8) :roll: So Fatso was one of our "top choices" to be pres......eh? I don't know a single Republican here in CA who ever said a good word about him. His chances here were zero...now they're less than zero...
from 1 day ago: So, Corey Inbox x Barack Obama Feb 2 (1 day ago) to me Corey -- Before my time in office is done, I want to be able to fix our broken immigration system, ensure equal pay for equal work for women, and pass commonsense budgets that do right by middle class families. But to do those things, I need a Congress that is willing to work with me. And for that, I need your help. So we're counting on Democrats from every corner of every state to pitch in -- and we still need six people from Decatur. Will you be one of them? The Congress we elect this fall will be the last one I'll ever work with. Please chip in $3 or more to start 2014 strong: https://my.democrats.org/Start-2014-Strong Thanks, Barack Obama
Before you just pass on this, I want you to know... I've never given them my zip code. I never entered my zipcode. I access email from my phone (which would give you a Birmingham cookie) more than I do my laptop or work computer. I never received region specific emails until I attempted to register at the healthcare.gov website. That's about the only time I would enter anything geo-specific linking any of my accounts. So the question begs to me asked, how do you know I'm in Decatur?
and this one from Cory Booker after the SOTU About last night, Corey Inbox x Cory Booker Jan 29 (5 days ago) to me Corey -- President Obama's speech last night reminded me of something that one of New Jersey's most famous philosophers, Bruce Springsteen, once said: "You can't have a United States if you are telling some folks that they can't get on the train." That's what our President and our party are all about: Making sure that everyone can get on that train. But it's going to take everyone doing their part to make that vision a reality. This year, we have a real chance to pick up 17 additional seats and elect a House of Representatives that will work with this President to tackle our most important challenges. Will you chip in $3 or more to help? It wasn't easy for me to decide to run for the Senate, but I did it because like Bruce, President Obama, and so many of us, I believe that every child deserves a chance at success. I'm in D.C. to make sure every kid in New Jersey and every kid in America has a seat on the train -- no matter where they live or what their background is -- and I need your help. If you're with us in the fight to make sure every American has the opportunity to succeed, chip in $3 or more to support Democratic candidates today: https://my.democrats.org/State-of-the-Union Thanks so much for joining me, Cory Senator Cory Booker New Jersey
You guys are probably bored with this, but I am enjoying documenting all this crap that I never signed up for, or even showed a remote interest in. ------------------------------------------------- We got outspent. You'll never guess what happened next: Amy K. Dacey, Democrats.org Mar 12 (2 days ago) Corey -- What happened last night in Florida was really scary. Republican super PACs and outside groups rode to the rescue of a straight-up corporate lobbyist -- spending $5 million to tear down his Democratic opponent. Five million dollars in outside spending -- from groups funded by anonymous donors in many cases -- in just one congressional district. Now multiply that by the number of races we need to win to take back the House, then add tens of millions of dollars in states like Kentucky, Georgia, or Texas, where we have a chance to pick up Senate seats and governor's mansions. If that doesn't scare you, it should. But the good news is that you can do something about it right now. Chip in $3 or more to make sure Democrats have the resources to fight back against right-wing special interests. In a district that Republicans have held for almost six decades, we nearly pulled off an incredible upset thanks to grassroots support from Democrats like you -- but we fell short for one reason: We got outspent in a Republican district. And call me old fashioned, but I think people, and not special interests, should decide elections. And the math on these midterm elections is pretty simple: The more people vote, the more races Democrats will win. But if we can't break through all the noise from the special interest attack ads, taking back the House is off the table -- and everything we want to do in President Obama's last two years in office is in jeopardy. Make sure we have what we need to elect Democrats in November. Pitch in $3 or more now: https://my.democrats.org/Win-in-November Thanks, Amy Amy K. Dacey Chief Executive Officer Democratic National Committee
Ole Joe doin' his part ------------------- Time to step up, Corey Inbox Joe Biden 10:26 AM (34 minutes ago) to me Good morning -- All of us who call ourselves Democrats have a responsibility to help out as the midterm elections approach, and that includes both you and me, Corey. Pitch in $3 or more today to make sure Democrats have what they need for a good shot at winning on Election Day. I'm planning to do my part for nearly 100 separate races this fall -- and each one is as important as the next. I'm doing all I can to help them not only because they stand with Barack and me, but I know they have your back, too. This election is too important to sit out when all we care about is on the line. If you're fired up, donate today, and get ready to give it all you've got: https://my.democrats.org/Elect-Democrats-in-2014 Thanks, Joe
The articles I had read said that the outside spending favored the Democratic candidate by about $1M, and the direct candidate spending by about the same. Not only that, but in November Sink was leading by 20 points and ended up losing by about 5. That's neither "grass roots" nor "nearly an upset".