If Clausen has any sense at all he'll go pro. He is as good as any QB in college and this program is about to go into yet another makeover. Weis isn't going to escape this time. That team mailed it in for three quarters yesterday and that is an indictment of Weis. We were manhandled. I think we have a decent shot at losing two of the remaining three.
John Tenuta when asked about the difficulty in defending the Navy option. Here in lies the problem, Charlie has a good enough offense to have won every game, but he has never had a defense that will backup the offense. Also problem number 2 is that Charlies teams come out flat in so many games and don't seem to get going till the 2nd half. This isn't just this year either, lots of games over his career where the team should be sky high coming out of the gate and instead they sleep walk through the first couple of quarters. He's pretty much lost the fans at this point, he should resign and coach out the season.
So I've been so sick, I barely stayed awake to watch any football action this weekend. In fact, after posting this, I'm headed back to bed.. But watching football with a clouded medicine head, the thought occurred to me. So many things being said about this staff was once being said collectively by a similar group of coaches... who are all now at the University of Florida and widely considered to be one of the best staffs in college football.
Corey, I'm right there with you bud. I think I'm starting to turn the corner this morning... may be about a day ahead of you. I went to teach a class at Intel in New Mexico last week. The facilitator was sick and I brought the bug back with me. Better days are ahead for the health and for ND. Hang in there.
ND <r>Well last night was rough trying to sleep. I woke up several times saying...did ND really lose to Navy again?!!!<br/> <br/> This is the first time since CW has stepped foot on campus that I can truly say we need a new coach. Believe me, that is hard for me to say. <br/> <br/> I refuse to join what probably is a total bloodbath on ND Nation, UHND and other similar sites cause I know they are probably throwing out every nasty, slanderous and hurtful comment they can think of towards CW. I refuse to play that game and be a part of assaulting his character. He's a good person in my mind. He's just not a good HC.<br/> <br/> We need someone else and my first choice is Brian Kelly. We are probably going to hear endless speculation over the next two months about Stoops, Gruden etc and in the case of both Gruden and Stoops my response is absolutely no! We need a College Football Coach with experience and a solid record. Gruden is a NFL guy and Stoops is...well he's Stoops, not what I would call and ND kinda guy. Kelly is it.<br/> <br/> Now with blood in the water the Media with have great fun over the next couple of months talking about CW and the coaching change to come. Any chance to stick it to ND by the media is never overlooked. <br/> <br/> I'm saying all this now because I'm certain that ND will not win out. They will lose at least one and possibly 2 more before it's over. Anything short of nine wins means CW is gone for sure. He may already be with the Navy loss. <br/> <br/> Who knows what it means for recruiting, I don't even want to think about it. <E>:roll:</E> <br/> <br/> It's a sad day(again) for ND football the players and the Fans. <E>:cry:</E></r>
I'm with you Tim, I like CW but he's just not got the job done and 5 years is enough. He's shown he's an average coach and if we wanted to be satisfied with 7-5/8-4 occassionaly 9 win season then CW is your man. But I don't think that is what ND fans want. Time for the Change. I do hope that it goes smoothly and Charlie goes peacefully back to the NFL. Thanks everybody for giving him the chance, wishes ND well and moves on. No appearances on ESPN to be critical of ND and the fans. He was given nearly unlimited resources and he failed to get the job done. I don't know who I want. I'm sure the coach search is bound to be contentious on the websites.
Tim, I think you have an excellent choice in Kelly. He has proven to do more with less. Who knows what the limits are to what he could accomplish at ND?
Kelly will be a very popular choice with the media. He is already effusively praised by all of the ESPN crowd, he will be a somewhat controversial choice for the ND fans. Some will be very happy, and some will be pissed that Saban, Stoops, or Gruden aren't the guys. Bottom line will as always be on the field. If Kelly comes in and puts a winning team on the field then he'll be accepted. That's really true of every fan base. They agonize over the choices, once the new guy is named they move on and if he wins they all get behind him.
CW <r>Terry,<br/> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> Amen to that! If he truly has NDs best interest at heart, you would think he would go gracefully.</r>
Has ANYONE even considered the fact that Kelly could turn down the job? Suppose he doesn't want to be limited in recruiting? Suppose he doesn't have to put up with "fans" like you find on ND Nation?
I don't think there is much chance that Kelly would turn down the job, and really the Irish aren't that limited in recruiting. Had Charlie beaten Navy like he should have, gone to Pitt on prime time and beaten Pitt...etch win out. Charlie would have landed a top 5 recruiting class. It's not as easy as it is at Texas or USC but one thing Charlie has proven is that if you work you can bring a lot of talent on board.
This team won't win until it can play defense. Until that happens, ND is relegated to being just an average team. Win a few, lose a few. It's as simple as that. I don't care how many blue chip offensive players we get. If ND can't get tough guys to play defense, we'll be just average.
No doubt PJ, that is what seperates the really good teams from the average team who wins 7 or 8 games. You have to build a defense, something Charlie has not been able to do.
CW's biggest problem is Defense. UCon put up 45points on Kelly this weekend. What does this tell us??
Forget the recruiting class; that is secondary to extricating ourtselves from this regime and getting the right guy and staff in here. Charlie should resign now and coach out the season. It would give the school a head start on his replacement, maybe the players would rally around him and he could leave in an orderly fashion. Tenuta? Still talking smack after having his defense gang raped yet again. I don't care how they dismiss this clown. Corwin Brown? Just tell him to start looking....
While I doubt you could post what you know from your connection with Carlo's family, but they must be very disappointed with the defensive staff and he coaching he is recieving, maybe even feel they were duped by Weis to believe he cared about defense.
I see on a CBS Poll this morning, that 69% of the fans voting think Charlie should be canned. (25,000 plus votes)