I agree with you in this Dave most Americans are looking for a more centrist candidate from either party but there seems to be no candidates. Ron Paul comes about as close to this ideology but dumb things come out of his mouth about every fifth word. And besides the Dem & Rep parties would team up like a pack of pitbulls to tear apart any person or party that endangers their ruling class.
I thought John McCain was a "centrist" candidate. The country elected a left-wing socialist. Republicans tried that. Sorry, you had your chance.
I agree 110% Ralph. Both sides are guilty and it is what is preventing effective leadership at this critical point. Gipper.....you pro-Bush guys will never admit that Bush and the sorry state of the sliding economy at the time of the election cost John McCain the election. I do think McCain would have won if this country was even in an "average" condition on Nov. 2nd 2008. McCain did not do enough to distance himself and especially his political camp from that of George W. Bush. The GOP should listen to me. I'm the kind of voter.....a Hillary Clinton supporter.....a Bill Clinton centrist...that could get the next GOP president elected. Instead they want to lump me in a heap of leftist liberalism and squash any thought I have that disagrees with conservative extremism and all that does is piss me off and strengthen my resolve not to vote for that kind of crap.
Apparently you will never admit that 3 years of complete financial ineptitude will cost Obama his job even if a moderate Republican is not nominated. Were you awake last November when conservative Republicans won overwhelmingly in the congressional elections? Folks are pissed about the health care millstone. They realize that we can't keep pissing money away that we don't have. They're pissed that his justice dept. stops states from protecting their borders and refuses to prosecute voter-intimidating thugs. His ******** about "focusing in like a laser on jobs" and the "summer of recovery" doesn't float anymore. My favorite are his lame excuses about the Arab Spring and the Japanese tsunami. That is, of course, when he isn't blaming his predecessor who had to endure Katrina and 911.
Gipper and Jo'Co......case in point. It's hopeless. Seriously...I would be interested as to where you think we were as a nation on November 2nd 2008. Seriously....no Rush Limbaugh/Fox News rhetoric allowed.
You haven't understood any of our other posts. What makes us believe that you would understand new ones? Should we type slower or use brightly colored fonts? I'm not aware that Mike even listens to Rush Limbaugh. He's never mentioned that to me in the nearly 20 years that I've known him. I certainly don't listen to Limbaugh, because his show is on when I'm working and I think my friends are more clever than he is anyway. I'd rather discuss the events of the day with them... Mike and I have written thousands of statements that you never responded to over the years, as well as thousands of questions that you never answered. Why don't you pick out one of them before starting something new?
Did you see the recent poll results that have Congress approval ratings at an all-time low? There's your response. The only thing I can get out of you guys is Obama is bad and everything before him was good......which is total ********. I'm willing to at least take a look at what the GOP offers.......but not willing to embrace extremism on either side and that's what the GOP can't seem to shake loose from. I hope they can.......I would like to see it.
Muddy Waters speaks. Need feedback from the O'Connor clan.... So much for dialing back the rhetoric, right? On Saturday in Inglewood, Calif., Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters had some harsh words for the tea party. “I’m not afraid of anybody,” the California congresswoman told constituents in footage that appeared on ABC affiliate KABC in Los Angeles, not backing down from comments made about President Obama earlier in the week. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned — the tea party can go straight to hell.” Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/08/21/maxine-waters-the-tea-party-can-go-straight-to-hell/#ixzz1VhD9Sgzc
:wink: Jim in grading papers. and me I am praying for Tom and his new toys, I am sure he will be on tonight some time...
George, The one Achilles heel of those powerful California Democrats is to actually make them stand on their issues. They each pander to rather specific voter bases and if you look at what they're saying, they aren't congruent. They are not as lock-step as they like to put out. The issue is, due to union control of that state, you can't make them. If the GOP can put up a hardball, take no ******** candidate in that state to lead the way.. things would get interesting.
:!: Maxine Waters is the poster child for what's wrong with the liberal-fascist wing of the California Democratic Party Machine. She's an admitted socialist, who's husband is a rich bank owner. So she natually steered tons of the "bail-out" money to her husband's bank... http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20012335-503544.html She's also the patron saint and guardian angel of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, where her friends have enriched themselves to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. The LA Times claims that her son and daughter have made millions of dollars, because of her steering federal funds to local housing and poverty projects. She's the queen of the poverty pimps.
Dave In another thread I asked what the Democratic plan was to rescue Social Security. You ignord the question. Don't bother posting any questions to me. This isn't a one way street.
Quick search found this from The Street a year ago and some of it closely mirror's I believe what some Dems have been saying: http://www.thestreet.com/story/10841510/2/7-ways-to-make-social-security-solvent.html Mainly....that the program is funded through the next 25 years or so and that S.S. payroll tax increases in the future could help keep it at 100% payoff levels for future generations. There is a far cry difference between leaving it alone for now....maybe making future adjustments and raiding it's funds now in the present just to keep Tea Partiers happy with trimming the debt and to keep the rich flush with cash and tax breaks.
PLEASE!!!! You left guys never STOP!!! You just stole 500 billion from medicare to fund that Health Care crapola bill. You do it just to keep handing out goodies to Democratic voters that are always looking for more governement handouts. You had the House, Senate and White House for 2 freakin years. Why are their any tax breaks left??? (ans. your guys are on the take from big money.) They live off delusion and stupidity.
:roll: Where do you get this stuff? Do you make it up or is there a left-wing blogger somewhere that provides you such material? Seriously. I'm curious as to the source if there is one other than your imagination......
Here was an independent's take on the recently proposed debt plan: "“The plan would result in devastating cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and many other programs that are of vital importance to working families in this country,” Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont, said in a statement. “Meanwhile, tax rates would be lowered for the wealthiest people and the largest, most profitable corporations.” That's the basic premise of the Tea Party isn't it?
Here is the "basic premise" of the Tea Party.....which of their core values and principles are so disagreeable to you? I must have missed the part about "raiding" the funds......typical socialist hyperbole nonsense and clearly counter-productive to rational discussion and problem-solving....