...either that or since they only signed 23 last year, they have up to 5 more they can sign this year and count against last year's class if they enroll early? I'm just not sure....I bet the guys on Oversigning.Com will have some discussion on the So Car numbers and we'll learn a little more about the details.
I don't think you can ever sign more than 25 LOIs per year, but if they enroll next January they count toward next year's 25 not this year's. South Carolina can only sign 25 for this year no matter how many verbal commits they get.
The more discussion, the better....SI's Andy Staples of SI's Inside Recruiting weighs in with his views..... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/andy_staples/01/24/oversigning/index.html
I think the problem will always be, what to do with kids who are borderline and don't actually qualify till later but do end up being qualified. In those cases, if the rule is strict enough then schools might shy away from accepting their verbal and the kid might end up out in the cold or someplace he/she doesn't really want to be. The current fudge factor takes care of some of those kids of course sometimes at the expense of some other kid. Anybody seen that Solomon guy? :wink:
.....if he/she really wants to be somewhere, this might provide them greater incentive to spend more time on their studies. Not a bad thing....under the current system, kids often find themselves where they really don't want to be through no fault of their own, simply a victim of a broken promise.....that just sucks. I appreciate that our friends who specialize in oversigning are only looking out for the interests of the marginal students and I applaud them for their efforts in that regard, but I believe that there does need to be a level playing field... :wink:
BT, Your friends who specialize in oversigning don't accept your interpretation of how the system works. Kids get hurt and are put on medical scholarships. Kids don't get enough playing time and transfer. Kids sign LOI's and then don't academically qualify. Kids verbally commit then sign with other schools. There may be some broken promises, but you know if "your friends" were really as abusive as you seem to believe, there would be more than one or two of these abused people speaking out, don't you think. Never mind, don't answer, you've made up your mind. At this point I wish they would change the rule. It would eliminate a big excuse for my friends that can't seem to win a BCS championship. :wink:
That happens everywhere KP, not just in those places that specialize in oversigning.....the vast majority of other schools seem to have found a way to overcome such obstacles without oversigning, there is no reason those schools can't as well. You're right, I have made my mind up, but my view doesn't count. Let's see how the member organizations of the NCAA view and decide how best to address the issue. There is no question that it represents a competitive advantage and with all the talent - coaching and athletic - in many of those areas, there is just no need to have to benefit and play by a different set of rules....
Well BT at least you got a different response than I got talking about this subject The fact of the matter is that there are schools and fans in some parts of this country that are as I put it "scumbags." They will cheat at everything that is football or related to football. Here's an article from the New York Times discussing graduation rates. It seems that the scumbags have to cheat even in this area. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/06/sports/ncaafootball/06auburn.html?pagewanted=2&_r=2 They don't feel ashamed, they don't even feel uncomfortable, they just think it's OK. You wonder why when they keep harping that they have the best coaches, the best players, the best stadiums, fans, fight songs and hot dogs why they have to oversign but then, they know that they have to, it's in their culture. As they say, win by any means even if it's Albert Means.
BT, Ah but there's the rub. All are required to play by one set of rules. The rules of the NCAA. The SEC teams are in compliance with the NCAA rules. Some conferences have decided to make their own rules. That is their choice. :?
Oh and BT, I would like to say that I enjoy the discussion. Really I do. It's nice to have a discussion and not be called derogatory names.
KP, I agree....those that practice oversigning - I'll not point fingers at the SEC, but rather all who practice oversigning - have not historically been in violation of NCAA rules. For a variety of reasons, abuses by some schools, unfortunate incidents for student-athletes, etc, the issue has captured national attention and the NCAA has begun to address the issue, slowly but surely. Public opinion - you yourself have acknowledged the "shady side" of the practice and its potential for hurting student athletes - seems to have come down squarely against the practice and it's clear from public comments that the NCAA agrees and is looking to rein in the practice....I support their efforts in that regard and believe it to be in the best interest of the sport. It is a material competitive advantage, gives the sport a "black eye" and has the potential for great abuses contrary to the interests of the student-athletes and hope that they outlaw the practice....just my view.
Ole Miss continues it's run and takes a commanding lead....looks like So Car dropped one...did they pull an offer? USC is in the race but it appears to be due entirely to their appeal to vacate 10 schollies as a result of their sanctions.....if they win their appeal and keep their schollies, they would not be over. Cup Points, Team, (Verbals) +14 Ole Miss (29)* +10 Alabama (23) +10 USC (25)** + 9 LSU (21) + 8 Arkansas (28 + 5 South Carolina (30) + 5 Miss State (24) + 2 Clemson (24) + 1 Michigan State (18 0 Ohio State (21) 0 Penn State (15) 0 Florida State (24) - 2 Notre Dame (23) - 3 Miami (12) - 4 Florida (15) - 5 Nebraska (18 - 5 Georgia (21) - 7 Michigan (12) - 7 Auburn (19) - 9 Iowa (20) http://oversigning.com/testing/
This issue is getting alot of press in the Birmingham News.....another article on the topic. The second in as many days....a classic example of how a kid, through no fault of his own keeping his word throughout the process, gets shafted..... http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/01/hot_corner_the_worst_words_a_c.html
It is fine with me if the NCAA changes rules where it comes to recruiting. The Gators do not historically over sign and we graduate our players so I feel comfortable with my school. However............ BT it would seem to me that kp's comment about which group makes their own rules applies to the Big Ten more than the SEC in this case. In other cases it is the opposite. Of course it really helps the discussion to throw out words like scumbag, not BT, etc. Where their are abuses they need to be corrected, however when you start feeling that the only way to do things is the way your school or conference does it then progress frequently stops. I am comfortable that Florida and the rest of the SEC can live with and thrive with whatever reasonable rules the NCAA comes up with. As long as they are not narrow minded enough to label people scumbags.
I don't feel that way at all Bill.....while I do believe that the standards that the Big 10 has adopted have been effective at addressing the issue, I don't believe that they are the only solution and may not even be the best solution.....but I do believe strongly that the game will be better served by having the NCAA effectively address the issue and it appears they are heading in that direction. Fair enough?
Fair enough BT and I don't disagree. That's a double negative so I agree. But ........ still feel some of the writers fail to give the whole picture.
Bill, we could say that in reference to just about everything we find in the media today and I wouldn't disagree! :lol:
I guess my problem with that Bill, is why is the SEC leading the country in over signing? What are the writers missing that explains why the SEC is the main group of schools over signing?
Terry I don't really know how to answer that question. I might point out this list on the same site Average Signings 2002 - 2010 Number three in the average number of signings during that nine year period is Iowa State. Why would that be? Iowa State signed the third most players in that nine year period, that seems strange. Hey, I am not going to get into the business of defending everything that goes on in the SEC or college football in general. That site represents someone, or several someone's, opinion, that's fine. If they bring about some meaningful reforms, that is also fine. Can't say much more that this.