In Los Angeles the protests are called "Make Wall Street Banks Pay" and the protesters are writing "Burn This Bank" on the walls of local banks...
Occupy Wall Street attempts to crash into and destroy the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Obama, Pelosi and all leaders of the Democratic Party are now officially backing the political mobs around the country and saying that calls for violence are justified. Uh......they don't really understand which side has all the they? Thank God for the 2nd Amendment...
Occupy Wall Street Organized From Day One by SEIU/ACORN Front “Working Families Party”… <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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What the hell do they need daycare for? They sure as hell aren't working their asses off are they? Well maybe they need time to prepare meals. No wait, they haven't the time or energy to cook but they can get food from Dominos, McDonalds or Subway.
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I think these videos represent parodys...making fun of the thing rather than glorifying least I hope so.
I would love to hear Dave's thoughts on these videos. Of course, his selective complaining doesn't tune in on the majority of the Democrat voting base.
Democrats Offer Solidarity to Wall Street Occupiers Of course they do. These anti-American protests were planned, funded and sustained by the Democratic Party and it's major special interests. It's all backfiring. Democrats from coast-to-coast are abandoning their party in droves. They've been given a choice of supporting Obama or their country. That's an easy one for the kind of Democrats that I grew up with. I'm glad my parents never lived to see this. It would have broken my dad's heart.
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There is so much propaganda from both sides in this demonstration that it just becomes noise after a while. Many on this board may not agree with my opinion on this but the actual protest was mainly college students who have found themselves in a shitty position. Get a college loan, go to school and graduate. Upon graduation you realize our country is sinking fast like the titanic when it comes to the economy and your years of college education is of no use. Then add the fact that your college loan is $100K and there are 10,000 people signing up to work at Burger King because they are unemployed. I get it, I see where they cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel for anything changing. So in turn somebody says why did our goverment bail out the banks, wall street and general motors lets go protest because I'm pissed and don't have anything else to do I can't get a job there are none available. So they protest and march and have live feeds and pretty much nobody noticed or cared for two weeks. Throw in a couple feeds of stupid cops using the baton and pepper spray (remember I come from a police family) on folks looking the other direction and wala we open up a can of worms. Once the media decides to air the protest wackos who are claiming alien conspiracy and other assorted ideology start showing up and this really gets air time because it makes producers happy to grab the public attention. Now out of the blue unions start to show up and protest and bring lunch with them to feed the protesters. This grabs the attention of the Democrats who want to utilize the anger to use against the business minded Republicans and help them in their floundering hope of having a Democratic president come the next election. The Republicans respond with sound bites like " ‘If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’. This helps them to establish their spot in the ranks of Republicans as they run for president, "look at me I said something conservative". Meanwhile our country is floundering with so much debt we will never be able to fix it. We are still fighting wars that most americans don't want to be in. We cannot accept the fact that China is the world leader and India and Brazil along with China are the new booming economic areas in the world and not the US. This does not change the fact that there is real unrest with the American people vocalized or not. Our young people 16-25 are facing unemployment of 25-50% in most areas of the country which does not help to calm the oncoming storm of disatisfaction. Meanwhile Joe Smuck who walked out to the original protest still has a college loan he cannot pay and his girlfriend is now "eyeballing" Fast Freddy who just got a job at Starbucks... Excuse me but its F**cked up.....
Ralph, Are the students on the hook for loans or are their parents? I worked my way through, as an aluminum die caster and swimming pool builder. I have the scars from both jobs to prove it. While these kids are running up millions in costs to NYC, crapping on police cars and carrying signs depicting decapitated heads they could be working. They don't want to work, They want someone to confiscate someone else's wealth and give it to them. Don't make the mistake of confusing your work ethic with these folks..... there's not enough work ethic in that crowd to fill your hat. I also don't remember any outcry from the masses to bail out the banks and auto companies. That was a government decision started by Bush and continued by Obama. Now Obama wants to make GE's Jeff Immelt his "Jobs Czar". This is the same guy who exports jobs to China like light bulbs. I understand people are pissed; I am too. But this is misdirected. This was sent to me today.... 1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. 2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. 3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. 4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it! 5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.
No... the mainstream media isn't biased! <r>So enthused about promoting the far-left protests, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer on Monday night's World News championed “the Occupy Wall Street movement” by ludicrously claiming that “as of tonight, it has spread to more than 250 American cities, more than a thousand countries -- every continent but Antarctica.”<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>Protests against the wealthy in “thousands of countries,” including Cuba, China and every country in Africa? Per the U.S. State Department, however, there are only 195 nation states in the world, so Sawyer imagined five times as many protests as could possibly have occurred. <br/> <e></e></B> <br/> Read more: <URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... z1aUo4JCWY"></LINK_TEXT></URL> <E>:lol:</E> <E>:lol:</E></r>