I will be there, one of my nephews will be coming with me and one of my brothers. I believe Scott88 and Kes are going to try an come to the game. Tom said he would bring the PickUp and run the tailgate. Question is I'm not sure where you tailgate for the Alamo Dome. I've been there one time, the NCAA Final Four a couple of years ago, and there isn't much parking around the stadium, we found some street parking a ways away from the stadium. I'll have to see what I can find out about tailgate possibilities. Terry
Larry, As of right now, I am planning on going to the SA game. I would most likely be +2 but it could also be just a +1 situation. We'll see.
Larry, Cindy and I are two hours away in Round Rock, Texas. We are planning on trying to meet up with all that will be there on the night before, and probably the tailgate the day of the game. I have now met: Vol Jeff lost count of how many times Perry Parris from the Prodigy days James Seat from the Prodigy days once about a month before he died Rolls Royce - Royce Cullums from the Prodigy days once Gator Bill and Jeanne several times JO'Co and Diane twice Corey three times Terry O'Keefe three times AJ Martin twice GORT once Stu once Mike Malloy once Sid Once Bobda once Tailback once before he lost his mind I don't think I've missed anyone. If I did, blame it on the aging mind. :wink:
Well, let's see here. Murray Tristch James Browning Bill???? The Husker? Old Boy, we haven't heard from for about 3 years? Rick Tom and Cindy Doc Bobda Sid Gipper Stu JOCo and Diane Gator Bill Scott Kesley
Up in Anaheim. They were in town for something and that's when I got to meet Rick for the 1st Time also. I think it was 2001? 2002?
I see that Joe Montana has lowered expectations for the future of Notre Dame football. He thinks we can be a top 15 type of team but not really be able to compete with the USC and Florida's of this world due to academic restrictions. I don't know what to say to tell you the truth. Things have certainly changed in the world of college football and maybe the Irish are being left behind. I hope not. But the only way is to go out and prove people wrong. Weis has a good recruiting class going right now but we are missing on a lot of the 5* type of players. Two WR's who are the type you would think would die to play in the Weis NFL style offense are going elsewhere. Some of his problems this year are that players are being told by recruiting rivals that he's going to be fired this year. Of course the reality is that it could happen. So he has to go out and win this year and win big and regain the traction of a coach who is going to be here for long time. Then maybe he can turn around the momentum on the recruiting front and get back to being a top 10 or top 5 recruiting power. Montana
Another key part of the article that Terry quoted above, for those who question the relationship between Montana and Weis, as some have done since one son transferred from ND and the other committed to Washington:
Sid, I think that is why Joe made the comments, there is a lot of talk on the Notre Dame Internet boards as to what Weis has to do to save his job, and the bar is set pretty high for him. I'll bet that very few internet posters would vote to retain him if he is 8-4, quite a few would want to fire him at 9-3. Another blowout loss to USC would be damning no doubt. Joe is supporting his friend no doubt. He does use some strange logic, he claims our lines are 30-40 lbs lighter than USC. He's way off on that claim, but he is right that we've had a hard time recruiting elite defensive players, although recently that has started to change since Weis brought on Corwin and Tenuta. But no doubt the current buzz over whether or not Weis will be fired is really hurting the Irish on the recruiting trail. If we had beaten Pitt, UNC and Syracuse as we should have last year we'd be in a much different place right now. But it is what it is. and the ball is in Charlies court get the job done!
Joe <t>Terry,<br/> <br/> I agree with you on several points. I love Joe but he is just dead wrong on a couple of points ie. the size of the of the D-line etc. More importantly though, EVERYONE knows that 8-4 will not be good enough for CW to be able to stay. The worst he can probably do is 9-3 and if he looses to sc it better be close. <br/> <br/> The losses toward the end of last season really hurt last years recruiting class. The class we have going right now is good but not great. It can be a great class still but as is everything else, it is dependant on the wins and losses this season.<br/> <br/> A 10 win season and a BCS bowl would probably cure all that ails the Irish program right now. CW would keep his job, ND would end up with a really good recruiting class and the team would be on it's way back to elite status. 8-4.......we are back to square one all over again and I'm not sure if this program can take starting over with a new coach again. <br/> <br/> I want to get excited about this season. As a lifetime Irish fan I should be giddy when I look at the schedule knowing the talent ND has on hand right now but........I've been disappointed so many times the last few years I just can't get REALLY excited. <br/> <br/> Lets hope for the best. I really like CW and hope he makes it happen this year. Let's see if he has figured out how to be as good a college coach as he was a NFL offensive genius. GO IRISH!</t>
A few guys with some dings. Te'o, Sam Young and Ian Willams sat out today and yesterday Jonas Gray tweaked something and went to the bike. I think Weis is having them hit a lot this year. Another sign that he realizes he's not in the NFL anymore.
Doc, I take the increase of contact in practice as reflecting that we have more depth this year. Season ending injuries in practice are always bad. When you have no depth, they're worse.
Any.. <t>Irish fan besides me think J. Gray has a chance to be the best back on the roster if 100% and given the opportunity to play? I've always been able to predict on backs and he looks special to me but has to somehow get the carries.</t>
Gip I think you are right, the depth allows Charlie to run more physical practices. Reading lots of good things about Clausen, he's been named a Captain and all the reports are that he's incredibly accurate. Also reading good things about Verducci and the OL progress.
Larry, I thought the same thing when I saw him with the ball. He seems to be that electric type of back who can make things happen. I always like to get those guys on the field. However, I've heard he has a habit of fumbling. Our current RB coach has an incredible resume for reducing fumbles. I hope he can get that same effect from our RBs.
Captains have been named. Clausen and Olsen for the offense and Kyle McCarthy and Scott Smith for Defense and Special teams. Tim Preister had a retrospective on Notre Dame captains. It's a pretty interesting read. From 1887 through 1967 Notre Dame usually only had a single captain. Only 2 time captains: Edward Prudhomme (1888-89); Frank Keough (1893-94); Louis "Red" Salmon (1902-03); Leonard Bahan (1918-19); Pat Filley (1943-44); Bob Olson (1968-69); Willie Fry (1976-77); Bob Crable (1980-81); Phil Carter (1981-82); Ned Bolcar (1988-89); Ryan Leahy (1994-95); Ron Powlus (1996-97); Grant Irons (2000-01); Brady Quinn (2005-06); Tom Zbikowski (2006-07); Travis Thomas (2006-07); Maurice Crum, Jr. (2007-08) I think Sid roomed with Ed Prudhomme! Last time we didn't have at least 1 African American Captain - 1986 Mike Kovaleski was the '86 Captain. Last time we didn't have a white captain. 1999 when Jarious Jackson was the Captain. You don't have to be a member to read the article Irish Captains through the years
Eddie was a grand chap! He looked dapper in his football togs. He would consider today's players to be chipper lads.
This was on the ESPN front page. Sorry about the commerical to start the video. <object width="384" height="216" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="ESPN_VIDEO" data="http://espn.go.com/videohub/player/embed.swf" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all"><param name="movie" value="http://espn.go.com/videohub/player/embed.swf"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="wmode" value="opaque"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="allowNetworking" value="all"><param name="flashVars" value="id=4405819"></object>