One of the Georgia "three" was John Giagrande. At one point in the mid-90's his "B" ID (his wife) was posting on the Prodigy sex talk boards about how she liked to drop him off at the airport for business trips and then go check into a hotel and have sex with strangers. John was absolutely irate, claiming someone figured out the ID's password and was posing as his wife. Good times.
ohhh sheet. i forgot about that. yeah I don't mind TB coming back, I can always use the batting practice and Dave only throws fast balls Seriously, TB.. I know you're out there.. suck it up and come back. Who is going to celebrate Georgia JAX dance with me this year?
I had forgotten that as well but I do remember something like that happening. BDR, either you are younger than I thought or simply have not killed as many brain cells as I have. That is one heck of a memory! :wink:
I go out of town for a couple of days (I'm on the Oregon coast) and I get blamed for all sorts of stuff. BTW Rick how'd you get that guy's password?
:? corey and I are working on joco he is a very stubborn man.. it you want write hime his e-mail hasnt changed or you can find him on nd nation