A very important (I think) column by Thomas Sowell. People should think about what they are wishing for. Between the expanded views of some of our Supreme Court Justices, the ineffectiveness of our squabbling legislative branch and now an executive branch that thinks it can just do whatever the hell it wants... Issues or America What I find scariest is that the idiots in this country seem to WANT this!
Propaganda Alert: State Of California Asking Hollywood To Write Obamacare Into TV Show Plots… I doubt the Hollywood moonbats will have a problem with this. SACRAMENTO — The meeting came to order, the five members of the California Health Benefit Exchange seated onstage with dozens of consumer advocates and others looking on. On the agenda: what to name the online marketplace where millions of residents will be able to shop for medical coverage under President Obama’s health care law. [...] Realizing that much of the battle will be in the public relations realm, the exchange has poured significant resources into a detailed marketing plan — developed not by state health bureaucrats but by the global marketing powerhouse Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, which has an initial $900,000 contract with the exchange. The Ogilvy plan includes ideas for reaching an uninsured population that speaks dozens of languages and is scattered through 11 media markets: advertising on coffee cup sleeves at community colleges to reach adult students, for example, and at professional soccer matches to reach young Hispanic men. And Hollywood, an industry whose major players have been supportive of President Obama and his agenda, will be tapped. Plans are being discussed to pitch a reality television show about “the trials and tribulations of families living without medical coverage,” according to the Ogilvy plan. The exchange will also seek to have prime-time television shows, like “Modern Family,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and Univision telenovelas, weave the health care law into their plots. “I’d like to see 10 of the major TV shows, or telenovelas, have people talking about ‘thathealth insurance thing,’ ”
California Dems Aghast At Lack Of Abortion Doctors, Pass Bill Allowing Unlicensed Individuals To Perform Abortions… The Democratic party’s slobbering love affair with killing unborn babies shows no signs of slowing down. Via Red Alert Politics: A new California law could expose young women who have abortions to additional safety risks because it allows unlicensed individuals to perform abortions under certain circumstances, according to pro-life advocates. California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill into law over the weekend permitting nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants and midwives to perform abortions due to what Democrats see as a shortage of available doctors. Brown called the law’s signing a reaffirmation of women’s basic constitutional rights. The new law expands a program run by the University of California San Francisco that trains physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners and midwives to perform abortions.
California – The Petri Dish of Libtardism Home - by BigFurHat - October 13, 2012 - 22:00 America/New_York - 13 Comments Walter Williams for IBD California was once the land of opportunity, but it is going down the tubes. California has one-eighth of the nation’s population but one-third of its welfare recipients. Several of California’s prominent cities have declared bankruptcy, such as Vallejo, Stockton, Mammoth Lakes and San Bernardino. Others are on the precipice, and that includes Los Angeles, California’s largest city. California’s 2012 budget deficit is expected to top $28 billion, and its state debt is $618 billion. That’s more than twice the size of New York’s state debt, which itself is the second-highest in the nation. Democrats control California’s Legislature, and its governor, Jerry Brown, is a Democrat. California is home to some of America’s richest people and companies. It would then appear that the liberals’ solution to deficit and debt would be easy. They need only to raise taxes on California’s rich to balance the budget and pay down the debt — or, as President Barack Obama would say, make the rich pay their fair share. The downside to such a tax strategy is the fact that people are already leaving California in great numbers. According to a Manhattan Institute study, “The Great California Exodus: A Closer Look,” by Thomas Gray and Robert Scardamalia (October 2012), roughly 225,000 residents leave California each year — and have done so for the past 10 years. That’s the problem. California politicians can fleece people in 2012, but there’s no guarantee that they can do the same in 2013 and later years; people can leave. Also, keep in mind that rich people didn’t become rich by being stupid. They have ingenious ways to hide their money.
Meanwhile, in local news around my neighborhood... Obamabots Key “Obama” Into Cars Outside Home With Romney Yard Signs… Degenerates. ALTA LOMA (CBS) — A case of campaign vandalism is under investigation Friday in Alta Loma. Someone keyed the word “Obama” into two cars and slashed seats in another outside a residence that had Mitt Romney campaign signs. CBS2 and KCAL9 reporter Rob Schmitt spoke to Ken Slown, owner of one of the keyed vehicles. Slown actually supports President Obama! He explained to Schmitt that he and his wife — both currently unemployed — are staying with her parents and it’s her parents who support Romney.
Says sit all doesn't it. The parents who apparently have to support the bum and his wife are voting for Romney. The unemployed leeches are voting for Obama.
California Poll Worker Fired For “Intolerance” After She Questioned Presence Of U.N. Observers… You don’t think her supervisor is a flaming lib, do you? SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – A poll worker is out of a job, and she says it’s all because of an email she sent her supervisor. The woman says she was concerned about poll inspectors coming to Sacramento for Tuesday’s election. Shannon Lewis has been a poll worker in Sacramento for 15 years. She said she sent that email and was fired 10 minutes later. “I just tapped out a really fast email,” said Lewis. But that quick email ended Lewis’ 15 year job as a Sacramento County pollster. “I just wanted to get my feelings known and get an answer to the question before polling day,” said Lewis. Lewis’ email inquired about something she saw on the internet, United Nations observers coming to local polling stations. “I was on Facebook one day and I saw this thing that I thought was a brand new thing,” said Lewis. Shannon wrote in her email, “these are not our usual pollsters; they can’t vote here, and therefore have no business in/about our elections.” Within minutes she was on the phone with a supervisor who said her services were no longer needed. “She said ‘we can’t have any intolerance,’ and I said, ‘what exactly is it intolerant of?’ ” said Lewis. U.N. monitors are not new to U.S. elections. They’ve been observing here since 2002, but Lewis says she was never told about them during her training.
So she questioned the UN observers and her superior wouldn't tolerate that. SHE was fired for intolerance. :roll:
I see that the Democrats now have complete control of California, with 2/3 of both houses and a Liberal Democrat as Govenor. They also passed a law to raise the taxes on the wealthy. It's the Bluest of the Blue States....It will no doubt be 1) Bankrupt or 2) Workers paradise, esp for those who don't want to work.
:? :shock: 8) It's actually worse than that. Police have been instructed NOT to arrest illegal aliens and anyone can now register to vote online and vote by mail. To counter the expected surge of alien voters, I'm thinking about registering three times meself: once as James D. O'Connor; once as James D. O'Connor Jr.; and once for James D. O'Connor III. I knew I should have named Corey James D. IV......we'll need that vote!
My son pulls illegals over almost every day here in NJ. Rarely do they have ID They are instructed to call the Feds ( I.C.E. ) and report right on the scene. Almost always he is instructed to turn them loose. The reason? They have to enormous a backlog to take on any more. We are under invasion daily/
But T, if it weren't for those evil rich Republicans, California would be a euphoric Eden, where deficits are daffodils and HDTVs grow on trees. And yet, this is what half of the country believes is best for the other 49 states??? The sickening thing is that I fully believe the REST of us will be bailing out California, having had NO SAY in their social just and labor bribery programs. Yet, those states that have been responsible in their spending, will be the rich that will now have to pay "their fair share". This is incredible. Why would you even THINK about starting a business in this type of environment? You aren't THANKED for the jobs you create. You aren't ADMIRED for daring, risking your financial wellbeing to create something. You are instead VILLIFIED and taken advantage of because IF you are successful, then you didn't earn it and instead all those pulling on your coat-tails are the ones that are truly deserving. Disgusting.
California: Judge Rules In Militant Atheist’s Favor, Santa Monica Forced To Remove 60-Year-Old Christmas Nativity Scene… It’s jackwads like this that give all Atheists a bad name. LOS ANGELES (AP) – There’s no room for the baby Jesus, the manger or the wise men this Christmas in a Santa Monica park following a judge’s ruling Monday against churches that tried to keep a 60-year Nativity tradition alive after atheists stole the show with anti-God messages. U.S. District Judge Audrey B. Collins rejected a motion from the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes Committee to allow the religious display this season while their lawsuit plays out against the city. Collins said the city was within its constitutional right to eliminate the exemption that had allowed the Nativity at the oceanfront Palisades Park because the change affected all comers – from Christians to Jews to atheists – and provided other avenues for public religious speech. The coalition of churches that had put on the life-sized, 14-booth Nativity display for decades argued the city banned it rather than referee a religious dispute that began three years ago when atheists first set up their anti-God message alongside the Christmas diorama. The trouble in Santa Monica began in 2009, when atheist Damon Vix [pictured above] applied for and was granted a booth in Palisades Park alongside the story of Jesus Christ’s birth. For his part, Vix said he was pleased with Monday’s ruling, but was also saddened by the anger being directed against atheists since he hung his first anti-God sign in 2009. “So many people don’t understand atheists,” he said. “If you read the signs we put up, one said, ‘Love is all around you.’ That’s really a better understanding of who most atheists are.”
L.A. Press Club Honors Hanoi Jane With Its “Visionary Award”… There’s only one way to honor Jane Fonda. Via AmSpec: I didn’t know Jane Fonda was still around either. But sure enough, the soon-to-be-75 actress, left-wing activist, fitness fanatic and general flake is not only sitting up and taking solid food — health food by the look of her, she doesn’t have enough fat on her to make a candle — has just received another award. Something called the L.A. Press Club has bestowed its annual “Visionary Award” on Hanoi Jane. Why? I wondered that too. The club explains that the award is bestowed on someone in the entertainment industry (is Jane still entertaining?) who “uses their (sic) high-profile status to make the world a better place and to spread information about issues of freedom and social importance.”