Huge.....huge game for Rich Rod. I just smell an upset brewing here.......oh no wait.....maybe it's the pool.. :lol:
Dave, this is one game where you can pick an upset without being a Karnak the Magnificent...there have been many, many surprises over the years... Just win, Baby.
Congrats to BT, Stu, G-Man and Don. The only good thing about this game was that TOK had mailed me a great pie with giant pecans from Texas. After Forcier's 4th pick in the end zone, Anne, Lloyd, and I decided that if we were going to watch a Tressell coached team beat us for the 8th time in 9 years and 6 in a row, we would do it on a full stomach. I should have e-mailed BDR befire the game to get his recommendation about an approriate ale to drink with a pecan pie. Look forward to seeing the Bucks win the Rose Bowl and hope they wear their thowback uniforms although the numbers on the helmets should be scarlet rather than black.
Congratulations to Ohio State. I guess the watch will start for Rich Rodriguez now. Personally I think that if he doesn't get in trouble with the NCAA and continues at Michigan that he will put together his type team and do well. He might not get the chance to stay though.
Congrats to the Buckeyes. It was a pretty hard fought game. Hope the pie was good Bobda, it's Texas finest!!
This was not an easy win by any stretch of the imagination. Wolverines played us tough, but too many turnovers by Michigan and a another suberb defense on our part was the difference. Forcier is an exciting player and played a great game. He scrambles and can still make those cross throws to perfection. The Michigan defense played very will in my opinion. Don
Check this out...points out what a strange game it's by the same columnist that got me in trouble last week, btw.
Stu, the previous article didn't get you in trouble. Interesting, however what ever works and I don't think anyone can knock Tressel's record. How was your day yesterday with your dad? How did he take the game?
Bill, check out the stuff I posted on the "Trip to Ann Arbor" thread...boring post but if you really want to know how the trip went (it went great). BTW, rabblerouser that I am I sent a link (politely) to that article you posted from Gregg Doyel to John Spenser (the author of the article I posted.)