Pats are still cheaters Jif, it's a stain on their record that can't be wiped away by any number of points. They are a great team, but I can't really give them their due because of their cheating.
Pats are proving this year...cheating was not necessary. They paid their fine, and are proceeding to prove they are best team EVER! Let the NFL hang the * if they desire!
If they "hang 50" on the run up the score needlessly that will show that they are also classless jif. I really don't want any player to get injured, but it would serve them right if a key player was injured if they leave everybody in till the end just to run the score up on the Dolphins. BTW if they didn't need to cheat why did they do it?
AGAIN.every team does ( did ) it. I will say this..Pats are so good , other teams could know what they will run, and STILL not stop them. One more sidenote on Shula..He was "talking" to Miami while still coaching Baltimore.....Oh wait..everyone does that!!
You know jif you keep trying to denigrate Don Shula with all this crap but fact is that he is a hall of famer, he is one of the greatest coaches in NFL history and he is a class act who is universally well liked. Not to mention that there is no evidence that I know of that other teams were cheating as well. Until that evidence comes forth the Pats remain the only cheaters, charged, admitted and convicted.
Yeah...up until recently I really could give a crap about the filming...though methinks they doth protest too much... But this Shula bashing does not sit well with me. **********************<i></i>
Shula was never a Favorite in New England. Now, however, the talk shows are killing him and rightfully so. Why did he poke his nose into this thing? To keep his record sacred? Pats would have "coasted" the last game or 2 if this didnt happen. Now..they want that record more then ever. End of story!!.... and by the way. Pats play the other MANNING the last game of the season in what could be a huge game for NY.
I recommend you keep Brady on the bench for the Giants game. Unless, of course, you don't need him for the playoffs. :lol:
What Shula said he said only when prompted...he didn't bring it was very mild and not worth the trash talking that shameless New Englanders are participating in. ***********************<i></i>
Bad move jif piling on Shula. He's the best coach ever in the NFL in my opinion, and as Terry has said a class act in every way.
He was asked a question and he told the truth...the big mouths belong to his detractors. ***********************<i></i>
JIF, Take off your Patriots Blinders. When you are found with your hand in the cookie jar, don't yell at the one that found you. Admit the error and move on. I have no ties to Shula or to the Patriots. I feel that I am a neutral party to this issue. This neutral party views Shula as an innocent party.