This is not an either or situation. The Irish are better off with him staying as the coach through the Stanford game. He's not doing the Univ a disservice by not resigning now or earlier, he should stay until Swarbrick walks in and says he's done and makes him an offer.
ND <t>All I meant was he needs to go peacefully for the sake of the school, However they want to spin it. When Swarbrick tells him it's over, he needs to quietly take his money and go. <br/> <br/> Hey, remember I supported this guy up until the last navy game.<br/> <br/> I still like him and think he has done a lot for ND AND the program including dispelling the myth that you can't recruit elite talent to ND anymore. <br/> <br/> He's a good person. I wish him the best.</t>
Tim.... <t>Good post and the Navy game IMO was the final straw for the administration. I have been beyond concerned about the program all year when you struggle to win most all games.<br/> On the talent recruited by Charlie and the staff this is a great subject for discussion by guys on this board that know football. I will offer my take on it in a day or so but I am on vacation this week and have 15 folks coming for turkey on Thursday and have a torn up kitchen being remodeled plus two rooms to paint so I am a bit busy.<br/> This subject will be fun to cover.<br/> <br/> By the way Happy Thanksgiving to everone on the board !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</t>
Tim's comments are so close to mine last year. You can respect the man without respecting his ability to coach. Good post Tim.
Hey nobody has commented on Ben Turks punting, Turk was literally booming them on Saturday. I hope he's found the key. Also I wonder what's the deal with Tausch, Charlie said he warmed up ok but after his last point after practice attempt he told Charlie he couldn't go again? That's why we had David Rougher doing both the KO's and Field Goals. He did pretty well wouldn't you say?
Rougher was a good story.. but like he said, he'd rather go 0-3 than lose in OT to UCONN. The loss is just too much here. It's awfully find the positives in this game, even when they are there.