Southern Cal backup QB guarantees a win over ND:
yeah yeah... f*ck the hatchet, f*ck the writers, f*ck what anyone else has to say about how we choose to do things. We're independent for a reason and it's a lot more than dollars. Go Irish, Beat Trojans
BTW, does anyone remember Gallipo and Barkley saying the Irish quit on the field last year? I hope the boys don't.
8) Gallipo and Barkley were Catholic school boys who were trying to make a statement about where Catholic school boys should play their college ball. Max Wittek is another local Catholic school boy who's been running his mouth. I hope the lads remember all this stuff...
8) Oh BTW- the President of Egypt and leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Morsi, is a graduate of the University of Southern California...
Since I have followed recruiting I don't know of any team that gets as many 5* players as USC. They really haven't done much with them in recent years though.
Bill they are #1 in recruiting again this year and as you know those rankings reflect # of players x quality of each player and even though they have less than 20 and everybody else has more than 20 they still have a significant lead. Texas A&M has almost double the number of players and is still way behind them in the total score. They have 5 5* players, the rest of the top 10 has 6 combined.
Bill, They've clearly underachieved. I think the cloud of the NCAA investigation has hurt them as well as a few other things. If you look at the players who have transferred and are currently starting (or have started and gone onto the NFL), you might be surprised. Tennessee had a guy who was one of their better players and went on to the NFL. Georgia's best Linebacker this year is a guy that basically couldn't get medical clearance at USC. I pretty much hate the work of Ivan Maisel but he does have a somewhat decent article on it here. One thing that I learned from that article, which I genuinely found surprising, was that Pete Carroll habitually undersigned in terms of number of players. Very much against the grain of what Saban and many in the SEC do.
No need to sign the max if you are truly getting the cream. The question is... were they ALL that good? I realize USC is being hit by lack of numbers right now... and some like Lee are amazing, but not all of those 5*'s are deserved. Many times a kid's rating will be adjusted based on who he supposedly has offers from...
which also Bill.. (as Terry pointed out their current class numbers) is why those of us who follow west coast football laugh at the notion that losing Barkley means that USC becomes a 'sure thing.' Their last QBs were Matt Barkley, Mark Sanchez, John David Booty, Matt Leinart and Carson Palmer. Odds are, the new kid doesn't suck. Also, USC has a long history of great young QBs having long careers because a starter goes down or turns out to be a bust (Mitch Mustain of SEC fame comes to mind).. I agree with you, they should be doing more. Just don't go saying that real loud. We're hoping they don't notice
Scott, Here is a list of drafted USC players. This doesn't count for the guys who went to Tennessee and got drafted, or the kid at Georgia who will get drafted or other situations such as those.. just Trojans
ND <r>Little tidbit on the SI cover Jinx:<br/> <br/> It appears that the SI cover jinx only works when an individual is on the cover. This week's cover has a reflection of Touchdown Jesus on the <br/> Gold helmet. Can SI really jinx Jesus? I don't think so! We are saved! GO IRISH! <E></E></r>
re: Sports Illustrated I didn't like the cover article on Notre Dame's season. It was like Under the Tarnished Dome. The team isn't winning because the school has lowered it's standards for football players. The standards haven't been lowered at all and the school is tied for #1 in graduation rate. Furthermore, I'm not aware that the death of Declan Sullivan was anything other than a terrible tragedy for everyone. What that had to do with winning football games is a mystery to me. The team was not doing well when Sullivan was killed. I think that we can expect more of this treatment as the team solidifies it's dominant position in the future. re: LA Times They're circling the wagons in Los Angeles. According to everyone here, this year is identical to 1964. This morning's Times had page after page of "analysis" which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it's 1964 all over again. They even dug up Pacific Palisades businessman John Huarte to comment, even though he basically said that he "doesn't want to think about it." Here is Bill Dwyre's column from today's sports section which appeared under the title "Turn Back the Clocks to 1964.",0,4864551.column This article also appeared in the Times this morning:,0,5034634.column
1964 only means something to those who were there. This team could not care less. The Irish are physically superior and motivated for the big prize. USC is motivated to be a spoiler. Their fate does not change the day after the game. ND wins this one comfortably.