You don't want Obama for another 4 years.... ....and I don't want a GOP version of Obama for 4 years. In other words....if enough people say he they did for W.....then any loser the incumbent's opposition can manage to nominate stands a chance of winning. That's not what I want to see happen in the next election. I just don't trust the radically fractioned GOP party to be able to come up with a reasonable...fair.....level headed candidate out of a field of a gazillion candidates.
I could start a whole new topic on this link: The bottom line is that Obama literally probably saved me $20,000.00 plus in exorbitant credit card interest rates by implementing this law. Back when I made enough money to forcibly get rid of my credit card debt if I chose to... I ill-advisedly took on enough credit debt that got me in big trouble when I suddenly lost my job in Dec. 2008. Since then I have not charged one item.....not one transaction on a credit card and I have no plans to ever again do that. But that doesn't change where I was in Dec. 2008 and how I spent my money prior to the loss of my job and the debt that I am paying down but still carry. Without this credit reform act the card companies would have been raping me financially at their will. I would never....ever consider voting for any candidate that I thought had even the slightest predisposition to overturn this reform. In fact...I suspect our economy would grind to a screeching halt if this ever were to happen.
No doubt a stunning legislative achievement perhaps only matched in significance by his historic and monumental diplomatic accomplishments that led to his Nobel Peace Prize.......a giant of a leader shaping world history as we speak
Hate to break it to you Dave but you are far from being mainstream. For Instance you make this comment And of course don't mention MSNBC, The Clinton News Network, Maxine Waters. You need to face it, you are not middle of the road and are pretty far left. That's fine it is your prerogative, but you constant trying to convince us otherwise is almost laughable.
I voted for Richatd Nixon and George Bush Sr. I did not vote for Obama. I liked Clinton for his centrism. I guess that makes me far left. You guys are so far right you can't even see the middle.
No it doesn't but your economic views are more Marxist/socialist than centrist to be sure and your love affair with central government policies and activism and intrusion into the daily lives and private affairs of the citizenry are much more far left than centrist.....and the entitlement mindset and big government as a solution rather than a problem speaks for itself and I think it fair to say those are left of center as shame in being a lefty, every once in a while it becomes quite fashionable.
A new poll by CNN and ORC International finds that 27 percent of Democrats would like to see their party nominate a candidate other than Barack Obama for president in 2012.
Not surprising on the 27%..... Probably at least that many didn't prefer Obama in the first place......
27% is surprising. I would have thought it would have been a much hig... oh wait a minute... 70% of Democrats are now "undocumented aliens" or "permanent disability recipients playing handball 3 days a week" or are otherwise "on the dole". 3% are working liberals. So that leaves 27% as centrist or conservative Democrats that dispose his policies. That 27% number sounds pretty damning. And you realize that over 89% of all statistics are made up on the spot! 8)
I would like to have a poll please: Yesterday President Obama said that "people hate politics but like goverment" :shock: I must not be a "people" because I sure do not like government. The statement by Obama begs for verification to what "people" are you talking about. Does he really believe in his heart of hearts that people like government. If he does I might as well move to another country because our ideology is to far apart to ever hope for understanding... Oh yeah I vote NO in my dislike for government in the poll....
That's an interesting statement I keep seeing over and over. Hell....who does want the government to interfere in their daily lives.......not many I would assume. But.....somehow we all expect the airways to be safe......the roadways to be safe and navigable......Wall Street investments to be safe and honestly managed......a walk down the block to be free from crime.......someone other than our neighbors to come put out a fire if we had one......a doctor who operates on us to be certified and qualified and giving a crap even if he is having a bad day........a military with more capability than a hundred thousand Tennesee Toms with Luger 45s......etc....etc....etc..... So if we do not need any of the above why don't we just abolish government and see where we sit. :roll: :wink:
You never cease to amuse me with the way you talk about things about which you know nothing, no make that absolutely nothing. Luger is a German hand gun that was never ever made in .45 caliber. That was a 9mm firearm, 9x19 to be exact. Also, don't challenge the capability of this old man. I am good for a 4 inch grouping of 20 rounds at 200 yards with my 5.56mm AR-15. I am good for 250 points out of 250 possible in the 50 rounds fired for handgun qualification for concealed carry (Colt M1991-A1 .45 cal). I have a .308 NATO AR-10 being built. I have fired one just like it and had 20 rounds in a 6 in grouping at 300 yards after only firing 10 rounds to sight in the scope. I practice every chance I get when not traveling. My marksmanship skills stay in a constant state of readiness. Don't use my name that in that manner again.
Government should be like a good umpiring crew. When the crowd thinks "boy that was a well played crisp game between two good teams". But no one can remember an umpires name... or even seeing one. I'm a states rights, personal freedoms and liberties, persoanl responsibility type of guy. So, I detest government.
But George Dave wants to live in a country where the government tells you 1. What type of car you can drive (CAFE standards) 2. How fast you can drive 3. What type of foods your children can eat 4. What kind of light bulbs you have to buy 5. That a fish has more rights to irrigation water than your crops 6. That you have to buy health insurance 7. When a fetus suddenly becomes a human being.
I think I have made it very apparent how I feel about big government. Protect me from foreign threats and keep the hell out of my everyday life. I have the utmost respect for the military, police, and fire departments. I have fire extinguishers in the garage and house to fight off fires until the professionals gan get here. I have the necessary tools to provide protection until the police get here as well. doubt you are one dangerous dude who shouldn't be messed with especially when backed up by drones....stealth bombers......crews of SEALS.....tanks....etc. ....which thankfully we have courtesy of the government. We also can get on commercial jets and drive cars knowing that there are laws and agencies in place that protect our right to be safe in spite of the short shrift some profiteers would give to those rights. The list goes on and on that way.....we can't be screwed near as much as many would like to screw us because of the government we have. Seems essential to me.