For the record, I agree with every last thought Vic has expressed here. As for inciting them... f*ck them. I've always lived in a world of Arab terrorism. They play to the media. They play off the fears of parents with small children, women and nancy boys who never would have fought anyone, anyway. They say they want to 'let blood run in the American streets.' Well come on down. I've lived and visited almost every last corner of this great nation. It takes a special kind of 'man' to set off a bomb on a subway, one lacking in character and courage. Try walking down the street telling the people of Camden, New Jersey that you're here to send them to hell... or South Boston... or Brooklyn.. or San Bernardino County.. or Nebraska, Michigan, Ohio, Western PA, Utah and the whole damned South... You better bring a lunch... No... they're a mindf*ck.. They understand only the weakest element of American society and sadly that is one portrayed too favorably as the majority of America. That just isn't so. The truth is, the vast majority of America is a much different place. It's one that gives birth to the Marines, Rangers and Seal teams they cower from. No sir. They want no part of America. We're a quite divided society for a variety of reasons.. but don't buy into that myth that the Pelosi's etc spit out to you. What's fly over country in the minds of elites is home to the majority.. Incite them all you want. You'll just get their ass sent to hell for their party with the hairy ass virgins even quicker.
I agree Corey. And that's why Im in favor of bringing every last soldier home from anywhere in the world. We'll save a fortune, we can shore up our borders and then the rest of the world can sort out their troubles without us. Cut the foreign aid too..... across the board. Rebuild our economy. Take care of our own problems. Our new motto: "Come get some".
Amid stories on line today about Al-Quaida now acknowledging and "condemning" the death of Bin Laden I read this: "Protest leader and Islamic cleric Alim Jamil Yahya said he condemned the "brutal killing" of bin Laden"..... Brutal Killing?? :shock: Man it is completely puzzling how these guys think. Women and children killed in America on 9-11 mean nothing to this SOB..... I see a second mission coming for Seal Team 6.... 8)
:lol: Team 6 has been quite active since 9/11.....much to the dismay of many of your lefty friends. Until just a few days ago they were the tools of the evil empire and Dick Cheney's personal assassination they are Obama's heroes.......same with Gitmo, enhanced interrogation, enemy combatants, military tribunals, etc, I recall, the Attorney General was contemplating indictments for many of the activities that led to the successful raid on Bin soon we forget. I remember.....too funny.
I see how you think...... A few far left many who knows....."smeared" this group. Who did this? Who knows. But this far right article if I chose to "read more" I am certain would have anyone and everyone not huddled up on the far right as being among those who "smeared" this courageous group called Seal Team 6. This type of generalization is why our nation's politics is so screwed up.
How I think, a few writers, should watch the video again..... Surely you must see the humor in this story of a rogue, covert assassination team operating illegally under the direction of the evil Dick Cheney being the lead story on a national prime time MSNBC newscast expose' whilst Bush is in office also being precisely the same guys, performing the same mission and being hailed as national heroes while operating under the direction of a courageous and decisive President Obama on the same network.....surely even you can see this. I can't make this stuff up......
Whenever anything thing goes wrong during the Obama presidency it's "Bush's" fault. When after years of intelligence gathering OBL is found and killed, it's all Obama. I'm pretty sure that the majority of Americans see through this crap and know that enhanced questioning was critical in the ultimate outcome.
JO'Co...Barb's nephew who lives in Canada sent me that photo under the caption: "US Government relents, releases Bin Laden photo."
No rational person believes this. But one generalization I do make in my beliefs is that anyone on the far side of it usually not making a rational judgement about the other side's beliefs. I can't stand this "tunnelvision" way of thinking. This if it ain't's white kind of mentality and I'm always right while you're always wrong etc etc. No one is always right and no one is always wrong. If the far left Pelosis of the world have this mentality they're fragile....misguided thinkers and the same goes for those on the right that think that way. Frankly it's frightening.
The dialogue on this board illustrates why I could never cross over to the conservative republican camp. Normally intelligent and sensible people become raving ideologues when all that's called for is a simple acknowledgement of a job well done. It doesn't mean you've crossed over into his camp or that you've become the male versions of Nancy Pelosi. Ugh! I'd say the same thing to the lefties if the shoe was on the other foot and they were acting the same. Damn, guys. For one brief moment, unwad your panties, give the president credit for making the decision to pull this off, then just shut up. Geeesh!
8) We interrupt Sid's goodwill gesture with an important message... FLASH! Osama bin Laden's video from Hell has just been released.
I should have said, instead, that I'd say the same thing to Dave, since he's the only lefty here. :wink: I hope there are no hard feelings stemming from my above rant. Full morning-after disclosure: My wife is a conservative Republican and has not let up in her bashing of Obama, even after the killing of bin Laden. It frustrates me, but it would not be a smart move for me to say to her what I said to you guys. In this respect, the bulletin board served as a way for me to let off some pent up steam. :roll: P.S. In almost all areas except this one re: the current presidency, I am on the same page as my conservative friends.
Some are on the left of the fence and throw rocks at the right side. And those on the right throw stones over the fence at the left. AND THEN THERE ARE THE INDEPENDENTS WHO SIT ON THE FENCE BELIEVING THAT THEY ARE ABOVE IT ALL AND THROW STONES BOTH WAYS :lol:
OK, Gip. I deserve that. Fortunately for the "victims" of my stone throwing, my arm isn't what it used to be, metaphorically speaking. :wink:
Uh...I found these rocks. I'm just throwing them back over that fence... Now for another chapter of...Mystery Presidential Theater!