That's what's being trotted out there by the talking heads and it may well be true......or not. Listen.....Alabama to me looks like they have one hell of a team....capable of beating LSU in a rematch. it plays out......if Oregon defeats USC this Saturday while Bama beats Georgia Southern.......if Oregon wins the PAC 12 Championship game while Bama watches from their living room......I do think Oregon at that point will have an edge in computer rankings and probably at least one of the poll rankings that matter. By the way on the other Saturday up for comparison Bama plays a fast sinking....not well thought of Auburn team while Oregon plays Oregon State.
Assuming both win out the rest of their schedule: Code: Assuming both win out the rest of their schedule: OREGON ALABAMA COMPARISON @ LSU 10-0 LSU 10-0 scratch - OREGON lose @, ALABAM lost by less @ STAN 9-1 ARK 9-1 OREGON - OREGON won @ Stanford, BAMA played @ home USC 8-2 @ PSU 8-2 ALABAMA - ALABAMA won @ PSU, OREGON played @ home @ WA 6-4 @ AUB 6-4 scratch - both would have won on the road ASU 6-4 VAN 5-5 OREGON - tougher conference game CAL 6-4 @ FL 5-5 scratch - OREGON tougher conference game, BAMA played on the road WSU 4-6 @ MS St. 5-5 ALABAMA - tougher conference game, on the road @ AZ 2-8 TENN 4-6 ALABAMA - tougher conference game @ CO 2-9 @ MISS 2-8 scratch OR St 2-8 Kent 4-6 OREGON - conference game NEV 6-3 UNT 4-6 OREGON - tougher non-con MO St. 1-9 GA So. 9-1 scratch - both should be handled easily CCG N/A OREGON - BAMA will not have won their division tougher schedule is Oregon's. Oregon has played seven teams that are already bowl-eligible. The CCG will make eight. Bama has played four. Three more are likely to be bowl-eligible by the end of the year. Nod goes to Oregon.
Wait, what are you saying? A SEC team has not played one of the most difficult schedules out there?????/ pffft...impossible.
If Florida and Auburn weren't atypical cupcakes this year then Oregon would have a tougher time jumping the Tide in schedule strength. is....what it is.....and Oregon has the upper hand in this I think. That said....what would be the more hyped up....intriguing rematch.. LSU-Oregon ? Lsu - Bama ? I think after watching that all out physical war that Bama-LSU II would be slightly more anticipated.......but again I give the nod to Oregon with what is likely to happen......only if the Cowboys lose of course.
Really, I don't want a rematch of either team. I really don't want an OK St./LSU beatdown, either. Either OU or Stanford would be a better game against either LSU or Bama. Damn I want a playoff. ALL of these matchups could be addressed.
KP......any Bama fan would gladly choose a playoff now.....and therefore reduce significantly the importance of that loss to LSU. I suspect the Ok-OKSt and LSU-Ark viewing audiences would be drastically reduced if we had a playoff.....
Dave, I don't believe that would be the case. College football attendance is not driven by the importance to post season play as much as it is driven by fans wanting to see great games between two great universities. That does not change with a play off. JMHO
MCG, This Bama fan has been pushing for a playoff since I was a child (and that was a long time ago), so it has nothing to do with the loss to LSU. College basketball plays a lot more games on tv than football but they seem to do ok, and if you remember I seem to remember they have a little tournament at the end of the year. It wouldn't change my viewing habits. :roll:
Oklahoma State is looking very good. Personally I am hoping for them to all they way and make the game. Terry, I know you said it with all due respect, but I don't think you are going to get what you want. There is going to be one SEC team and the possibility of two teams is now realistic.
I should have said what I meant which was television viewing audience. Seriously.....the TV ratings for what is a regional rivalry....OK-OKST will go through the roof this season by comparison to the number of fans that normally tune in to that game. Especially if all that was riding on it was a divisional title vs. a BCS title. The difference seems pretty logical to me.
Bill I'm forming a group to Occupy the SEC!! We are thinking of your front yard as our staging ground! Will you provide hot chocolate?