You are welcome MCG. However let me say this, I also get very annoyed that I constantly see negative posts about the Gators here because of posters dealings with you. You always take positions that incite those kind of responses and it gets very annoying. You need to make a big effort to communicate in a different manner and maybe there won't be so much of this.
I agree with AJ I guess MCG didn't much like what I said because his post is gone. I should have quoted. Regardless I get very annoyed with MCG constantly stirring things up then just as annoyed with people who then have to take shots at the Gators to get back at him. It is the reason I have stayed away for periods of times. I get tired of arguing with my friends, defending the Gator schedule, the SEC recruiting practices the whole package and have made an attempt to just take a short leave from time to time.
Here's an article that means far more to me than the final recruiting rankings. The Gators did what we needed to do and heading in a great direction. Gators Fill Needs
Trojan fans out here are suffering. Many blogs say things like "The lousy coach, but great recruiter theory just went up in smoke." The Troy Boys didn't just lose recruits, they lost their top recruits to Notre Dame (Eddie Vanderdoes;Max Redfield) and UCLA (Kylie Fitts.) The townsfolk have grabbed their torches and pitchforks and they're marching on the castle...
Interesting Bill..... I didn't remove my post. I agreed with you in that it was late in the day and at the time....UF had landed 28 prospects and was still #1 in ESPN's rankings so I thanked you for the defense because I didn't purposely mislead and really it was surprising to me that things changed after I posted that. Maybe one day you'll realize what I have already known.for a long's not MCG that some of these guys have a problem with but they do use that as a reason/excuse to be critical of and not to like what Florida does. My biggest "flaw" here is not that I have been abrasive or opinionated in an unsolicited's more that I just won't stand by meekly and take critical crap dished out about me personally or especially about the Gators or the SEC. Sometimes....sometimes....that carries over to a post debate topic that I may post that can be misconstrued as I am trying to start something etc. etc....when all I may be doing is providing evidence supporting a prior position. Yes... I do not let sleeping dogs lie sometimes and that is a fault I'll admit but most times neither will anyone else when it comes to the Gators.
Well MCG I don't know what happened to the post. However let me say this I agree with some of your post but not by any means all of it. Read AJ's post and get by the language and understand what he is saying. And whether you like it or not and whether what you are saying is on target or not you are still a big lightening rod. And you are not mister innocent. It's one thing to state an opinion and another to beat it to death. Which you do in spades.
Bill.....I still get vilified for my initial approach to this board 16 years ago....which is vastly different than my approach to it today. Now I more readily accept the somewhat amiable premise.....then I was more affected by the Georgia trio....the Gonzo's of the board and the late Tod Jeffers and the missing Curtis.....and......the old Corey and the more irascible Gipper. Like Corey ( most of the time )..... I have mellowed. On recruiting's importance to the national championship.....check this: You can have some fun with this.
MCG, my last post of the morning as I have an appointment. You may have mellowed some, but you still have an in the face approach and you beat things to death. And yes you are still a lightening rod. And being a lightening rod won't change unless you make some steps to do something about it yourself.
Bill, I probably perpetuated the problem trying to call Dave out for his transgressions. I plan to never pay attention to Dave anymore. He is all your problem to curb now. That is the way we set this up in the beginning anyway. As a Gator, your job is to moderate the Gators and help with anyone that is not Tennessee, Texas, or Notre Dame. As for his post missing, Dave cannot do that. It had to be you, Terry, myself, or Ray that deleted it. I know it wasn't me. If I delete a post, I copy it to a file like I did Tailback right before his time out. I place asterisks in place of the foul language, and post for the membership to see why it was removed. I will be a happier person now. My only problem will be keeping Cindy in line as she is the only other Tennessee poster.
Oh, and Ralph, I don't think you know Cindy's nickname. She goes by Bitch. It's an acronym: Babe In Total Control of Herself Occasionally: Babe In Total Control of Husband
Oh boo hoo. Alabama had been ranked #1 for over an hour when I posted that. My point was that the day was far from done. We've seen this from Dave before in which he'll take something, anything that says "Gators number one" and will cling to it for months on end. It wasn't a cheap shot. It's a fact. Do you really think Dave would have come back later and updated? No, he would have continued on skewing numbers and posting stats trying to desperately cling to the Gator Uber Alles mantra. This isn't Tom's fault or anyone else. You can call or insinuate that I'm an asshole, that's fine.. but I'm an asshole who waits until the chickens are hatched before I start counting. I can recognize that great classes were had by a great many teams (even those outside the top 10 who only had certain, specific needs to fill). We've seen this act over and over again. If I'm wrong, I'll eat my hat. Could I treat it more gently? Sure I could. I just don't see the point in that. Unless we're talking about doing so for your benefit. Surely, you're not so thin skinned that you think whenever I jump on Dave's ass for anything that I'm talking to or about all Gator fans.. You know better than that.
I'm not touching the conversation between Tom and Ralph. I have friends who are wondrful people, like Ralph, Tom, and Cindy. Some of those friends, I would not want to risk making them them mad. Cindy is one of those. :wink:
I didn't post at all the rest of the evening....was very busy but I would have checked again and updated if I did......but you beat me to it. Recruiting is probably the least important actual #1 ranking......but as I say being in the top 5 or 10 usually means a lot over time. And not being steadily in that group can be a big detriment.