Don, Too many different versions......I don't believe any of them . It's all Bush's fault if you ask me....... :wink:
BT, Your last post was duplicated about 10 minutes later. I deleted it. Also, you will make it easier on Bill if you lay off the Dave antagonizing. Whether he deserves it or not, Bill is his keeper and Bill does not deserve it. :wink:
Well after reading Don's link I'll retract, apparently Coach Meyer assured him his scholarship would be there and that no walk on or gray shirt was asked of him. But I do wonder then how were the Buckeyes going to accomdate him in this class and Vonn Bell?
That's it Tom but I didn't see it when I looked yesterday, or Wednesday, whatever. And now I am not seeing my duplicate post did you delete it for me?
I am very happy to have Townsend. Oversigning is a word thrown around much to often. I do not see how early entries that can be counted backward because you didn't sign a full class last year is oversigning if you stay under the 85 limit. All to often we get ideas that just because our school or conference does things one way everyone else needs to do it the same way. That is nonsense unless you get it passed that way. BT, answer me this, first is signing over 25 as listed on Rivals, Scout or ESPN oversigning in your definition and not legal according to Big 10 rules. If so then how is it that Michigan signed 27 and Nebraska signed 26? If that is not the rule in the Big 10 then never mind the question. Regardless I fail to understand any criticism for early entries counting back.
Bill, early entries counted against last years class is not oversigning if you stay under the 85 limit. It is not oversigning and is legal everywhere as far as I understand it as long as you do not exceed the 85 limit. The 85 limit is the binding constraint.... I have no criticism for early entries counting back so long as the 85 limit is not exceeded. Oversigning is when you sign more players than you have room for under the 85 that case, between signing day and summer camp, somebody(s) will be forced out of a scholarship. This is when the unfortuanate circumstances that we all read about typically occur. For example, if you start with 85 scholarship athletes on the team, have 16 graduating seniors, 2 early NFL entries leaving room for only 18 new scholarships yet sign 25 kids as is allowed in some conferences and under NCAA rules, you have oversigned by 7. Necessarily then, 7 kids will not have a scholarship available before summer camp/school starts and those that utilize the practice have the benefit of watching the kids compete and evaluating them until decisions need to be made, in effect giving them the benefit of an additional recruiting class over a four year term in addition to other advantages. I know one of the things under consideration by the NCAA to help prevent any potential abuses is the 4 year scholarship -v- the current practice of 1 year renewals. I believe this year for the first time the B1G began offering 4 year scholarships. In sum, no criticism of early entries, no criticism of exceeding 25 so long as there is room and the 85 cap in not exceeded. No issues whatsoever as there is nobody potentially getting kicked to the curb and no inherent competitive advantage....