You, Bill are in the Eastern Time Zone and have your profile set as such. I think Corey still lives in the Central time zone. My profile is set to central and shows that Corey posted at 6 minutes before midnight! :twisted:
:lol: Well I tried to post this morning but it didnt take.. so I'll try again: At least Corey got to you before and I am a day late. I just hope all had a safe and joyous Holiday no matter which one you celebrate . I hope all have a IRISH New year ..... I hope that the new year will bring you love,joy and lots of laughter (but around these friends who can help but not laugh). Santa brought me a great digital camera as soon as I figure it out I'll send some pictures of the El Joco celebrating the holidays . or at least by the time we come back to South Bend, of all my extended family. So to you my dear friends I raise a toast thanking all you for includingJoco myself Corey and all my children who read these posts and being such great friends you are all a true blessing ... yes even those who are not Doomers .....God Bless you all ..... Hugs and Kisses....D
With only 750ml in any given bottle you'd better figure that camera out pretty quick or head for the nearest liquor store. :wink: I spent Christmas weekend solo. A sick animal, heavy work and stripping/priming the trim around new windows in the front of the house before what passes for the "rainy season" in SoCal arrives meant that I stayed home while Kim flew to the Bay Area. The cats and I spent the time eating too much (including the leftover Halloween candy, which I finally found), watching sports and good movies (like Tora! Tora! Tora! and Patton) and sleeping late. Tomorrow I pick up Kim, signifying a return to normalcy. I hope every Skyboxer had a great Christmas and gave or received at least one present that was really, really wanted.