So far, I've seen only comments from agents, None from players. The babies are the agents, whose pockets are empty when their clients aren't being signed. They're the ones doing the whining.
Feb 13th Pitchers and Catchers for the Astros. Feb 18th for position players and Feb 19th first full workout. First game is Feb 23 vs the Nationals. Anybody know why Pitchers and Catchers traditionally have come in earlier than the other players?
The Yankees to day acquired Russell Wilson from the Texas Rangers. Yes, apparently the same guy who plays QB for the SeaHawks. Hard to believe he can make this roster at any level but, for the moment, the Yankees now have the best QB in New York.
Come on George the Mets have Tim Tebow! We all know it's only a conspiracy among owners/gms that kept him from winnng 6 Super Bowls !
Astros top pitching prospect got busted and is suspended for 50 games. I am reading that he took some stimulant to stay awake on a drive home and got busted. Of course he didn't know it was a banned substance, right. That's what they all say, maybe true but how stupid to just take some drug a buddy tells you will keep you awake and not think...uh oh better check that out before I pop it. At least he wasn't being counted on this year, and maybe he's learned a lesson.
Here's something I learned today... The A's have the 3rd most WS Championships behind the Yankee's and Cardinals. I'm shocked. I would have thought the Dodgers, maybe the Red Sox. Giant's are #4. Red Sox are #5 Dodgers are #6 Reds are #7 Pirates are #8 Tigers are #9 Bunch of teams tied with 3 wins at #10.
Re: the Oakland As. I don't know how many WS titles they've won, but prior to the 3 in a row in the early 70s, the predecessor Philadelphia Athletics won more than a few in the early 1900s under Connie Mack. I learned about that when I lived in South Jersey across the river from Philly more than 50 years ago.
When the Brooklyn Dodgers won the Series in 1955 it was the first and only time that they won the championship in Brooklyn.