Was there a tremor during your follow through?..... BTW, is that your home course?....that place looks great...
That's not even me, I just got that off the internet. Here's where I currently play. It's a daily fee, we have a skins game every Sat/Sun usually 20-30 players. Both coures are pretty tough for a guy like me. Plenty of out of bounds and water, rough is usually pretty deep as well. Green are fast, lots of contours and some diabolical pin placements. Only thing that sucks is the sand traps...they are terrible. http://www.golfquailvalley.com/
From John Morosi's Twitter account as re-tweeted by Ken Rosenthal: Guess he made the right decision to play baseball over football.
Really given the way MLB contracts are written and how NFL contracts are written...there is way more guaranteed money and security in the MLB. Then toss in the fact that you aren't getting your brains bashed in on the field every week, it's not surprising when a kid who is talented chooses MLB over NFL.
Kicker named Yoon is on the Irish radar, a lot of people think this kid is one of the best they've seen in awhile coming out of HS. I saw this comment about him from a well respected poster who is also a coach. Yoon
Yoon is the only kicker A&M has offered. We weren't looking for a kicker but he's too good to pass up. Sounds like he's leaning your way. Very good get.
Rumors are that he'll verbal today or tomorrow. Kickers are weird, we've had more than one kicker who was a high school phenom only to not make the transition. Anybody remember Kevin Kopka, Thunder Leg?
Yoon <r><QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> LOL, he's suppose to be a good one. We'll defiantly need him starting 2015 season.</r>
Looks like ND and Georgia will be announcing a home/home series this week. Former UGA QB Buck Belue tweeted it was imminent. UGA/ND
So I guess that even today we have opposing coaches telling players that they'll have to go to mass everyday, and become Catholic if they go to ND. Blue Chipper, Byron Cowart from Fla, had this to say about his visit to ND. “It was a great experience that I didn’t expect. But I made a promise that I would go,” Cowart said. “Everyone thinks they push the Catholic thing on you and they really don’t. I loved the coaches. I loved the town. I loved the campus. South Bend is all about Notre Dame and the alum are everywhere.”