So which one of you guys is going to tell JoePa he's not a legend? FFS how do you screw up naming divisions this badly?
Aw, whaddya want, Corey....Blue and Gray divisions?...the Frick and Frack divisions?...the Schembechler and Hayes divisions?...the "lose to the SEC" and "lose to the PAC-whatever" divisions? Doesn't bother me none...I just think it's funny that Michigan is going to have to change their fight song..."the Legends and Best!..."
Think of how much conversation is going on all over the country. Nobody likes it. Worst decision the Big 10 ever made. It's like a TV comercial that you don't like, but you sure as heck remember the product. Through this process - the division names, the hyphenated awards, the new logo - I've become an admirer of the Big 10's marketing expertise. The Big 10 Network did not become wealthy by accident. Smart people. Very smart.
"Delany says the conference considered naming the divisions after people, but decided that would be too limited." Awww...I liked the "Bo" division and the "Woody" division. Oh about the "Black" division and the "Blue" division. Or.....the "Snow" division and the "Ice" division. Or.....the "Big" division and the "Bad" division. Or simply.......the East and West???.......nah....too simple.
Sid, Being a marketing director, I have full appreciation. At the same time, this is like entering a talent contest.. taking the stage and then dropping a huge dump in front of the audience. People will be talking about you forever, but you'll always be remembered for crap Still, you are correct, they'll be remembered.
Whoa! I just got back to my computer and read an article saying what Terry cited above. I logged in to eat humble pie. I guess it shows what little I know about marketing. If I have an achilles heel (or two or three), it's that I support without wavering those institutions to which I feel an attachment, including the Big 10. It's why I continued to support ND coaches in the recent past after the bandwagon had left town. I was completely on the side of the Big 10 suits, despite the apparently overwhelmingly negative reaction to the division names. Now that the opinion results are in, I hope they choose names that are a bit more commonplace. I'm sure I'll support them also. :roll:
8) Our West Coast/12 Pac opinion of the new Big Ten divisions and logo...
How about the General Motors-US Steel Division and the Ford Motor Company Division? I think it has a certain ring to it. :wink:
How about Cars and Corn divisions? SEC = Has been's and Wannabe's? PAC 10 = Pro's and Con's B12 = Us and Them (There would be 9 teams in the Them Div)
Ha! Sid, I know you have this Beacon on the Hill state of mind but I have a lot more disagreements with MCG than you do! :wink: