That's true... But the truth is that he spends a lot of time studying and following sports...plays fantasy football and baseball and knows all the players... While is Dad just shoots his opinionated mouth off. :shock:
The trophy shop informed me that the three trophies left the shop yesterday. I should be receiving an e-mail soon with tracking info to each of the two deserving recipients and my wife. :shock: I will pass that info along when I get it.
For many years, I've used an ice breaker when walking into a room of several guys I know well by saying, Good morning, gentlemen. Good morning, Terry. It never fails to get a laugh. I hope Cindy sees humor in Tom's comment. If not................
Let's say you are sitting around a table with 4 or 5 other guys. I walk into the room. I say, Good morning, gentlemen. Then I look at you and say, Good morning, Terry, implying that you are not a gentleman. If you would see it in person, you would get it. They always do. I first saw a guy do it many years ago and thought it was funny. I started doing it and because it always gets a laugh and breaks the ice, I just kept doing it in the appropriate situations over the years. You can't do it with people you don't know. The reason I connected that with Tom's statement is the similarity of referring to two non-family winners as "deserving" and then Cindy, implying.....well, you get the picture.
OK I get it now, I was confused because I'm never at any of your gatherings and I know you don't have another friend named Terry!! But it understand now! thanks
I received a message from the trophy shop yesterday. I was expecting the tracking numbers for the individual trophies. What I got was no tracking number at all and information that makes me believe that all three trophies were possibly sent to my address. If they do come to my address, I will forward them out as soon as I get them. Mike and Bill: Let me know when you receive yours.