Corey, The fellas and I will b discussing Huskerfan at our meeting his week. 8) Speaking of Jersey boyz....
ESPN is running a blog on the Irish. Here's a link to it. Notre Dame Blog I looked and couldn't find a Nebraska blog on ESPN.
HERE YA GO DOC, ALL THE NEBR BLOG YOU'LL EVER NEED Or, if you want a true blog, here's my favorite!! CORN NATION
Corn Nation: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Hearing someo... make that: Seeing someone type Cool[/u] is another stroll down that boulevard. 8) Sid, You, Mike, Bobda and Stu were the only Skybox members I had not met before the Kansas City meeting. I had no idea what to expect on the way. I was pleasantly surprised by how everyone acted like this was our 100th meeting rather than our first. I can't wait until the next one. I hope that we double the attendance next time and it looks like that might be the San Antonio meeting.
Well.... <t>Since I have been gone from the board is there actually going to be a San Antonio meeting?<br/> My wife and I will be going to the game and know about the planned pep rally and the speakers etc but if there is something planned please post details.<br/> <br/> THANKS !!</t>
Manti Teo, Carlo Calabrese and Toryan Smith (L-R) Taken yesterday. Teo and Carlo locker side by side. They are competing head to head in drills and, acccording to Jason Sapp, are competing so far favorably with the upper classmen.Teo is currently #2 at Will LB and Carlo is #3 at Mike LB. Carlo feels that he will be #2 to Toryan Smith very shortly, passing Soph Paul Poluscny. Mike Anello lockers on the other side of Carlo.
SA meeting <t>Larry,<br/> <br/> My son Brian and I are going to the game. I forgot who else said they werre going. Pretty sure Terry should be there cuase it's not far from his home.<br/> <br/> As a matter of fact they are suppose to be sending out the tickets this week.</t>