AJ...if you are Leaders...then there must be followers, right? And aren't "Legends" really just old guys who can't play anymore?
Two Things: Suh was a great DL, no question, but he was not in the shadow of Bubba Smith or Courtney Brown. The only thing he had going for him that Smith and Brown didn't is the internet and 24-7 media coverage by hundreds more reporters and dozens more TV outlets than existed even 5 years ago. Also, look at the repartee going on here about the two division names, Again, smart marketing.
We've transcended as a whole Doc. Besides, it's FB...not Golf. :lol: EITHER LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF THE LEGENDS WAY...
AJ I think it's best if you be mindful of the pecking order in the Big Ten. I'm sure you will be reminded of this many times over.
Husker, Sid, TOK, Bobda.....do you guys smell something? It seems as if a foul odor has appeared and cast a malodorous fog over a perfectly good discussion.......again. :roll:
Pentgram also does logos for dental offices: http://www.dailycognition.com/content/image/8/dental-care.jpg
another logo that the artist should have screened before publishing. Some look at it see a drawing of a man and woman dancing with arms upraised. Others see a different pair: http://www.planetperplex.com/img/dance_class_sublim.jpg
Bobda, they must be particularly high quality, I was denied access on both counts. I anxiously await the unveiling.....
I'm not worried about it Dave.....I mean, we haven't played one second in the new Big 10 conf and we already have legend status. I think the pecking order has already been established. :lol: Besides.... And Dave, you folks have enough troubles of your own down there in Gainesville.....something's happening to your Gators as of late....