No. Left him at home in the cold and went to Fla. Got all my kids and grandkids here. I couldn't watch it with him. One of us would die. And he's my best friend.
This evening is the annual plunge by students into Mirror Lake on campus. Pretty chilly evening with temperatures in the mid 40s! :lol:
Annual M week lake jump.....madness, sheer madness....only words that come to mind <object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
Never made the jump.....I don't remember it being that big a deal in my's relatively recent vintage. My only times in the lake were accidental after stumbling or getting pushed in on our way back home after a long night out. Or, falling in trying to retrieve enough coinage from the fountain to contribute to the purchase of (not necessarily in order of importance): 1) dinner, 2) six pack, 3) pack of smokes, 4) bag of weed! 8)
TOK, Denard has a nerve injury and had been unable to throw the ball. Reports indicate that he has been throwing the ball in practice but that could be a disinformation campaign for Columbus. If he can throw, I suspect both Gardner and he will alternate at QB with Denard playing a wingback position and WR and Garder playing at WR when Denard is taking snaps.
Don, in contrast to every game at Columbus since 2008, I am optimistic... but not confident. M has been playing well and having Gardner and Robinson on offense at the same time provides us abundant ways to attack your defense. But, given that Miller had a bad game against Wisky, my guess is he will rebound against us. He was a one man gang last year in AA and will cause us lots of grief again tomorrow. Plus Urban he is a big game coach and there is, by far, no tougher road visit for Michigan than our visit to our good friends in Columbus.
Cautiously optimistic....alot of progress on the defensive side of the ball especially the LB and back end. Concerned that Wisky may have provided M a blueprint to contain our young QB, but hopeful that Urby and staff can work with the offense and exploit the vulnerabilities of the scheme....our WR will have to take their game to another level and Miller will be forced to make better decisions. Certain that Hoke and team have a host of surprises in store with two dynamic playmakers in the game at the same time, just hope they are few and non-lethal and our kids are prepared. Feel sure given the circumstances that the kids and crowd will be very emotional and provide a big advantage....not the way these seniors wanted to go out, but there is only one game left and it is one they have been pointing towards....expect a great effort from both sides.
What is all this Kumbaya love-thy-neighbor crap?!?!?! Where's the hate?! Where's the vitriol? Where's the questioning of your rival's sexual orientation?! "Kill 'em all, let God sort them out!"