That is so ridiculous it's not even funny.....this is the kind of crap that gets gets in the way of doing anything remotely close to productive and keeps digging the hole deeper...... Here is the most recent report from the Trustees.... The fund is dying.....receipts from taxes were short of benefit payments by $49 billion last year and expected to be as great this year. The only way the program is "funded" for the next 20 years or so is if you define "funded" as having fund balances in excess of ZERO dollars! ZERO..... wtf? So let's say we continue to ignore the issue for the next 20 years as we have in the recent past......the fund is now at zero. Do you have any idea the tax burden that would be placed upon the economy just to pay one years worth of benefits? And what about the next year? And the next.... We have a problem and the longer we wait the address it, the bigger the problem gets and the more painful is the solution......just how long do you lefties propose we wait? Just how big do you want the problem to get? Just how much pain do you want to inflict before seeking a solution? That's political terrorism at its finest......shame on the Tea Partyers for having the discipline and the stones to seek a solution to one of the great problems facing our generation.....shame!
Dave, The CIA could use you to get the truth out of captured Al Qaeda....... There are too many entitlement recipients and not enough people funding the system. And this problem is about to get much, much worse. How do you propose to pay for this Dave?
The latest and the greatest poll... Obama's approval rating has fallen to 41% among Hispanics. His little backdoor amnesty has failed. Even the illegals are hopping back across the border, because there's no jobs or future here. They'd rather take their chances with the drug cartels back home.... BTW- that 41% number is interesting. If it stays that low, Obama could lose states like California, New York or Illinois. If he loses ANY of those states...he's a goner.
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ha! that vid was funny. Sadly, the reality is they remove your bumper sticker and your car when you can no longer afford to pay for it.
Back in early 1972 when Edmund Muskie was running for President, he appealed to me enough that I bought a Muskie bumper sticker and attached it to the rear bumper of my 1972 Chevrolet Impala. After his meltdown, I tried to remove it and found that the adhesive was so strong, it would not come off. I eventually got it off, but in the process left the bumper less than pristine. Funny side story. I was living and working in Indy at the time as a - yes, BT - banker. The state chairman of the Indiana Muskie for President organization had asked me to run the state office, but my boss would not give me the time off for activity related to a primary race. Afer Muskie's meltdown and his withdrawal from the race, I thanked my boss for his decision.
Terry, that was the last time in my life I took an active role in any - local, state, or national - political race. I guess I lost my one big opportunity to move up the political ladder, so to speak. In hindsight, thank goodness!
Psssst Sid.....quiet, don't tell anybody. Your secret is safe for now......with this administration, we're gonna have to use code - not unlike the early Christians :wink:
As I have said......put a candidate out there with more reason than rhetoric and you have a shot to unseat Obama. Put one out there that is completely in step with only 20% of the people and who chooses to alienate and be angry at the other 80% of the people and he/she doesn't stand a chance in hell.
Problem there is that a middle man has very little chance...candidates both on the left and the right need their base to get elected. I'm getting to the point where I don't much care about the candidate's politics (dumb as that sounds)...I'd just like someone who acts like a grownup. :cry:
If Perry ignores the personal politics of gay and abortion rights and says something along the lines of this..... " I have specific ideas of how to turn this economy around based on my executive experience and I vow to you that on jan. 20, 2012 when I take the oath of office that I will take 100% ownership of all the problems facing our nation and will never scapegoat others who came before me."...... then he would win by a landslide.
Stu....George is close to the answer. Bill Clinton won because he assumed the base would be there while he courted the center and it paid off. The far right 20% will not vote for any candidate on the left.....they can be taken for granted so Perry or any other successful GOP candidate must court the center. The trick....the hard part as Hilary Clinton found out is winning the nomination in the first place.
The problem with your thinking is that McCain courted the middle...hell, he was the media darling when he ran in the primary...then they turned on him.
Jesse Jackson, doing a roadshow in Florida with the Congressional Black caucus, said that the Tea Party espouses racism and are modern day slave masters. Most of America is aware of what a two-bit phony this professional "activist" is but how idiotic must people be to buy in to that line of thinking. The Tea party espouses constitutionalism, states right and personal freedom. Only a complete dolt would equate those values with slavery. Or could it be that those values threaten his meal ticket which is to keep blacks chained to the welfare and entitlement system?
No one from the GOP could have survived an approval rating of 25%.....which W was at right before the Nov. 2, 2008 election.... Heck, McCain did very well considering....