Ok the lefty is on, we will use this ball and this towel This bag to carry the ball Bowl at these pins Looks like a good place to bowl And the team captain
A lot of truth to that Terry. We have five people to a team in our league so on a bowling night that makes 10 people on a pair of lanes each night for 3 games. The way the lanes are treated these days the oil carries down the lane from all the people throwing essentially the same line so the conditions change. Usually a lefty will have only the balls he throws to make the lane change so his/her condition will stay more consistent. I don't ever get to bowl that condition so I don't know just how good it will be. I do know that I have to keep adjusting all night long for the change in the lane condition. Gipper, no not alligator shoes more likely made out of Bulldog hide.
I think the tail gives you an unfair counter-balance advantage over the competition. Once again, the win at all cost SEC And in case anyone missed the little winkie face, I am kidding.
Bill, I would think that you'd want to have the names and logos of your SEC opponents on the pins to encourage you to knock them all down every time. :lol:
While taking far to much time looking for this bowling stuff I ran across this touching picture and a blog to go with it. Dad Patents Device For Kids In Wheelchairs To Bowl