Looks like the photos will not be released. That decision will probably be revised once Obama's poll numbers start dropping again
It was a good week for Obama, got a couple of good shots in on Donald Trump and gets credit for taking out OBL. A partisan Dem on my Texas board posted this.
That's a pretty good summary of recent political events... We are becoming especially nasty if you mess with us. I like it...... 8) Now.....on to more "important" things like Harvard transcripts.... :wink:
It took many years of waterboarding and other "techniques" to round these bastards up. Obama deserves much credit for pulling this off but it would never have happened without Gitmo and the enhanced interrogations. Notice no one is complaining about torturing prisoners now. The economy is better? Where? Gas at record pump prices, food spiraling upward, real estate continuing to lose value, national debt now probably out of reach and unemployment claims up two of the last three weeks. The nation hads devalued its own currency by double digits. If that's better I don't want to see worse. Andrew Napolitano has an interesting take on this. he said that virtually everything Obama has done is in direct violation of constitutional law. From taking over the auto and banking industries to his entering us into wars without even consulting Congress to his appointment of 34 CZARS who do not answer to anyone but him to his sanctioned assasination of a foreign individual in another country without permission. Everyone has been suffering so much in their own lives or are just too ignorant to notice that this president acts more like a King than an elected official.
Notwithstanding his clear bias and uncalled-for Repub bashing, the poster makes good points. Obama deserves credit for making the decision to take out OBL. No question. In this regard, he is no Jimmy Carter....thankfully. I find it interesting how the obviously liberal poster bashes Carter. Carter's presidency during my middle 30s pushed me away from voting straight Dem tickets in presidential elections and toward a moderate personal political position. I came up short of crossing over to the Repub side. Just couldn't bring myself to doing such a dastardly thing. :wink: Nevertheless, I cannot relate to the liberal Dems in power today or to their fiscally irresponsible, big government, near-socialist agenda. By the way, FWIW, I agree with Obama's decision not to release the OBL photos.
I agree also. If one life is spared because of that decision it is worth it. Anything like that ( distributing the photos ) would most certainly rile and rally the lunatic Muslim fringe to despicable action.
No photo will satisfy those who will believe that is a conspiracy and that he's not dead. They will claim they are clever fakes, just like the nut jobs who say that Bush masterminded the 9/11 attacks or that there was never a plane that hit the Pentagon, stuff like that.
Not sure I agree. The WH issued a series of conflicting statements regarding the raid. Initially, it was stated that OBM was killed while holding a weapon and using a woman to shield him. Then, the story changed to no weapon and no female shield. Today, various newspapers in Europe reported that one of his daughter who was present at the time of the raid claims that OBL was basically executed. Her story will be aired prominently in the Middle East media. If we have visual evidence that proves her claim to be a lie, releasing that material would eliminate the ability of those hostile to us to use his daughter's claim as a propaganda weapon. On a side note, it is perplexing that the concern expressed in the media that releasing photos a dead OBL is unwise since it might inflame Jihadists to violence was not similarly expressed when photos of Abu Garib were released by the New York Times.
My 2 cents 1. Did Obama really have a choice? How damaging would it have been if word got out, and it would have gotten out, that we knew where OBL was and Obama nixed the operation? Real courage. 2. The origin of the intelligence that led to our finding OBL was "enhanced" interrogation in a foreign location and follow up questioning at Gitmo. Whose been opposed to enhanced interrogation and Gitmo from the beginning of his presidency? (the trail goes back to 05 or 06 during the Bush administration) 3. As to the photos, anyone remember who was arguing that the American people had the right to see photos of the coffins of our soldiers killed by Islamic extremists? Sure we don't want to "upset" those dirt covered bastards in Pakistan but shove bodies of fallen heroes in the face of Americans? No problem. 4. To quote our last Dem president (who apparently was offered OBL by Sudan but passed) "It's the economy STUPID."
I don't think it's at all about "upsetting" them......f*ck em. It's more about "inciting" them.....and therefore causing the loss of life of innocents.....which as hard as we try to prevent will not be avoided in every case so why not try to limit the attempts by the crazy bastards.
Christiane Amanpour knew exactly where Usama bin Laden was way back in 2008. See here: http://youtu.be/0-ySteY3r9I
No doubt in my mind that Pakistan military knew where OBL was hiding. He was located walking distance from their West Point at a place especially built for him. And they didn't know? BS As long as his whereabouts were unknown to us the Billions would keep rolling in for their assistance in the search. Now that he is dead the main reason for this cash cow dissapears and they know it. What we do now is the question. They are a nuke nation with a strong islamist extremist element threatening the government.
"The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida. ... I salute President Obama, his national security team, Director Panetta, our men and women in the intelligence community and military, and other nations who supported this effort for their leadership in achieving this major accomplishment. ... [T]he death of Osama bin Laden is historic," - Nancy Pelosi, yesterday.
We get the leadership we deserve. Even with a face of hardened silicon, Nancy can talk out of both sides of her mouth.