosexuality. The resolution, cleared on November 14, accuses the charity of openly discriminating against gay individuals. “Salvation Army church services, including charity services, are available only to people ‘who accept and abide by the Salvation Army’s doctrine and discipline,’ which excludes homosexuality,” reads the bill, SB 176. In the resolution, the student body also demands school administrators revoke the Salvation Army’s permit, which currently allows them to collect donations on the Berkeley campus. “Allowing the Salvation Army to collect donations on campus is a form of financial assistance that empowers the organization to spend the money it raises here in order to discriminate and advocate discrimination against queer people,” it adds.
Bankrupt Liberal Utopia Commie California To Buy Homeless People Cell Phones… Which they will promptly trade for crack. Via Breitbart: In California, the unemployment rate may be above 10.2%, and the state debt may be above $16 billion, the state’s GDP may be in serious trouble and businesses may be leaving in droves due to ever-increasing tax rates, but that isn’t going to stop the gravy train for the state’s poor and dispossessed. The California Public Utilities Commission is all set to greenlight a new program that would give homeless and low-income people free cell phones – call them Obamaphones – with free service. The idea is to help them reach out to possible job opportunities and stay connected with family. San Francisco’s head of homeless initiatives, Bevan Dufty, was overjoyed: “This is great – it is transformative for homeless and low-income people. I expect San Francisco to be in the forefront and a model city for this program. Fundamentally, to be in the mainstream of our society you have to have a phone.
Commie California Considering Plan To Pay Illegal Aliens Unemployment Benefits… Because it’s not like California is on the verge of imploding under an avalanche of debt. Via SacBee: Legislation introduced Tuesday would give about 400,000 undocumented immigrants in California the same rights as citizens tounemployment benefits and various othergovernment services. Assembly Bill 35 targets a select group of undocumented immigrants, participants in President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, who came to the United States as youths and have lived generally productive lives for numerous years. Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation, effective Jan. 1, that enables participants in the federal program to obtain California driver’s licenses. AB 35 would provide them with rights to a state ID card, unemployment benefits and state-administered medical services. AB 35 was proposed by Assemblyman Roger Hernández, a West Covina Democrat who was named chairman of the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee this month. “California embodies the greatest diversity in the world,” Hernández said in a written statement. “We recognize we will need the collective skills and talents of these young immigrants to aid out state in reaching our true potential.”
California Professor Blames Newtown Shooting On “Fragile White Masculinity”… (This is the kind of stuff that I was taught in grad school. I showed some of you the textbooks many years ago in South Bend.) Shockingly, the professor is also a male feminist. Defending masculinity with guns – Professor Hugo Schwyzer, DayLife In the days since the appalling murder of 20 school children and six adults in Newtown, Connecticut, the same questions keep getting asked around the world: why does this keep happening in the States? Why do Americans cling so persistently to their guns, even as the number of rampage murders continues to escalate and children continue to die? And why do so many of the shooters fit the same profile: young white men from middle-class backgrounds? [...] The “Man Card” campaign can only work in a culture where white masculinity is seen not only as fragile, but under attack. The modern enemy isn’t King George III and his Redcoats; it’s the emasculating influence of a culture in which women and ethnic minorities have gained access to what were once all white, all-male preserves. Fragile masculinity was not the sole cause of last Friday’s massacre. Lax gun laws (themselves rooted in our national myth of violent self-reliance) and mental illness also played a part. So too did class privilege: Lanza, like most rampage shooters in America in recent decades, had grown up in comfort in bucolic suburbia, the son of a vice-president at General Electric. Privileged white men aren’t the only ones to suffer from mental anguish, but as a result of our national history, they are disproportionately likely to imagine that they are entitled to foist their pain onto others in a terribly public way. Privileged white American men are also the ones most likely to feel the rage of “frustrated entitlement,” keenly aware of the disconnect between the affluence and autonomy they were taught was their birthright, and the anxiety and rejection that seems to characterize their daily experiences with others.
So many teachers and other government workers live in California and vote liberal/Democrat their entire lives......then retire to other states that have low or no taxes... New tax increases in California stir debate about adding to exodus Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/12/22/new-tax-increase-in-california-stirs-debate-about-adding-to-exodus/#ixzz2FqVXW248
I read that article yesterday. It's unbelievable how ignorant the state's leaders are. Of course, they feel safe that their anchor industry - Hollywood - will not desert them. Idiots.
Dem Sen. Dianne Feinstein Unveils “Assault Weapons” Ban Legislation, Includes Handguns, Requires Certain Weapons Be Registered With The Federal Government… And we’re off. Via The Blaze: Last week, Sen. Dianne Feinstein promised to on the first day of new the Congress introduce legislation that would ban so-called assault weapons and certain types of ammunition. Now, the Californian senator has posted a summary of this legislation that would be introduced in 2013, showing more details about the provisions that she would hope would be included. And it doesn’t just have to do with what she calls “assault” weapons. Here are a few bullet points on the guns that would be banned from sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing: •120 specifically-named firearms •Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one military characteristic •Semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds Those who have acquired weapons recently under the pretense of being “grandfathered” in under prior laws see mention in Feinstein’s provisions as well. It requires these weapons to be registered under the National Firearms Act that will include collecting the following information: •Background check of owner and any transferee; •Type and serial number of the firearm; •Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint; •Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession would not violate State or local law; and •Dedicated funding for ATF to implement registration In addition, Feinstein proposes banning large-capacity magazines, which for her includes those that can hold more than 10 rounds.