Where are you getting this hand out thing George? Sounds like you have been listening to too much conservative radio.
Dave I enjoy the banter of ideology that goes back and forth on this board between you and everyone else, you do have stamina that's for sure. Now after reading the above post similar to thoughts you have posted before I know you lived in the country growing up in NE Florida and think monkeys have more brains than anyone outside the delivery distance of Poppa Johns pizza. You must know I live in a rural area of Florida so with that knowledge I must not be close to a higher education center since it's not in the blue and wink, wink that must mean I have no education or do those folks around me. So establishing the blue red formula we can move on to the next topic. As an observer of the continuing left vs right debate I have noticed a pattern where you ignore or evade whole topics of discussion. My first thought is you choose to ignore the question or thoughts...? My second thought is you don't have an answer to what has been proposed so you ignore it and choose another card from the deck of my thoughts versus your thoughts... Either way is fine with me but I pay good money for my internet and want good complete discussions that I can read online as I lurk in the background. So please for another fellow Floridian who wants the most for his money in these trying times just answer the question and comments on the topics you are originally talking about....It messes up the efficiency of my lurking in the background if I need to keep coming back to see if you replied to the original topic... Thank you, RC
Point taken Ralph. You know....sometimes I don't have the time to research rebuttals and most of the time I like to find something that backs up what I am contending. You hit hit on something.....it does take stamina when it's me vs. "everyone" else. I wish I had some assistance but everyone else seems to be significantly right of center on this board.
Great post, Ralph, especially the part about wanting to get the best value possible for the money you spend on your internet. :lol: I nominate Ralph's post above for Post of the Month. P.S. Dave, I'm slightly left of center but unfortunately pretty far to your right, so I can't help you.
re: Democrats have more education than Republicans This is not true, although Democrats repeat it over and over in the hope that it may become true some day. According to the NES, the National Elections Studies database, Republicans have significantly more college degrees than Democrats. For graduate degrees, the numbers are equal. The only area where the Democrats had more education was among women, where the Democrats had a 57% to 43% advantage over Republican women. All of these numbers make sense. About 70% of all school teachers are women and you must have at least one graduate degree (a teaching credential) to become a teacher and 62% of all teachers are Democrats. If you were to deduct school teachers and college professors from this database, the numbers of college educated Democrats shrinks dramatically. :idea: Great moment in History! On election night, 2004, John Kerry shouted out to his staff, "I can't believe that I'm losing to this moron!" Reality: Kerry and Bush went to the same school (Yale) at the same time, just two years apart. Mr. Bush had higher grades overall and Kerry received a "D" in Political Science, which was his major. When all of the election results were counted, it was discovered that Mr. Bush had carried EVERY educational level except one: high school dropouts which Kerry won handily...
That was why Kerry refused to release his records, his patrician appearance gave him a appearance of intelligence that W's West Texas "good ole boy" persona did not. Also even though Kerry came from just as much money as Bush he was deemed to have earned his way into Yale while Bush certainly only got in because of his legacy. It's been played by Democrats for awhile now. Clinton was always given that "intellectual" edge over GWH Bush and Bob Dole. Al Gore, another silver spoon kid, also given the edge on earning his way academically while others lived off of legacy. In the Vietnam War service W was constantly portrayed as a scufflaw because he was in the reserves. But he at least learned to fly a jet. Al Gore magically ended up a journalist, anybody wonder if his Senator Daddy had any influence on Al not ending up a infantry Capt?
:idea: Kerry also refused to release his military records. All he would say was, "I was honorably discharged." What he didn't want the voters to know, was that he was originally DISHONORABLY discharged and that record stood for decades; until he used his position as a senator to appeal directly to the commander-in-chief to have his discharge changed. If he had released his military records, the public would have seen that the president who granted his appeal and reversed his dishonorable discharge to "honorable" was President George W. Bush... The very same guy that he was running against as a "war hero." :roll: